10 scandals involving hillary. Of course she is so innocent.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Travelgate Scandal
Whitewater Scandal
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
(oh, I know the left love this one.)
Filegate Scandal
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

Of course we know there is more to the list. I would like to copy and paste the details of each of those scandals that does not include the emails. However, that may offend the delicate sensibilities of some mods here who say I can only copy and paste one 1 third of an article even if there is more that people would like to see.

Hate to copy and paste a "wall of text" and make little left wingers who hate all truthful things be all offended by facts in a "wall of text."

However, for those of you who would like to read the details in each of those scandals that the left believe and brag she is innocent of (keep in mind they still think OJ is innocent cause he was never convicted of the murder) please read it in the link I provide.

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Yes, that will describe in detail each scandal. Give a small example.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

see whitewater timeline
Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

There you go. Those are the details in one of the ten scandals that does not include the email scandal that the obama administration leaked but the left thinks it is all a vast right wing conspiracy.


Sure I hope I did not copy and paste more than 1 third of the facts. Really would not want to offend anyone.
The stats moron focus on what the definition of "scandal" is.

LOL, they are such wastes of shit.


Liberal reaction to that, brilliant question....


Instead of addressing any of the TEN SCANDALS that hillary was and is involved with, he takes out a dictionary.

They deserve zero respect.
Okay, now tell us how many crimes she was charged with IN A COURT OF LAW and how many convictions there have been?

In both cases the correct answer is NONE.

Because the " scandals " were all made up crap from the right wing.

I'm quite sure the Deadbeat Party ( Republicans ) would be very happy to pay anyone who could provide them with proof of ANY crime by ANY of the Clinton family that would hold up in court, 5 million dollars.

But no one has collected or even come close.

Accusations / slanders / smears / lies do not count.

Now the Clintons may be smart, but are you really saying they are smarter than EVERYONE in the Republican party and all the lawyers and investigators who made millions of dollars and their careers investigating the Clintons?


Since you admit and declare they are that smart --- why are you against them?
If they are that smart they must be right which makes you WRONG.


Travelgate Scandal
Whitewater Scandal
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
(oh, I know the left love this one.)
Filegate Scandal
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

Of course we know there is more to the list. I would like to copy and paste the details of each of those scandals that does not include the emails. However, that may offend the delicate sensibilities of some mods here who say I can only copy and paste one 1 third of an article even if there is more that people would like to see.

Hate to copy and paste a "wall of text" and make little left wingers who hate all truthful things be all offended by facts in a "wall of text."

However, for those of you who would like to read the details in each of those scandals that the left believe and brag she is innocent of (keep in mind they still think OJ is innocent cause he was never convicted of the murder) please read it in the link I provide.

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Yes, that will describe in detail each scandal. Give a small example.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

see whitewater timeline
Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

There you go. Those are the details in one of the ten scandals that does not include the email scandal that the obama administration leaked but the left thinks it is all a vast right wing conspiracy.


Sure I hope I did not copy and paste more than 1 third of the facts. Really would not want to offend anyone.
Okay, now tell us how many crimes she was charged with IN A COURT OF LAW and how many convictions there have been?

In both cases the correct answer is NONE.

Because the " scandals " were all made up crap from the right wing.

I'm quite sure the Deadbeat Party ( Republicans ) would be very happy to pay anyone who could provide them with proof of ANY crime by ANY of the Clinton family that would hold up in court, 5 million dollars.

But no one has collected or even come close.

Accusations / slanders / smears / lies do not count.

Now the Clintons may be smart, but are you really saying they are smarter than EVERYONE in the Republican party and all the lawyers and investigators who made millions of dollars and their careers investigating the Clintons?


Since you admit and declare they are that smart --- why are you against them?
If they are that smart they must be right which makes you WRONG.


Travelgate Scandal
Whitewater Scandal
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
(oh, I know the left love this one.)
Filegate Scandal
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

Of course we know there is more to the list. I would like to copy and paste the details of each of those scandals that does not include the emails. However, that may offend the delicate sensibilities of some mods here who say I can only copy and paste one 1 third of an article even if there is more that people would like to see.

Hate to copy and paste a "wall of text" and make little left wingers who hate all truthful things be all offended by facts in a "wall of text."

However, for those of you who would like to read the details in each of those scandals that the left believe and brag she is innocent of (keep in mind they still think OJ is innocent cause he was never convicted of the murder) please read it in the link I provide.

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Yes, that will describe in detail each scandal. Give a small example.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

see whitewater timeline
Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

There you go. Those are the details in one of the ten scandals that does not include the email scandal that the obama administration leaked but the left thinks it is all a vast right wing conspiracy.


Sure I hope I did not copy and paste more than 1 third of the facts. Really would not want to offend anyone.

Look, a fucking moron.
Okay, now tell us how many crimes she was charged with IN A COURT OF LAW and how many convictions there have been?

In both cases the correct answer is NONE.

Because the " scandals " were all made up crap from the right wing.

I'm quite sure the Deadbeat Party ( Republicans ) would be very happy to pay anyone who could provide them with proof of ANY crime by ANY of the Clinton family that would hold up in court, 5 million dollars.

But no one has collected or even come close.

Accusations / slanders / smears / lies do not count.

Now the Clintons may be smart, but are you really saying they are smarter than EVERYONE in the Republican party and all the lawyers and investigators who made millions of dollars and their careers investigating the Clintons?


Since you admit and declare they are that smart --- why are you against them?
If they are that smart they must be right which makes you WRONG.


Travelgate Scandal
Whitewater Scandal
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
(oh, I know the left love this one.)
Filegate Scandal
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

Of course we know there is more to the list. I would like to copy and paste the details of each of those scandals that does not include the emails. However, that may offend the delicate sensibilities of some mods here who say I can only copy and paste one 1 third of an article even if there is more that people would like to see.

Hate to copy and paste a "wall of text" and make little left wingers who hate all truthful things be all offended by facts in a "wall of text."

However, for those of you who would like to read the details in each of those scandals that the left believe and brag she is innocent of (keep in mind they still think OJ is innocent cause he was never convicted of the murder) please read it in the link I provide.

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Yes, that will describe in detail each scandal. Give a small example.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

see whitewater timeline
Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

There you go. Those are the details in one of the ten scandals that does not include the email scandal that the obama administration leaked but the left thinks it is all a vast right wing conspiracy.


Sure I hope I did not copy and paste more than 1 third of the facts. Really would not want to offend anyone.
Once you reach the Whitehouse you enter an exclusive club. Laws don't apply to you the way they do to everyone else, especially if you're a Democrat.
The president has the power to squash investigations.
Without an independent prosecutor, it is literally impossible to bring charges against the president in the current political environment. Democrats won't allow us to do anything as long as we don't have a super-majority.
Yup.......seems like death surrounds the Clintons.....and not a bit of it effects them, or changes their activities.

One would call it a character flaw for a first lady to want to go back to the fishbowl that is the Whitehouse. It was clear that Hillary felt she had to distinguish herself from her husband the moment she became first lady....insisting on being called Hillary "Rodham" Clinton. Most of the scandals had Hillary at the center of them. Bill was the one who got them there, but Hillary felt it would have never happened without her input. Actually, Clinton may never had been president without Ross Perot running as an independent, sucking a good % if the conservative vote away from G.H.W. Bush.

The Clintons have plenty to hide. The way they treated the WhiteHouse staff was horrendous. Many of them may have to be replaced if she wins. Personally, I wouldn't want to hide behind drapes every time Bill or Hill walked down the hallway. Incidentally, it was the same kind of crap when Jimmy Carter was president. For some reason, Southern Democrats feel they are to be treated like royalty. They certainly aren't one of the people.
You really should stop spending so much time looking in mirrors.


Look, a fucking moron.

If stupid were stink, you would be an old mans fart passing through a day old partially digested rotten onion.

You and people who think like you are an utter waste to humanity, let alone this country.

Clearly, you and everyone like you would have been better off being flushed or swallowed.

You want to carry on with insults? I am game you piece of shit.
Problem is that Mrs. Clinton's Dishonesty is not sufficient to mask her Incompetency.

She is an unhealthy old woman who thinks she is Evita Peron, that this is Argentina...and that, like Evita...she is entitled to be president just because her husband was president.

People who think its time for a woman president ought to vote for Carly Fiorina. She looks like the most intelligent and competent one in the field anyway...Democrat or Republican.
Problem is that Mrs. Clinton's Dishonesty is not sufficient to mask her Incompetency.

She is an unhealthy old woman who thinks she is Evita Peron, that this is Argentina...and that, like Evita...she is entitled to be president just because her husband was president.

People who think its time for a woman president ought to vote for Carly Fiorina. She looks like the most intelligent and competent one in the field anyway...Democrat or Republican.

Amen brother. She is actually my favorite candidate. Ooooops, did I use the wrong pronoun?
Ahhh, I see the problem.

Okay, now tell us how many crimes she was charged with IN A COURT OF LAW and how many convictions there have been?

In both cases the correct answer is NONE.

Because the " scandals " were all made up crap from the right wing.

I'm quite sure the Deadbeat Party ( Republicans ) would be very happy to pay anyone who could provide them with proof of ANY crime by ANY of the Clinton family that would hold up in court, 5 million dollars.

But no one has collected or even come close.

Accusations / slanders / smears / lies do not count.

Now the Clintons may be smart, but are you really saying they are smarter than EVERYONE in the Republican party and all the lawyers and investigators who made millions of dollars and their careers investigating the Clintons?


Since you admit and declare they are that smart --- why are you against them?
If they are that smart they must be right which makes you WRONG.


Travelgate Scandal
Whitewater Scandal
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
(oh, I know the left love this one.)
Filegate Scandal
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

Of course we know there is more to the list. I would like to copy and paste the details of each of those scandals that does not include the emails. However, that may offend the delicate sensibilities of some mods here who say I can only copy and paste one 1 third of an article even if there is more that people would like to see.

Hate to copy and paste a "wall of text" and make little left wingers who hate all truthful things be all offended by facts in a "wall of text."

However, for those of you who would like to read the details in each of those scandals that the left believe and brag she is innocent of (keep in mind they still think OJ is innocent cause he was never convicted of the murder) please read it in the link I provide.

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Yes, that will describe in detail each scandal. Give a small example.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

see whitewater timeline
Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

There you go. Those are the details in one of the ten scandals that does not include the email scandal that the obama administration leaked but the left thinks it is all a vast right wing conspiracy.


Sure I hope I did not copy and paste more than 1 third of the facts. Really would not want to offend anyone.
Once you reach the Whitehouse you enter an exclusive club. Laws don't apply to you the way they do to everyone else, especially if you're a Democrat.
The president has the power to squash investigations.
Without an independent prosecutor, it is literally impossible to bring charges against the president in the current political environment. Democrats won't allow us to do anything as long as we don't have a super-majority.
What happens when conspiracy theories pass for "scandals"

People grow wise and figure......Conservatives are up to their old tricks again

The problem is the taxpayer gets sucked into paying millions investigating warrantless conspiracies
Ahhh, I see the problem.


Okay, now tell us how many crimes she was charged with IN A COURT OF LAW and how many convictions there have been?

In both cases the correct answer is NONE.

Because the " scandals " were all made up crap from the right wing.

I'm quite sure the Deadbeat Party ( Republicans ) would be very happy to pay anyone who could provide them with proof of ANY crime by ANY of the Clinton family that would hold up in court, 5 million dollars.

But no one has collected or even come close.

Accusations / slanders / smears / lies do not count.

Now the Clintons may be smart, but are you really saying they are smarter than EVERYONE in the Republican party and all the lawyers and investigators who made millions of dollars and their careers investigating the Clintons?


Since you admit and declare they are that smart --- why are you against them?
If they are that smart they must be right which makes you WRONG.


Travelgate Scandal
Whitewater Scandal
Vince Foster Jr. Mystery
(oh, I know the left love this one.)
Filegate Scandal
Cattle-Futures Miracle
Drug Dealer Donor Scandal
Ponzi Scheme and Political Favor Scandal

Of course we know there is more to the list. I would like to copy and paste the details of each of those scandals that does not include the emails. However, that may offend the delicate sensibilities of some mods here who say I can only copy and paste one 1 third of an article even if there is more that people would like to see.

Hate to copy and paste a "wall of text" and make little left wingers who hate all truthful things be all offended by facts in a "wall of text."

However, for those of you who would like to read the details in each of those scandals that the left believe and brag she is innocent of (keep in mind they still think OJ is innocent cause he was never convicted of the murder) please read it in the link I provide.

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Yes, that will describe in detail each scandal. Give a small example.

Whitewater Scandal - Hillary and her husband were partners in a shady real estate development firm called Whitewater Development Corp in Arkansas. Accusations of impropriety against the Clintons and others soon surfaced, regarding improper campaign contributions, political and financial favors, and tax benefits. Clinton’s friends and majority owners, James and Susan McDougal were jailed for fraud, Clinton's successor, Governor Jim Tucker, was jailed for fraud along with municipal judges David Hale and Eugene Fitzhugh who worked with James McDougal. The Clintons walked away unscathed, having apparently done nothing wrong.

see whitewater timeline
Washingtonpost.com: Whitewater Time Line

There you go. Those are the details in one of the ten scandals that does not include the email scandal that the obama administration leaked but the left thinks it is all a vast right wing conspiracy.


Sure I hope I did not copy and paste more than 1 third of the facts. Really would not want to offend anyone.
Once you reach the Whitehouse you enter an exclusive club. Laws don't apply to you the way they do to everyone else, especially if you're a Democrat.
The president has the power to squash investigations.
Without an independent prosecutor, it is literally impossible to bring charges against the president in the current political environment. Democrats won't allow us to do anything as long as we don't have a super-majority.
Yup......Kenneth Starr.....and he was trashed in the media.
I was mostly speaking of Obama.

If bad things are happening to everyone around you, some of it must have something to do with you.
How many people do you know that have committed suicide? The Clintons know at least a dozen. How many people do you know who were killed in attempted robberies? The Clintons know at least a dozen. How many people do you know that were killed in plane crashes? The Clintons know at least a handful. How many people do you know that died in a shooting? The Clintons know at least 100. Maybe that's why they want to take away our guns.

Why is everyone so afraid to run against Hillary?

I think they're scared of her. I think it's because she is one seriously evil bitch.

Why is Obama giving Joe Biden his blessing to run?

Because he doesn't want that evil bitch having the power that he has. I think he's afraid that she's going to throw him in jail.
Last edited:
Yup.......seems like death surrounds the Clintons.....and not a bit of it effects them, or changes their activities.

One would call it a character flaw for a first lady to want to go back to the fishbowl that is the Whitehouse. It was clear that Hillary felt she had to distinguish herself from her husband the moment she became first lady....insisting on being called Hillary "Rodham" Clinton. Most of the scandals had Hillary at the center of them. Bill was the one who got them there, but Hillary felt it would have never happened without her input. Actually, Clinton may never had been president without Ross Perot running as an independent, sucking a good % if the conservative vote away from G.H.W. Bush.

The Clintons have plenty to hide. The way they treated the WhiteHouse staff was horrendous. Many of them may have to be replaced if she wins. Personally, I wouldn't want to hide behind drapes every time Bill or Hill walked down the hallway. Incidentally, it was the same kind of crap when Jimmy Carter was president. For some reason, Southern Democrats feel they are to be treated like royalty. They certainly aren't one of the people.

"Body count" lists are not a new phenomenon. Lists documenting all the allegedly "suspicious" deaths of persons connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been circulating for decades, and the same techniques used to create and spread the JFK lists have been employed in the Clinton version:
  • List every dead person with even the most tenuous of connections to your subject. It doesn't matter how these people died, or how tangential they were to your subject's life. The longer the list, the more impressive it looks and the less likely anyone is to challenge it. By the time readers get to the bottom of the list, they'll be too weary to wonder what could possibly be relevant about the death of people such as Bill Clinton's mother's chiropractor.
  • Play word games. Make sure every death is presented as "mysterious." All accidental deaths are to be labelled "suspicious," even though by definition accidents occur when something unexpected goes wrong. Every self-inflicted death discussed must include the phrase "ruled a suicide" to imply just the opposite. When an autopsy contradicts a "mysterious death" theory, dispute it; when none was performed because none was needed, claim that "no autopsy was allowed." Make liberal use of words such as 'allegedly' and 'supposedly' to dismiss facts you can't support or can't contradict with hard evidence.
  • Make sure every inconsistency or unexplained detail you can dredge up is offered as evidence of a conspiracy, no matter how insignificant or pointless it may be. If an obvious suicide is discovered wearing only one shoe, ignore the physical evidence of self-inflicted death and dwell on the missing shoe. You don't have to establish an alternate theory of the death; just keep harping that the missing shoe "can't be explained."
  • If the data doesn't fit your conclusion, ignore it. You don't have to explain why the people who claimed to have the most damaging goods on Clinton (e.g., Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth Starr), are still walking around unscathed while dozens of bit players have been bumped off. It's inconvenient for you, so don't mention it.
  • Most important, don't let facts and details stand in your way! If you can pass off a death by pneumonia as a "suicide," do it! If a cause of death contradicts your conspiracy theory, claim it was "never determined." If your chronology of events is impossible, who cares? It's not like anybody is going to check up on this stuff ...
Multiple versions of this "body count" list have been circulating online for nearly two decades now. New victim names are routinely added and old ones taken off, forming an endless variety of permutations. At this point, there is no one "official" list.

But where did all this craziness start? In a 1994 letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to Clinton who had died "under other than natural circumstances" and called for hearings on the matter.

Dannemeyer's list of "suspicious deaths" was largely taken from one compiled by Linda Thompson, an Indianapolis lawyer who in 1993 quit her year-old general practice to run her American Justice Federation, a for-profit group that promotes pro-gun causes and various conspiracy theories through a shortwave radio program, a computer bulletin board, and sales of its newsletter and videos.
Read more at snopes.com: The Clinton Body Count
Yup.......seems like death surrounds the Clintons.....and not a bit of it effects them, or changes their activities.

One would call it a character flaw for a first lady to want to go back to the fishbowl that is the Whitehouse. It was clear that Hillary felt she had to distinguish herself from her husband the moment she became first lady....insisting on being called Hillary "Rodham" Clinton. Most of the scandals had Hillary at the center of them. Bill was the one who got them there, but Hillary felt it would have never happened without her input. Actually, Clinton may never had been president without Ross Perot running as an independent, sucking a good % if the conservative vote away from G.H.W. Bush.

The Clintons have plenty to hide. The way they treated the WhiteHouse staff was horrendous. Many of them may have to be replaced if she wins. Personally, I wouldn't want to hide behind drapes every time Bill or Hill walked down the hallway. Incidentally, it was the same kind of crap when Jimmy Carter was president. For some reason, Southern Democrats feel they are to be treated like royalty. They certainly aren't one of the people.

"Body count" lists are not a new phenomenon. Lists documenting all the allegedly "suspicious" deaths of persons connected with the assassination of John F. Kennedy have been circulating for decades, and the same techniques used to create and spread the JFK lists have been employed in the Clinton version:
  • List every dead person with even the most tenuous of connections to your subject. It doesn't matter how these people died, or how tangential they were to your subject's life. The longer the list, the more impressive it looks and the less likely anyone is to challenge it. By the time readers get to the bottom of the list, they'll be too weary to wonder what could possibly be relevant about the death of people such as Bill Clinton's mother's chiropractor.
  • Play word games. Make sure every death is presented as "mysterious." All accidental deaths are to be labelled "suspicious," even though by definition accidents occur when something unexpected goes wrong. Every self-inflicted death discussed must include the phrase "ruled a suicide" to imply just the opposite. When an autopsy contradicts a "mysterious death" theory, dispute it; when none was performed because none was needed, claim that "no autopsy was allowed." Make liberal use of words such as 'allegedly' and 'supposedly' to dismiss facts you can't support or can't contradict with hard evidence.
  • Make sure every inconsistency or unexplained detail you can dredge up is offered as evidence of a conspiracy, no matter how insignificant or pointless it may be. If an obvious suicide is discovered wearing only one shoe, ignore the physical evidence of self-inflicted death and dwell on the missing shoe. You don't have to establish an alternate theory of the death; just keep harping that the missing shoe "can't be explained."
  • If the data doesn't fit your conclusion, ignore it. You don't have to explain why the people who claimed to have the most damaging goods on Clinton (e.g., Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky, Kenneth Starr), are still walking around unscathed while dozens of bit players have been bumped off. It's inconvenient for you, so don't mention it.
  • Most important, don't let facts and details stand in your way! If you can pass off a death by pneumonia as a "suicide," do it! If a cause of death contradicts your conspiracy theory, claim it was "never determined." If your chronology of events is impossible, who cares? It's not like anybody is going to check up on this stuff ...
Multiple versions of this "body count" list have been circulating online for nearly two decades now. New victim names are routinely added and old ones taken off, forming an endless variety of permutations. At this point, there is no one "official" list.

But where did all this craziness start? In a 1994 letter to congressional leaders, former Rep. William Dannemeyer listed 24 people with some connection to Clinton who had died "under other than natural circumstances" and called for hearings on the matter.

Dannemeyer's list of "suspicious deaths" was largely taken from one compiled by Linda Thompson, an Indianapolis lawyer who in 1993 quit her year-old general practice to run her American Justice Federation, a for-profit group that promotes pro-gun causes and various conspiracy theories through a shortwave radio program, a computer bulletin board, and sales of its newsletter and videos.
Read more at snopes.com: The Clinton Body Count
Must be why she wanted a private email server.
Because she had nothing to hide.

I think we have to be highly cynical not to believe that Hillary and Bill's associates, who keep dropping like flies, didn't have anything to do with what Hillary and Bill keep hiding from voters. Hillary was in charge of all of the bimbo-eruptions that were a constant problem with Bill. She's had decades of practice doing coverups. I think it's gotten to the point that some of the stuff that keeps happening around them is too crazy to believe. Hillary is guilty of at least 12 crimes just with her emails and all she does is make jokes about it. She's used to breaking the law. I wouldn't put anything past her if she thinks this is funny. Part of the reason so many things happen to people they associate with is because everyone they hire has skeletons in their closet. If they can't be bribed or blackmailed, then they're too ethical to work for the Clintons.
Actually, although I don't believe the Clinton's ( either one of them ) committed any criminal acts --- I am NOT a fan of Hillary's.

I call her the Ice Queen.

I think she is as cold as the ice cream bars in our freezer.

I always suspected that, after she had Chelsea, she told Bill he wasn't going to stick that thing in HER again. And he should get it where he can. And he did.

Wouldn't you?
I would.

I think Hillary has a Lust for Power and that's why she stayed with Bill through the affairs --- she didn't want to lose her power and position.

And anyone who lusts for power should not have it.


Problem is that Mrs. Clinton's Dishonesty is not sufficient to mask her Incompetency.

She is an unhealthy old woman who thinks she is Evita Peron, that this is Argentina...and that, like Evita...she is entitled to be president just because her husband was president.

People who think its time for a woman president ought to vote for Carly Fiorina. She looks like the most intelligent and competent one in the field anyway...Democrat or Republican.

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