1 year later...Mike Browns grave doesn't even have a headstone; #BLM my a**.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
More than a year after his death, Michael Brown lies in relative obscurity : News

Say whatever you want about the incident. But the grave of Mike Brown doesn't even have a headstone. Looks like a piece of wood or something with orange "MB" painted on it. That's all.

A city burned over this. A national movement emerged. Obama sent a delegation. And 47 FBI agents. Sharpton showed up. Jackson showed up. NAACP showed up. National Action Network. Nation of Islam. Hell....even the St Louis Rams players did the "Hands Up" lie.

But not a single person bothered to buy a tombstone for the guys grave!!??? All the lawsuit money? All the donations? All the wealthy black activists who marched???

#BlackLivesMatter my ass. No one gave a fuck about this guy before he was shot and no one gives a fuck about him now. He was just used as a reason to burn and riot and smear police by theft.

A year. And his grave doesn't even have a stone marker. Wow.
Astounding. A year later. His grave doesn't even have a tombstone. ALL THESE ACTIVISTS and rich athletes and Hollywood celebs?? All the donations to family?

But no one bothered to put a simple "Michal Brown / Rest in Peace" tombstone up???
They spray paint a chunk of rock and drop it on him and call it a day.

Meanwhile....family got hundreds of thousands of dollars and said they're pacing themselves and that's why no tombstone.

#BlackLivesMatter is full of shit.

It wasn't about his death it was about the money...


No nigga ever gave a shit about that thug. They just used the incident as an excuse to loot and riot.
But not a single person bothered to buy a tombstone for the guys grave!!???

You are such a worthless pig. You cared not one bit that their son was gunned down in the street but you're going to dictate to them when they should place a head stone by their son's grave. What a miserable racist piece of shit you are.

The cost presumably isn't an issue: In the weeks after Brown's death, hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised through fundraising websites to defray the family's funeral, burial, travel and living expenses.

"Everybody has to do things kind of at their own pace," LeFlore said of efforts to mark Brown's grave. McSpadden "just wants something beautiful, poetic and wonderful in her son's memory. It has just taken time."

Year After Death, Michael Brown Lies In Relative Obscurity

All the lawsuit money? All the donations? All the wealthy black activists who marched???

Wuh? Money from a lawsuit whose trial isn't scheduled until next October? WTF?

You generally don't get paid from a lawsuit until 1) you have actually won AND the other side has exhausted its appeals or 2) a settlement is reached. Not only are you a slimy piece of self-righteous feigned outrage excrement, your understanding of our legal system is on par with that of a rock or a piece of dried up fungus.
Why don't they take up a collection for a headstone or some flowers? Could it be they just don't give a shit about him?
I am not sure I understand what BLM has to do with this.

Can you explain ?
Apparently they are supposed to go and put up headstones on people's graves against the wishes of their relatives to make bucs90 happy in his bigotry.
So, why would the family or "Mourners" be against this
I am not sure I understand what BLM has to do with this.

Can you explain ?
Apparently they are supposed to go and put up headstones on people's graves against the wishes of their relatives to make bucs90 happy in his bigotry.
Bucs is right. And to add, blacks are to busy watching their 50" tv's and boozing it up with the liquor they stole. No on really cared about this black thug. Not even the blacks, but they had a good time destroying the city.
The worthless piece of shit wasn't "gunned down" in the street. He was shot in self defense by a policeman after he'd attacked him in his car and tried to take his gun, getting shot in the process. When the anything-but-gentle giant criminal then charged the cop he was shot dead.

Spin it any way you want, OohShit, but those are the facts surrounding the death of the thug Michael Brown. Rest in anonymous peace, asshole.
No one will ever spend twenty bucks on the negro thug's grave site. He was never worth that much alive.
That's already obvious.
Just a bunch of fucking bonobos.
But not a single person bothered to buy a tombstone for the guys grave!!???

You are such a worthless pig. You cared not one bit that their son was gunned down in the street but you're going to dictate to them when they should place a head stone by their son's grave. What a miserable racist piece of shit you are.

The cost presumably isn't an issue: In the weeks after Brown's death, hundreds of thousands of dollars were raised through fundraising websites to defray the family's funeral, burial, travel and living expenses.

"Everybody has to do things kind of at their own pace," LeFlore said of efforts to mark Brown's grave. McSpadden "just wants something beautiful, poetic and wonderful in her son's memory. It has just taken time."

Year After Death, Michael Brown Lies In Relative Obscurity

All the lawsuit money? All the donations? All the wealthy black activists who marched???

Wuh? Money from a lawsuit whose trial isn't scheduled until next October? WTF?

You generally don't get paid from a lawsuit until 1) you have actually won AND the other side has exhausted its appeals or 2) a settlement is reached. Not only are you a slimy piece of self-righteous feigned outrage excrement, your understanding of our legal system is on par with that of a rock or a piece of dried up fungus.

Anyone see a negro wearing a "Don't Shoot Hands Up" T shirt lately?
No? It's because not even the bonobo's are so fucking moronic to wear one in public.

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