101-st Airborne threatens Armageddon


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A 'great job' of two NWO morons, Biden and Putin.
We coming continuously closer to WWIII

It's amazingly how peoples worldwide ignore the simply possibility they're probably die within few time.
I don't talk about EU and Zelensky, both of them are flunkies and ass-kissers of Biden, they decide nothing

I just want to say only imbecile idiots can believe Screaming Eagles can scary Putin and distract him to put the red button.

The Biden & Putin war became meanwhile the Dance of Death among among throngs of brainwashed jabbed imbeciles


In the stupid war there are no winners, all of us became looser!

Joe Biden has his Screaming Eagles troupe throwing shapes from across the Romanian border to protect Hunter Biden’s bio labs. It too will not end well. For America.

Though Biden’s deployment of 4,500 stormtroopers, over a quarter of the total strength of the 101st Airborne Division, onto Russia’s doorstep is a statement of intent that will elicit the appropriate answer, America’s organized crime families best be careful with what they wish for, as their Screaming Eagles will not be the first set of marauding gangsters to come unstuck in Russia. Napoleon’s Imperial Guard and Hitler’s 1st SS Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 2nd SS Das Reich, 12th SS Hitlerjugend and 5th SS Wiking, the pride of their respective armies, all got mauled there long before Hunter Biden ever saw a crack cocaine pipe.

Biden would reply that the 101st Airborne, the Screaming Eagles as these clowns like to call themselves, are the best of the best, the crème de la crème, the tip of the spear. But so too were the Hitler Youth reinforcements Guy Sayer’s The Forgotten Soldier recounts. Crème de la crème those brave Bavarians, who could withstand a sucker punch on the jaw. Which was not very useful as they were crushed to death by T34 tanks on their first day of combat.

Hollywood’s finest say that will not happen to them, that Band of Brothers, Hamburger Hill and Saving Private Ryan show their mettle. Band of Brothers where they slaughtered German POWs, shaved the heads of French women and robbed all around them. Saving Private Ryan, where Matt Damon of the 101st had obviously done no basic training and Hamburger Hill where they slaughtered innocent Vietnamese in a war that Vietnam won. Gotcha!

Russia will be an even tougher nut to crack than Vietnam, which ended up cracking the mighty Screaming Eagles and shipping them home in body bags. Should the 101st deploy into Ukraine and thereby directly threaten Russian civilians, Russian soldiers or Russian ordinance, then there is nothing this side of hell stopping the Russian Armed Forces treating the 101st Airborne like those T34 tanks treated the unfortunate Hitler Youth tough guys who got in their way. If the Screaming Eagles insist on flying as a Wagnerian flock into the next world, the missiles of Russia’s army, navy and air force will blacken the skies above them and, if those American lemmings and their relatives think their deaths are worth it to give Hunter Biden’s crew a bump in the November midterm elections, so be it. Cry havoc and release the dogs of war, after you put your crack pipe down.

If the Western world has gone mad, cold Russian steel will make it see sense. The U.S. thinks it can deploy flocks of marines or paratroopers as trip wires here, there and everywhere as statements that death awaits those who step over their arbitrary boundary lines. That leaves Generals Armageddon and Shoigu with a simple choice. They can submit, play by America’s rules, kowtow and maybe emigrate to New York to work as baristas. That is one choice.

The other choice is to do the jobs they are paid to do and what all of Russia and the Free World want them to do. That is to complete the mission they have been set, to liberate those areas of Russia currently under Ukrainian occupation, to snuff out the Nazi menace and to send the CIA’s Romanian President and all of the West a blunt and unequivocal message that even the Pentagon and Zelensky can understand, no matter how much powder is up their noses.

It is here very important to divorce the good Romanian people from Klaus Johannis, their CIA imposed President, who hails from Romania’s miniscule German minority and whose rise to power was as undeserved as was that of Clown Prince Zelensky, his Ukrainian equivalent. Even though this American inspired puppet president is not a member of Romania’s governing cabinet and hails from the self styled Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, which commands less that 1% of the vote, Johannis forced the resignation of Defense Minister Vasile Dinctu for saying that the Russo Ukrainian war must end, as all wars end, with negotiation. Dinctu shows that there is still hope, that not every last European politician is a CIA puppet, there to do Uncle Sam ‘s bidding for thirty pieces of silver and a bag of Colombian coke.

Biden is doing his damnedest to get his Ukrainian Nazi stooges to unleash a dirty bomb or to blow the dams as an excuse to send his killers in. But it will not matter a whit as General Armageddon’s forces have called Biden’s bluff. Ukraine is today’s Stalingrad where Romania and its allies met their Waterloo as the tide turned against them, as it must now turn against NATO. The U.S. has laid waste to Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Libya, Somalia and, yet again, Haiti. Russia and all her allies must ensure that Ukraine is, for the American war machine, the end of that bloody process. No more Abu Ghraibs. No more Mai Lais. No more gain of function bio labs in Ukraine or Boston. No more American terrorism. No more American war crimes.

Though those are simple demands even a NATO buffoon or a Romanian President could understand, they can only be achieved by yet more Russians sacrificing their lives, as their forebears did against not only the tip of the spear but the entire avalanche of spears Hitler and Napoleon sent their way. Though this needless war is a terrible tragedy for all serving Russian soldiers and their friends and families they do, at least, have this one major consolation.

Beyond this token deployment of 4,500 Screaming Eagles, there lies nothing. Johannis wants to transform Romania, like parts of the Philippines and Thailand before it, into a knocking shop for Screaming Eagles who are overpaid, over sexed and over here. Germans have chosen to freeze in the dark as they destroy their economy and, as the British can’t even choose a leader, they have had the World Economic Forum’s Rishi Sunak, a billionaire, imposed on them. If the tip of the spear wants that lot to form the shaft of the spear, they will end up like Napoleon’s finest, abandoned and being clubbed to death by Russian peasants.

Napoleon stupidly invaded Russia to enforce his blockade against England. His forces were destroyed. Hitler stupidly invaded Russia to secure resources and to feed his racist fetishes. His forces were destroyed. Joe Biden has his Screaming Eagles troupe throwing shapes from across the Romanian border to protect Hunter Biden’s bio labs. It too will not end well. For America.

A 'great job' of two NWO morons, Biden and Putin.
We coming continuously closer to WWIII

It's amazingly how peoples worldwide ignore the simply possibility they're probably die within few time.
I don't talk about EU and Zelensky, both of them are flunkies and ass-kissers of Biden, they decide nothing

I just want to say only imbecile idiots can believe Screaming Eagles can scary Putin and distract him to put the red button.

The Biden & Putin war became meanwhile the Dance of Death among among throngs of brainwashed jabbed imbeciles


In the stupid war there are no winners, all of us became looser!

Joe Biden has his Screaming Eagles troupe throwing shapes from across the Romanian border to protect Hunter Biden’s bio labs. It too will not end well. For America.

Though Biden’s deployment of 4,500 stormtroopers, over a quarter of the total strength of the 101st Airborne Division, onto Russia’s doorstep is a statement of intent that will elicit the appropriate answer, America’s organized crime families best be careful with what they wish for, as their Screaming Eagles will not be the first set of marauding gangsters to come unstuck in Russia. Napoleon’s Imperial Guard and Hitler’s 1st SS Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 2nd SS Das Reich, 12th SS Hitlerjugend and 5th SS Wiking, the pride of their respective armies, all got mauled there long before Hunter Biden ever saw a crack cocaine pipe.

Biden would reply that the 101st Airborne, the Screaming Eagles as these clowns like to call themselves, are the best of the best, the crème de la crème, the tip of the spear. But so too were the Hitler Youth reinforcements Guy Sayer’s The Forgotten Soldier recounts. Crème de la crème those brave Bavarians, who could withstand a sucker punch on the jaw. Which was not very useful as they were crushed to death by T34 tanks on their first day of combat.

Hollywood’s finest say that will not happen to them, that Band of Brothers, Hamburger Hill and Saving Private Ryan show their mettle. Band of Brothers where they slaughtered German POWs, shaved the heads of French women and robbed all around them. Saving Private Ryan, where Matt Damon of the 101st had obviously done no basic training and Hamburger Hill where they slaughtered innocent Vietnamese in a war that Vietnam won. Gotcha!

Russia will be an even tougher nut to crack than Vietnam, which ended up cracking the mighty Screaming Eagles and shipping them home in body bags. Should the 101st deploy into Ukraine and thereby directly threaten Russian civilians, Russian soldiers or Russian ordinance, then there is nothing this side of hell stopping the Russian Armed Forces treating the 101st Airborne like those T34 tanks treated the unfortunate Hitler Youth tough guys who got in their way. If the Screaming Eagles insist on flying as a Wagnerian flock into the next world, the missiles of Russia’s army, navy and air force will blacken the skies above them and, if those American lemmings and their relatives think their deaths are worth it to give Hunter Biden’s crew a bump in the November midterm elections, so be it. Cry havoc and release the dogs of war, after you put your crack pipe down.

If the Western world has gone mad, cold Russian steel will make it see sense. The U.S. thinks it can deploy flocks of marines or paratroopers as trip wires here, there and everywhere as statements that death awaits those who step over their arbitrary boundary lines. That leaves Generals Armageddon and Shoigu with a simple choice. They can submit, play by America’s rules, kowtow and maybe emigrate to New York to work as baristas. That is one choice.

The other choice is to do the jobs they are paid to do and what all of Russia and the Free World want them to do. That is to complete the mission they have been set, to liberate those areas of Russia currently under Ukrainian occupation, to snuff out the Nazi menace and to send the CIA’s Romanian President and all of the West a blunt and unequivocal message that even the Pentagon and Zelensky can understand, no matter how much powder is up their noses.

It is here very important to divorce the good Romanian people from Klaus Johannis, their CIA imposed President, who hails from Romania’s miniscule German minority and whose rise to power was as undeserved as was that of Clown Prince Zelensky, his Ukrainian equivalent. Even though this American inspired puppet president is not a member of Romania’s governing cabinet and hails from the self styled Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, which commands less that 1% of the vote, Johannis forced the resignation of Defense Minister Vasile Dinctu for saying that the Russo Ukrainian war must end, as all wars end, with negotiation. Dinctu shows that there is still hope, that not every last European politician is a CIA puppet, there to do Uncle Sam ‘s bidding for thirty pieces of silver and a bag of Colombian coke.

Biden is doing his damnedest to get his Ukrainian Nazi stooges to unleash a dirty bomb or to blow the dams as an excuse to send his killers in. But it will not matter a whit as General Armageddon’s forces have called Biden’s bluff. Ukraine is today’s Stalingrad where Romania and its allies met their Waterloo as the tide turned against them, as it must now turn against NATO. The U.S. has laid waste to Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Libya, Somalia and, yet again, Haiti. Russia and all her allies must ensure that Ukraine is, for the American war machine, the end of that bloody process. No more Abu Ghraibs. No more Mai Lais. No more gain of function bio labs in Ukraine or Boston. No more American terrorism. No more American war crimes.

Though those are simple demands even a NATO buffoon or a Romanian President could understand, they can only be achieved by yet more Russians sacrificing their lives, as their forebears did against not only the tip of the spear but the entire avalanche of spears Hitler and Napoleon sent their way. Though this needless war is a terrible tragedy for all serving Russian soldiers and their friends and families they do, at least, have this one major consolation.

Beyond this token deployment of 4,500 Screaming Eagles, there lies nothing. Johannis wants to transform Romania, like parts of the Philippines and Thailand before it, into a knocking shop for Screaming Eagles who are overpaid, over sexed and over here. Germans have chosen to freeze in the dark as they destroy their economy and, as the British can’t even choose a leader, they have had the World Economic Forum’s Rishi Sunak, a billionaire, imposed on them. If the tip of the spear wants that lot to form the shaft of the spear, they will end up like Napoleon’s finest, abandoned and being clubbed to death by Russian peasants.

Napoleon stupidly invaded Russia to enforce his blockade against England. His forces were destroyed. Hitler stupidly invaded Russia to secure resources and to feed his racist fetishes. His forces were destroyed. Joe Biden has his Screaming Eagles troupe throwing shapes from across the Romanian border to protect Hunter Biden’s bio labs. It too will not end well. For America.

Buddy if you fuck with the 101st Airborne, you ain't got nothing but death coming your way.

That's a fact.
A 'great job' of two NWO morons, Biden and Putin.
We coming continuously closer to WWIII

It's amazingly how peoples worldwide ignore the simply possibility they're probably die within few time.
I don't talk about EU and Zelensky, both of them are flunkies and ass-kissers of Biden, they decide nothing

I just want to say only imbecile idiots can believe Screaming Eagles can scary Putin and distract him to put the red button.

The Biden & Putin war became meanwhile the Dance of Death among among throngs of brainwashed jabbed imbeciles


In the stupid war there are no winners, all of us became looser!

Joe Biden has his Screaming Eagles troupe throwing shapes from across the Romanian border to protect Hunter Biden’s bio labs. It too will not end well. For America.

Though Biden’s deployment of 4,500 stormtroopers, over a quarter of the total strength of the 101st Airborne Division, onto Russia’s doorstep is a statement of intent that will elicit the appropriate answer, America’s organized crime families best be careful with what they wish for, as their Screaming Eagles will not be the first set of marauding gangsters to come unstuck in Russia. Napoleon’s Imperial Guard and Hitler’s 1st SS Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, 2nd SS Das Reich, 12th SS Hitlerjugend and 5th SS Wiking, the pride of their respective armies, all got mauled there long before Hunter Biden ever saw a crack cocaine pipe.

Biden would reply that the 101st Airborne, the Screaming Eagles as these clowns like to call themselves, are the best of the best, the crème de la crème, the tip of the spear. But so too were the Hitler Youth reinforcements Guy Sayer’s The Forgotten Soldier recounts. Crème de la crème those brave Bavarians, who could withstand a sucker punch on the jaw. Which was not very useful as they were crushed to death by T34 tanks on their first day of combat.

Hollywood’s finest say that will not happen to them, that Band of Brothers, Hamburger Hill and Saving Private Ryan show their mettle. Band of Brothers where they slaughtered German POWs, shaved the heads of French women and robbed all around them. Saving Private Ryan, where Matt Damon of the 101st had obviously done no basic training and Hamburger Hill where they slaughtered innocent Vietnamese in a war that Vietnam won. Gotcha!

Russia will be an even tougher nut to crack than Vietnam, which ended up cracking the mighty Screaming Eagles and shipping them home in body bags. Should the 101st deploy into Ukraine and thereby directly threaten Russian civilians, Russian soldiers or Russian ordinance, then there is nothing this side of hell stopping the Russian Armed Forces treating the 101st Airborne like those T34 tanks treated the unfortunate Hitler Youth tough guys who got in their way. If the Screaming Eagles insist on flying as a Wagnerian flock into the next world, the missiles of Russia’s army, navy and air force will blacken the skies above them and, if those American lemmings and their relatives think their deaths are worth it to give Hunter Biden’s crew a bump in the November midterm elections, so be it. Cry havoc and release the dogs of war, after you put your crack pipe down.

If the Western world has gone mad, cold Russian steel will make it see sense. The U.S. thinks it can deploy flocks of marines or paratroopers as trip wires here, there and everywhere as statements that death awaits those who step over their arbitrary boundary lines. That leaves Generals Armageddon and Shoigu with a simple choice. They can submit, play by America’s rules, kowtow and maybe emigrate to New York to work as baristas. That is one choice.

The other choice is to do the jobs they are paid to do and what all of Russia and the Free World want them to do. That is to complete the mission they have been set, to liberate those areas of Russia currently under Ukrainian occupation, to snuff out the Nazi menace and to send the CIA’s Romanian President and all of the West a blunt and unequivocal message that even the Pentagon and Zelensky can understand, no matter how much powder is up their noses.

It is here very important to divorce the good Romanian people from Klaus Johannis, their CIA imposed President, who hails from Romania’s miniscule German minority and whose rise to power was as undeserved as was that of Clown Prince Zelensky, his Ukrainian equivalent. Even though this American inspired puppet president is not a member of Romania’s governing cabinet and hails from the self styled Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, which commands less that 1% of the vote, Johannis forced the resignation of Defense Minister Vasile Dinctu for saying that the Russo Ukrainian war must end, as all wars end, with negotiation. Dinctu shows that there is still hope, that not every last European politician is a CIA puppet, there to do Uncle Sam ‘s bidding for thirty pieces of silver and a bag of Colombian coke.

Biden is doing his damnedest to get his Ukrainian Nazi stooges to unleash a dirty bomb or to blow the dams as an excuse to send his killers in. But it will not matter a whit as General Armageddon’s forces have called Biden’s bluff. Ukraine is today’s Stalingrad where Romania and its allies met their Waterloo as the tide turned against them, as it must now turn against NATO. The U.S. has laid waste to Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Libya, Somalia and, yet again, Haiti. Russia and all her allies must ensure that Ukraine is, for the American war machine, the end of that bloody process. No more Abu Ghraibs. No more Mai Lais. No more gain of function bio labs in Ukraine or Boston. No more American terrorism. No more American war crimes.

Though those are simple demands even a NATO buffoon or a Romanian President could understand, they can only be achieved by yet more Russians sacrificing their lives, as their forebears did against not only the tip of the spear but the entire avalanche of spears Hitler and Napoleon sent their way. Though this needless war is a terrible tragedy for all serving Russian soldiers and their friends and families they do, at least, have this one major consolation.

Beyond this token deployment of 4,500 Screaming Eagles, there lies nothing. Johannis wants to transform Romania, like parts of the Philippines and Thailand before it, into a knocking shop for Screaming Eagles who are overpaid, over sexed and over here. Germans have chosen to freeze in the dark as they destroy their economy and, as the British can’t even choose a leader, they have had the World Economic Forum’s Rishi Sunak, a billionaire, imposed on them. If the tip of the spear wants that lot to form the shaft of the spear, they will end up like Napoleon’s finest, abandoned and being clubbed to death by Russian peasants.

Napoleon stupidly invaded Russia to enforce his blockade against England. His forces were destroyed. Hitler stupidly invaded Russia to secure resources and to feed his racist fetishes. His forces were destroyed. Joe Biden has his Screaming Eagles troupe throwing shapes from across the Romanian border to protect Hunter Biden’s bio labs. It too will not end well. For America.

So if I get the gist, you are opposed to war it it risks your interests?
So if I get the gist, you are opposed to war it it risks your interests?

I guess we're all in the same situation now.
Neither you nor myself nor someone else from 99,999999% of humans are invited to bunkers of Biden, Putin, Macron, Zelensky or Schwab.
This war threat to be the last in the mankind history
Any day we're coming closer to nuclear Armageddon
Can you survive the nuclear winter?
Battle-hardened and highly trained soldiers. Trained killers. Do not mess. They carved out Bagram by force after the Taliban
sent the Russkies home with tails between their legs.

You're crazy
Russians will not go home, they will bomb your 'trained killers', if necessary by nukes.
The same will do USA and NATO and we all cease out to exist.

No one will surrender and stop the escalation
You're crazy
Russians will not go home, they will bomb your 'trained killers', if necessary by nukes.
The same will do USA and NATO and we all cease out to exist.

No one will surrender and stop the escalation
Another fucking faux Nostradamus get outta here.
Buddy if you fuck with the 101st Airborne, you ain't got nothing but death coming your way.

That's a fact.
Except for the fact that nowadays Commander in Chief Potatohead's military is made up of queers, transsexual, affirmative action Negros and women and White Patriotic men are not allowed.
Except for the fact that nowadays Commander in Chief Potatohead's military is made up of queers, transsexual, affirmative action Negros and women and White Patriotic men are not allowed.
Not in the 101st Airborne, brah. :nono:
Another fucking faux Nostradamus get outta here.

The war in Ukraine was predicted many years ago, only fools deny it

Russia in the current acute confrontation with the collective West needs to take such non-standard steps that will be able to “break the algorithm” of the enemy, stated political scientist, philosopher, leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan in The Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on Russia 1 TV channel on October 26.

You have to understand, all the talks about modern management methods in America are hogwash. There’s RAND [Corporation] with its ‘grids’. When they see unexpected moves somewhere, they start to replay the whole ‘grid’, to go back to the place where they made the move. And then we will have both time and the opportunity to impose our rules on them,” said the political scientist.

According to the political scientist, Russia needs to “cure the systems’ failures uncovered during the special operation, that can ever be corrected,” without dramatizing and adding what is necessary, which will give us the opportunity to endure.

And you have to understand that they’re not going to stop. They will make all 44 moves if we do not make such major non-standard moves that, pardon the word, they will be stunned,” Kurginyan said.

In the course of the program, Kurginyan stressed that accusations by the West that Russia intends to use a dirty nuclear bomb can only mean one thing: that the West itself will do it.

The political scientist spoke about the concept under which this may be done. According to him, several knowledgeable people – John Edwin Mroz, president and founder of the East-West Institute, American journalist Flora Lewis – have stated in private conversations that the United States will launch a nuclear war in Europe in case of a dangerous rapprochement between Russia and Europe. Specifically – Russia and Germany, because then there will be a powerful competitor to the United States, which has both resources and technology.

Kurginyan stressed that these are “not individual emotional statements“.

The political scientist reminded of the single escalation plan in Europe, which has existed since the 1950s and has been constantly updated. The plan contains 44 escalation steps (moves). According to Kurginyan, what is happening now in Ukraine is the implementation of this plan – 17-18 steps of which have already been carried out in Ukraine. The only thing that can counter this is Russia’s breaking of the enemy’s algorithm, Kurginyan said.

I guess we're all in the same situation now.
Neither you nor myself nor someone else from 99,999999% of humans are invited to bunkers of Biden, Putin, Macron, Zelensky or Schwab.
This war threat to be the last in the mankind history
Any day we're coming closer to nuclear Armageddon
Can you survive the nuclear winter?
I won't need to. I'll be dead in the initial blast. It is what it is. :dunno:
Except for the fact that nowadays Commander in Chief Potatohead's military is made up of queers, transsexual, affirmative action Negros and women and White Patriotic men are not allowed.

All military of any country is evil now and is hardly working on destroying of our planet
The war in Ukraine is a Part of Schwab's Great Reset, just read his f..... book
First CONvid-1984 SCAMdemic, now the war
Biden, Putin, Zelensky and another 'leaders' are his bitches, just open your eyes, fools
As more time goes on Potatohead's stupid destructive wokeness will infiltrate all military units.

You're completely right, wokeness destroys all troops within
But the coming war gonna be nuclear and very short, no time for gay 'sex' and political correctness

All military of any country is evil now and is hardly working on destroying of our planet
The war in Ukraine is a Part of Schwab's Great Reset, just read his f..... book
First CONvid-1984 SCAMdemic, now the war
Biden, Putin, Zelensky and another 'leaders' are his bitches, just open your eyes, fools

In the history of the US there were only three wars that were necessary.

The Revolutionary War to establish the country.

The Civil War to fight against the Yankee invasion but we lost that one.

The Indian Wars to take the land from the Indians for the use of the immigrants

The Gulf War to protect the flow of oil was considered necessary at the time but that was only because the US did not have the courage necessary to be energy independent. That didn't happen until Trump's leadership.

All the rest of the wars were unnecessary, including the stupid one I participated in.

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