I live close to the earth Aba, closer to nature, so yes there is great fear


lol, sure MM, the elites along with hollyweird will have their CC fashion statement

none of them need care, because they don't have to

OTOH, you. I, and every other bag 'o donuts jamoke are already living a CC reality

Climate change is an attempt to punish successful countries and reward poor ones for being 3rd World shitholes.

That's the goal behind it. Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam.
The wealthy countries emit far more greenhouse gases you fucking moron.

Developing countries need to modernize & build electric generation plants. etc. it only makes sense to help them by assuring cleaner plants.
Aka. wealth redistribution.
The Have-Nots Have Been Had by the Haves

The national wealth will be decreased, but those born at the top will keep all they have. Their main pleasure in this is that it will widen the gap between them and the rest of us. Look at how little wealth was created before the Technological Revolution
started in 1775 with Watt's steam engine. Yet the Plutocratic nobility then lived even more luxuriously than they do today.

Everything is the opposite of what we are told to think it is. Greenie Warmies are richkids out to impoverish the rest of us. Their class has no right to exist.
I have been amassing great wealth since I had been over in Saudi Arabia in 1991 and was making $70,000 tax free. I learned all the tricks that the liberal elites use to avoid paying taxes through the legal loopholes those liberals created. My kids and grandkids have or are going to have stock portfolios, that make them uber amounts of dividends(taxed at 5%) plus their income from working of course, but their job selections wont be minimum wage pukes like most liberals or college kids, but the CHOICE they want. Shame too many uninformed people dont realize how easy it is to take money, and make even more money from it.....

Hits a Weak Grounder, Gets to 3d on 2 Errors, Thinks He Hit a Triple

A self-made man self-destructs. Though incapable of admitting it, he knows how he had to cripple himself to climb the rulers' twisted ladder of thorns. His true self-knowledge is proved by the fact that he wants to protect his sons from ever having to make it on their own, instead of telling them to do what he did. He only preaches that to others, never to his heirs.

This also proves that the late Bushit's WWII combat experience was not for patriotic reasons, else he would have disowned Junior for wanting to weasel out of fighting the Communists. Like JFK and his brother Joe, Daddy Bush was told that the American people would never elect a richkid if he had used Daddy's influence to get a cushy war job stateside. When that public attitude changed, America became unexceptional—in fact, terminal. All three of those fake patriots were merely bored spoiled pukes looking for a thrill, which also defines Osama bin Laden.

I blame the self-described "Greatest Generation." At the same time their sons were dying taking the place of richkids and the other unpatriotic sissies who ran away to college to avoid the draft, they would have been outraged if their team's #1 Draft Pick was taken in the manly draft and sent to Vietnam.

Real Americans far outnumber the HeirHeads and can crush them like grapes. Time to quit whining and start making wine: crunch, crunch, squish, squish. If the Last-Chance Millennials continue to put up with birth privileges, they might as well be dead.
Trump can cut their funding, and should. Globalist fucking assholes! Fuck them!

Tell them all future research has to be done Pro Bono and see how committed they are.

Fuckers'll be working for Mosaic and Exxon the next week. IF they're even qualified.

Climate Science Special Report:
So what is it about more pollution that gives you a chubby?

CO2 is not pollution
Industrialism Would Have Prevented All Previous Plagues, Which Only Thrive in "Clean" Air

"Pollution" is not pollution. It is merely byproducts, which can reach harmful levels, harmless levels, and (they won't let you believe this) even helpful levels. Using terms that are automatically pejorative is a trick of totalitarianism.
Get a fucking education.
Not gonna happen, Dave. if there's one thing Trumpanzees despise, it's education.
Adult Kindergarten

Intelligence is far more valuable than sucking your thumb in college, working without being paid for schoolwork, and living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up. In a man's country, your childish and slavish kind of education would be replaced by highly paid professional training.
Get a fucking education.
Not gonna happen, Dave. if there's one thing Trumpanzees despise, it's education.
TRUMPANZEES What a fabulous term. I’m using it from now on. It would be funny if I didn’t know these fools are armed to the teeth. When their would be dictator is finally knocked off his perch , they’re very likelty likely to go bezerk berserk in frustration at having their mindless aggenda agenda stopped in its tracks. That is , if President Toadstool doesn’t press the red button out of his own frustration at discovering the Executive Branch isn’t a form of ‘reality’ "reality" television.

Now that I think about this again
, I realise realize using a term like such asTRUMPANZEES is an insult to chimps.

Generations of Campus Commie Scum Finally Go Berserkely

Who despises true education? College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded. In reality, as proved by your Diploma Dumbo grammar, all that class-biased indentured-servitude "education" means is attendance at lecture halls, cramming for exams, and quickly forgetting all that was "learned," while still getting "credit" for it all.

I agree that deposing Trump will cause a violent revolution against Liberals and #NeverTrump Conservatives. Fear is what makes the Left Wing of the ruling vulture so extreme and frenzied in it hatred of him; they also know that their united HeirHead class's time is up; richkids hate and fear all other White people, so they are not being paranoiac in anticipating their doom.
Trump has dismissed his administration's warnings about the impact of climate change, including a recent government forecast that it could lead to economic losses of hundreds of billions of dollars a year by the end of the century.

"There is no sign that President Trump is interested in input from anybody on the scientific facts around climate change," said Holdren, now a professor of environmental policy at Harvard. "And his uninformed rejection of those facts — reflected in his administration's misguided policies on coal, offshore drilling, automotive fuel economy, clean-energy R&D, the Paris Agreement, and assistance to developing countries on climate-change mitigation and adaptation — is doing immense damage to the prospects for averting a wholly unmanageable degree of global climate change."
Again.....nobody is caring. Where is there any evidence that voters care about climate change. If 113 federal agencies concurred, people still would give a wit....doy....

Now....if this January, central Alaska goes on a 3 week run of 75 degrees and we see vids of babes in bikinis waterskiing on a lake, the landscape changes. But until then, nobody cares.:flirtysmile4::flirtysmile4:

Keep bowing in front of your banners s0ns.....we're all real proud of ya!!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
I'm not in any way , shape or form reading 32 pages, but if Al Gore truly believed in his man made climate change BS he wouldn't be flying between his mansion that burns more electricity than the rest of the town it is in combined and his next paid gig in a private airplane.

Those are just facts.

Now, if Al Gore doesn't truly believe in man made climate change, why should I?

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