0 to 2000 meters, the ocean is warming!

I see. The Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres is biased. Well yes, I suppose that they are. They are scientists, so they tend to be biased in letting the evidence speak for itself, rather than trying to present things as they think 'they ought to be'.

Whatever the bias of the source, when evidence is presented, best address the evidence.

Skeptical Science is a geered toward attacking anything that does not fanatically support AGW. It is what it is.

The data that they use to show that the cooling ocean is actually warming is only useful to support their goal when that data is changed. They do so with a complex and scientific method that turns actual data into actual doo-doo.

Here is another site that just looks at the actual data . The first link is the article and the second link is a graph that shows what the actual data reveals:

Jennifer Marohasy » Ocean Cooling Falsifies Global Warming Hypothesis


Well, well, a blog, quoting a Mr. Dipuccio. It would seem to me that if one wanted to debate the many scientists whose work I posted, most of whom have Dr. before their name, that one would find some of those abundant scientists with Phd.s that you claim are out there disputing the warming.

The scientists whose work you posted used data from Argo which showed cooling since the full deployment in 2003 and produced a conclusion that shows warming. This blog merely re-states what the data said.

Have I claimed that there are "abundant scientists" disputing warming? I think what i've been doing is simply producing reasonable doubt into a discussion that should be based on data.

Here is the whole article by Mr. DiPuccio. It staes some very compelling facts and seems to be quite well researched and based on the work of people who have "Dr." before their names.

The Global Warming Hypothesis and Ocean Heat « Watts Up With That?

From the article:

Writing in 2005, Hansen, Willis, Schmidt et al. suggested that GISS model projections had been verified by a solid decade of increasing ocean heat (1993 to 2003). This was regarded as further confirmation the IPCC’s AGW hypothesis. Their expectation was that the earth’s climate system would continue accumulating heat more or less monotonically. Now that heat accumulation has stopped (and perhaps even reversed), the tables have turned. The same criteria used to support their hypothesis, is now being used to falsify it.

See what's been done here? They examine a set of data and draw a conclusion. By applying their conclusion to succeeding sets of data, we find that the conclusion was false, the data was wrong or the examination was faulty.

Are these jokers scientists or snake oil salesmen? That is the question that is repeatedly presented. When the work of the AGW crowd stops begging that question, their work will be less suspect.
Ah yes, Code. The oceans are cooling, yet this summer they were measured to be the hottest they have ever been since we have been monitering them.

And James Watt, who also states that asbestos, tobacco, lead, and mercury are not dangerous to your health, is such a trusted source.
Ah yes, Code. The oceans are cooling, yet this summer they were measured to be the hottest they have ever been since we have been monitering them.

And James Watt, who also states that asbestos, tobacco, lead, and mercury are not dangerous to your health, is such a trusted source.


The polar ice is still melting in spite of the fact that the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years!
Ah yes, Code. The oceans are cooling, yet this summer they were measured to be the hottest they have ever been since we have been monitering them.

And James Watt, who also states that asbestos, tobacco, lead, and mercury are not dangerous to your health, is such a trusted source.

Ah, but given the SEVERE credibility problems you AGW hoaxers have now, the question is open to debate. Are any of the alleged temperature measurements the product of you fucktards just cooking the books?
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

Ah yes, Code. The oceans are cooling, yet this summer they were measured to be the hottest they have ever been since we have been monitering them.

And James Watt, who also states that asbestos, tobacco, lead, and mercury are not dangerous to your health, is such a trusted source.

I was talking about Anthony Watts and I'll assume that you are, too.

Watts had a book published by an organization that very probably spoke about these topics. Do you have links that Watts has said anything about these topics?

In researching your assertion, I came across a video that mentions Watts on its way to condemning The Heartland Institute which is a roght wing rag that is about as reliable as Real Climate. The video was a hatchet piece and hardly rates as anything other than an attack piece. That Watts is mentioned and linked to the organization and then not mentioned while the organization is attacked is a classic tool of politics and debate.

The Nazis used it all the time in the Hitler Reich.

See how easy it is to use.

One part of the video I found amusing was that they were comparing the reading of the 70 or so good sites to the 1200 or so suspect sites used in the USA to gather temperature info. They overlay a graph of one set on another to show that there is really no difference between them. The graph is measured on a scale of 5 degrees plus and about the same minus for a range of about 10 degrees.

Temperature anomolies are measured in tenths and hundredths of degrees.

Obviously, a disingenuous presentation of data in a hatchet piece.

When a piece is put forth to expose lies and it employs lies to make the case, something is real wrong. This is exactly what has been done.

You, Rocks, have employed the same method. Watts book was published by Heartland. You expand this to mean that if Heartland published this book, then all of the ideas presented in any book published by Heartland are held by Watts.

Al Gore's publisher is Penguin Press. Penguin Press has published many fine Sci Fi Works. Therefore, Al Gore must write Sci Fi and all of his books must be fiction. While I personnaly belive this to be true, I will not use the publisher as proof of this.

Is there any chance that we can discuss ideas and not simply attack the people who don't agree with your conclusion?
i went to the beach last week and the water was cold.

there goes your bullshit theory
As I've said before and as the Senate hearing will confirm, NASA could teach the CIA a thing or two about lying
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.


It's either a local phenomenon or has to do with the decreasing Earth Magnetic Field; we can now state for a scientific certainty that it has nothing to do with either ManMade Global Warming or that atmospheric rounding error of a molecule CO2.
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.


It's either a local phenomenon or has to do with the decreasing Earth Magnetic Field; we can now state for a scientific certainty that it has nothing to do with either ManMade Global Warming or that atmospheric rounding error of a molecule CO2.

The decreasing Earth Magnetic Field???????!!!!


Oh, my, I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

No, it is because our doubling of the amount of the greenhouse gas, CO2, has to some extent counteracted the effect of the Sun's minimum.

Will CO2 save us from another Ice Age? Perhaps. Or perhaps not.
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.


It's either a local phenomenon or has to do with the decreasing Earth Magnetic Field; we can now state for a scientific certainty that it has nothing to do with either ManMade Global Warming or that atmospheric rounding error of a molecule CO2.

The decreasing Earth Magnetic Field???????!!!!


Oh, my, I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

No, it is because our doubling of the amount of the greenhouse gas, CO2, has to some extent counteracted the effect of the Sun's minimum.

Will CO2 save us from another Ice Age? Perhaps. Or perhaps not.

Chris, no matter how much CO2 hockey sticks to upwards of 500 PPM, PPM still means parts per million and makes CO2 a rounding error.

Focus on stuff with real science behind it, we're not hiding the decline in the Earths Magnetic Field like your "Scientists" are hiding the decline in temperatures

Google: South Atlantic Anomaly
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.


It's either a local phenomenon or has to do with the decreasing Earth Magnetic Field; we can now state for a scientific certainty that it has nothing to do with either ManMade Global Warming or that atmospheric rounding error of a molecule CO2.

The decreasing Earth Magnetic Field???????!!!!


Oh, my, I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

No, it is because our doubling of the amount of the greenhouse gas, CO2, has to some extent counteracted the effect of the Sun's minimum.

Will CO2 save us from another Ice Age? Perhaps. Or perhaps not.

When reading the materials about the Arctic Sea ice extent, the direction, velocity and duration of winds are usually mentioned. Obviously, the tem,perature of the water has a great deal to do with this and relative amount of Sun light is so weak there as compared to other areas that this makes me think that Ocean currents are a great factor in this.

Certainly greater than the air temperature.

The magnetic North pole is moving at a very high rate of speed for a geological phenom. Could this affect ocean currents? Very probably so. We know that global magnetic anomalies have and are affecting the Sea Level in many parts of the oceans of the world.

Dismissing anything in this debate is unwise. The experts are clueless for the most part and demonstrate this every time they make a prediction. Maybe "guess" is a better word.

We in this forum are less informed than the "experts". We are also less financially dependant on those with agendas and goals. Our opinions, while not unbiased, are probably less biased than the experts we can cite.
How about this.... the climate is changing, just like it has for billions of years, and that's just the way it is.

End of story... pass the pretzels.
And who pays the deniars? Not only do they get more money, they don't even have to work for it. Just stand and lie.

I have not been paid 1 cent to deny man made global warming. I have, though, extensively researched the topic as well as meteorology and can say without a shred of doubt that man-made global warming makes Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme look like child's play.
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.


It's either a local phenomenon or has to do with the decreasing Earth Magnetic Field; we can now state for a scientific certainty that it has nothing to do with either ManMade Global Warming or that atmospheric rounding error of a molecule CO2.

While I know we both doubt man-made global warming exists, there has ALWAYS been a theory, and just that, a theory, that the Earth's magnetic field is on the verge of reversal and this has been the cause of the warming that is going on. The last reversal was the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal nearly 780,000 years ago.

It's bit far fetched, but worth the research. No one has done the research because of the time required to do so. I would love to do the research myself, but I'd need to study up. I do not believe, Mr. Frank, you are qualified to discuss the meteorological and climatological effects of the geomagnetic reversal on a macroscale. Let's just say this: No one on this forum is remotely qualified.
The ice caps are melting even though the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.


Prove to me, doing your own research and sharing with us your own data and not taking someone else's research and data, that the ice caps are melting. If you give me a link to one website that shows data and research not done by you, you will be disqualified.

I'm waiting.
Now we have heard much BS about the ocean cooling. Here are the real facts.

Skeptical Science explains how we know global warming is happening: It’s the oceans, stupid! « Climate Progress

Now I’m sure the deniers and delayers out there are shrieking, “There are peer reviewed analyses that document that upper ocean warming has halted since 2003!” — a claim I dealt with in my July post, “Like father, like son: Roger Pielke Sr. also doesn’t understand the science of global warming — or just chooses to willfully misrepresent it.”

Subsequently, however, another JGR article, “Global hydrographic variability patterns during 2003–2008” (subs. req’d, draft here) details an analysis of “monthly gridded global temperature and salinity fields from the near-surface layer down to 2000 m depth based on Argo measurements.” Background on Argo here. Their findings are summed up in this figure:

Figure [2]: Time series of global mean heat storage (0–2000 m), measured in 108 Jm-2.

Still warming, after all these years! And just where you’d expect it. The study makes clear that upper ocean heat content, perhaps not surprisingly, is simply far more variable than deeper ocean heat content, and thus an imperfect indicator of the long-term warming trend.

Nothing your faux "science: ever tells us will be believed now.

Your heros have been exposed as ideologues and fakes. All about the money... as usual.

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