14% have Faith in Obamanomics

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Our fearless leader is on vacation..?


Just 14% of Likely U.S. Voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, August 21.

The latest finding shows little change from last week and a month ago, but is down 15 points from a year ago. Since the third week in July, the number of voters who are confident in the nation’s current course has resembled levels measured in the final months of the Bush administration.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™
ther is no such thing. No new economic strategy has been introduced, we are still runnining on Bushonomics.
that is why the numbers resemble those in the last part of the Bush admin.
ther is no such thing. No new economic strategy has been introduced, we are still runnining on Bushonomics.
that is why the numbers resemble those in the last part of the Bush admin.

Right, but Obama is president and he had the House/Senate... So while Obama might be Bush III, Obama owns the economy, the wars and the budget... just like Bush did.
ther is no such thing. No new economic strategy has been introduced, we are still runnining on Bushonomics.
that is why the numbers resemble those in the last part of the Bush admin.

Is that the excuse....it's bush's fault. Original. :clap2:
And the Pubs in congress are are at 10%...great job, obstructionist Pubs and fear mongering Pub propaganda machine. Just stfu and we'll be fine. The debt ceiling thing was brilliant! What next to fuq the world?
ther is no such thing. No new economic strategy has been introduced, we are still runnining on Bushonomics.
that is why the numbers resemble those in the last part of the Bush admin.

Right, but Obama is president and he had the House/Senate... So while Obama might be Bush III, Obama owns the economy, the wars and the budget... just like Bush did.

No, it isn't Obama's fault at all. He may well be Bush III, but if it weren't for the Arab Spring and the Japanese Earth quake all that legislation that Obama signed would have done 1/10th of what he said it would have...

President Obama has just had a run of bad luck, all he needs is another four years.

BTY Reagan never had a Republican Congress and still the left bemoans Reaganomics :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
ther is no such thing. No new economic strategy has been introduced, we are still runnining on Bushonomics.
that is why the numbers resemble those in the last part of the Bush admin.

You're incorrect--even prominent democrats have declared that this is the most anti-business administration since Buchannon. That's Obamanomics--

Obama is out there continually threatening to raise taxes--which scares the crap out of business in this country.

A good example--the 250K crowd which encompasses millions of small mom and pop shops in this country. For 3-1/2 years he has threatened them with a 39% federal tax bracket-this is the exact same tax rate that large multi-billion dollar corporations pay.-if you add in state and local taxes you are threatening the hardest working--most innovative people in this county to pay .50 cents on every dollar they earn.

In return--business in this country has tucked in like a turtle are waiting for the threat to leave.

This is Obama's economic policy.

In fact here is Steve Wynn's comment--a DEMOCRAT and one who voted for OBAMA--of Wynn's resort and casino in Las Vegas.

“I’m saying it bluntly, that this administration is the greatest wet blanket to business, progress and job creation in my lifetime. A lot of people don’t want to say that. They’ll say, ‘Oh God, don’t be attacking Obama.’ Well, this is Obama’s deal, and it’s Obama that’s responsible for this fear in America.”

“The guy [Obama] keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe ‘we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest or hold too much money.’ We haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists.”

“Business is being hammered. The business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the president of the United States. Until he’s gone, everybody’s going to be sitting on their thumbs.”



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Btw, it's 14% think the country is on the right track, and more blame the Pub congress now, as we should- pure paralysis since 1/2010...

There was never a JOBS "recovery". Yes Wall Street stocks recovered a bit--because after laying off employees corporations showed more profit and less expenses. But ALL gains have been wiped out--because most are expecting a double-dip recession.

You have elected an ECONOMIC MORON. One who thought he could borrow and spend 1 trillion dollars on road and bridge work. When we actually needed roads and bridges in the 1930's--and what took thousands of men with shovels in the 30's can now be done with a couple of heavy equipment operators. What permits were done overnight in the 1930's now takes YEARS of engineering and design. And what this MORON really didn't get--is that most of the work force in the 30's were men--and today 1/2 of the work force are women who typically don't do road and bridge work.

$food stamp President.jpg
When Obama came in, we were losing 800k jobs a month. After 3 months, NOT!! We've gained jobs since O+6, but pub obstruction since 1/2010 and fear mongering and hate FOREVER are what we have now. Great job!! Now pass the job plan and stfu or you WILL be rewarded...dismal greedy A-holes and silly hater dupes...tyvm
Well, might as well ask the question: Do you believe the country's economy is headed in the right direction? And why?

I say no, unemployment still sucks and we are barely above entering another recession. Our leadership in gov't is not coordinated and cooperating, regardless of who you blame for it.
You appear to have the Rush/Fox BS view of the stimulus. Actually about 150 billion was road construction. I guess YOU're the moron, dupe. LOL!


There was roughly $50 billion for 'transportation related' projects, not $150 billion.

Stimulus Funding for Highways Runs Into Potholes - WSJ.com
But most of the roughly $30 billion currently allocated in the stimulus bill for highways is going to fix roads that already exist.

Illinois leads in stimulus highway funds
The $6.5 billion for these 2,081 projects is part of $48.1 billion that the stimulus package has set aside for transportation projects.

And look at that! NONE of my sources were FOX!
When Obama came in, we were losing 800k jobs a month. After 3 months, NOT!! We've gained jobs since O+6, but pub obstruction since 1/2010 and fear mongering and hate FOREVER are what we have now. Great job!! Now pass the job plan and stfu or you WILL be rewarded...dismal greedy A-holes and silly hater dupes...tyvm

I figure the Democrats have owned the purse strings since 2006, Obama has accelerated the fall of yet another liberal experiment.. When the Democrat took over Congress in 2006 unemployment was 5.6 as I recall and they had promised to.. FIX IT...

fear mongering and hate...or rather reality and free speech...:eusa_whistle:
When Obama came in, we were losing 800k jobs a month. After 3 months, NOT!! We've gained jobs since O+6, but pub obstruction since 1/2010 and fear mongering and hate FOREVER are what we have now. Great job!! Now pass the job plan and stfu or you WILL be rewarded...dismal greedy A-holes and silly hater dupes...tyvm

Obama's performance on job creation is a joke. Since he took office the US has lost over 3,000,000 jobs. You want everyone to "stfu" and pass whatever Obama wants? Why would any rational person do that? Our President doesn't have a clue what he's doing as far as the economy is concerned. Did you happen to catch the latest CBO projections on joblessness and the deficit that came out today? Dude, we are going down like the freakin' Hindenberg!
The president has veto power over any legislation, including appropriations. IMHO, it's a fairly even responsibility between Congress and the POTUS to support and regulate the economy.

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