10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun Ownership | Addicting Info

  • The Birth Certificate Obsession
  • Transvaginal Ultrasounds
  • Restricting Contraceptives
  • Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
  • Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Attacking The Right To Vote
  • Getting Between Doctors And Patients
  • Papers Please
  • Supporting Torture

Does anyone know of a rw who does not support all these (and more) assaults against our freedom?

some even want to drag the parents of dead children out in the street so they can scream at them for helping Obama fake sandyhook.

westboro crazy is about a crazy as crazy comes
some even want to drag the parents of dead children out in the street so they can scream at them for helping Obama fake sandyhook.

westboro crazy is about a crazy as crazy comes

Or saying the president's children should not have protection against that same craziness.

Remember when rw's thought Westboro baptists were scum? Now, they act just as bad and think its just fine.

The Westboro church is growing by leaps and bounds.
Next time check the dictionary before using big words like "invasive."
10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun Ownership | Addicting Info

  • The Birth Certificate Obsession
  • Transvaginal Ultrasounds
  • Restricting Contraceptives
  • Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
  • Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Attacking The Right To Vote
  • Getting Between Doctors And Patients
  • Papers Please
  • Supporting Torture

Does anyone know of a rw who does not support all these (and more) assaults against our freedom?


1. Birthers are just as bad as troofers
2. I would vote against forcing them, but I dont see it as a consitutional right to not have them if a law is passed
3. Again, I would not vote to ban them, but I do not see a consitutional right to contraceptives.
4. Hell Yes. You gets paid by the government, pee in a cup.
5. I dont oppose it, but I do not see a consitutional right to it.
6. I got no problem with mangers or the flying spaghetti monster in the public square
7. If you are elegible you can vote. Elegibility determined by the states and various amendments
8. Define please. Obamacare does that far more than any Republican plan
9. If you get arrested for something, and you are an illegal, you get deported. If a locality wants to check for it on traffic stops, fine by me.
10. Torture doesnt work. Enhanced interrogation techniques on foriegn non traditonal combatants does. You want Geneva convention protection, form an army and fight in organized units of the field of battle. Hide behind and intentionally target civillians? Enjoy your sleep depravation and waterboarding.
10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun Ownership | Addicting Info

  • The Birth Certificate Obsession
    You don't get to maintain your privacy when you run for president.
  • Transvaginal Ultrasounds
    Only a few wacko Republicans support that
  • Restricting Contraceptives
    Declining to pay for them isn't "restricting" them.
  • Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
    If I have to pee in a cup to get a government job, then why shouldn't someone have to it to get welfare?
  • Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
    How is that "invasive?"
  • Religious Discrimination
    Since when do republicans endorse religious discrimination?
  • Attacking The Right To Vote
    Not on the Republican agenda.
  • Getting Between Doctors And Patients
    Obama is the one getting between doctors and patients.
  • Papers Please
    Illegal aliens have no right to keep their status private.
  • Supporting Torture
    Foreign terrorists are not protected by the Bill of Rights.

Does anyone know of a rw who does not support all these (and more) assaults against our freedom?

You only listed all the standard Democrat lies.
Why don't you show us how much they are growing?

I mean...you have proof don't you?

some even want to drag the parents of dead children out in the street so they can scream at them for helping Obama fake sandyhook.

westboro crazy is about a crazy as crazy comes

Or saying the president's children should not have protection against that same craziness.

Remember when rw's thought Westboro baptists were scum? Now, they act just as bad and think its just fine.

The Westboro church is growing by leaps and bounds.
Why don't you show us how much they are growing?

I mean...you have proof don't you?

some even want to drag the parents of dead children out in the street so they can scream at them for helping Obama fake sandyhook.

westboro crazy is about a crazy as crazy comes

Or saying the president's children should not have protection against that same craziness.

Remember when rw's thought Westboro baptists were scum? Now, they act just as bad and think its just fine.

The Westboro church is growing by leaps and bounds.

The Westboro church is bascially members of the same extended family. The only reason they grow is if the members have kids.

Most RW's still think the westboro people are scum. Find me one that doesnt you fucktard.
You only listed all the standard Democrat lies.
No sense in getting upset!

Here's some o' those.....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGVaEGgSNV8]Republicans Say The Darndest Things (Greatest Modern Hits 2) - YouTube[/ame]​
Last edited:
10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun Ownership | Addicting Info

  • The Birth Certificate Obsession
  • Transvaginal Ultrasounds
  • Restricting Contraceptives
  • Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
  • Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Attacking The Right To Vote
  • Getting Between Doctors And Patients
  • Papers Please
  • Supporting Torture

Does anyone know of a rw who does not support all these (and more) assaults against our freedom?


You continue lying.
10 Things Conservatives Support That Are MORE Invasive Than Background Checks For Gun Ownership | Addicting Info

  • The Birth Certificate Obsession
  • Transvaginal Ultrasounds
  • Restricting Contraceptives
  • Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
  • Opposing Same-Sex Marriage
  • Religious Discrimination
  • Attacking The Right To Vote
  • Getting Between Doctors And Patients
  • Papers Please
  • Supporting Torture

Does anyone know of a rw who does not support all these (and more) assaults against our freedom?


yes i know quite a few......i also know Democrats who oppose same sex marriage.....and are against Illegal Immigration.....i also work with a pretty Liberal Vietnam Vet who see's nothing wrong with torture if it will save lives.....
some even want to drag the parents of dead children out in the street so they can scream at them for helping Obama fake sandyhook.

westboro crazy is about a crazy as crazy comes

Westboro is as Far Right as you and Dudley are Far Left.....see the similarity?....
some even want to drag the parents of dead children out in the street so they can scream at them for helping Obama fake sandyhook.

westboro crazy is about a crazy as crazy comes

Or saying the president's children should not have protection against that same craziness.

Remember when rw's thought Westboro baptists were scum? Now, they act just as bad and think its just fine.

The Westboro church is growing by leaps and bounds.

here i will play your game Dudley.....lets see the link.....

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