war on terror

  1. Sayaras

    Islamist stabbing in Germany: The quiet and loud rejoicing of leftists and Muslims.

    The irony. It reminds the cheering by some "ag/progressives" to "palestine" regime mass rape and beheadings Oct/7. With or without act of as if "denying". Yesterday’s attack on the Islam-critical activist Michael Stürzenberger who is a member of the citizens’ movement Pax Europa has...
  2. Sayaras

    72% of Americans Back Israel's Rafah Operation, 78% Want [Genocidal-palestine] Hamas Removed

    You think that swastika-Palestine protests changed this? Poll: 72% of Americans Back Israel's Rafah Operation, 78% Want Hamas Removed. Authors: The Hill, The Spectator Index, Hen Mazzig. Apr 29, 2024, 10:46 PM A recent Harvard-Harris poll reveals that 72% of Americans support Israel's...
  3. FDR_Reagan

    Article: Most Arab pAlEsTiNiAns killed were [adult] TERRORISTS, here is shy

    This line is really striking: 1:3 civilian-to-combatant ratio, that is, one civilian killed for every three Hamas combatants, a ratio unheard-of in the history of warfare. What Percentage of Those Killed by the IDF in Gaza were Civilians? Should we really be taking Hamas numbers at face value...
  4. Sayaras

    Remember Hamas’s DEATH ministry's incubators?

    More documentation, how any Gaza hospitals are used for racist-Arab islamic-jihad terror. Oh, and yes, incubators too. × × × × Commands, tunnels, and combat equipment inside incubators: this is how the hospitals in the Gaza Strip became terrorist nests. The Shifa Hospital was used...
  5. FDR_Reagan

    Islamization/Arabization: 'MPs accuse BBC of stoking ‘global antisemitism'

    Looking up the issue, already in the 1970s, the BBC was accused of anti Israel bias. [Not unrelated to a grudge over losing palestine... in 1947] But last years it has been even anti Jewish. Islamicized hatred. _ MPs accuse BBC of stoking ‘global antisemitism’. Parliamentarians also accuse...
  6. Sayaras

    Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states

    Ya think they will let the journalist live? Just asking... Hamas uses civilians as human shields, Gazan journalist states. By Jerusalem Post Staff Published: February 15, 2024. Saftawi says it's the first time in a decade that he's been able to speak on this publicly. Gaza-based journalist...
  7. FDR_Reagan

    Islamic Iranian tech underneath UNRWA headquarters

    How about the head-of-jihad-snake: Islamic fascist Republic funds them, since they are linked? UPDATE DESK Israel At War IDF finds Iranian tech underneath UNRWA headquarters. The equipment, which apparently originated in China, is being analyzed by the Israeli military and intelligence...
  8. Sayaras

    Remnants Gaza DECORATION (from b4 IDF anti terror Op.)

    "Just proving their innocence." __ Jan 28, 2024. IDF spokesman in Arabic Avihai Adrei publishes documents from Gaza: swastikas are sprayed in various places in the Gaza Strip.
  9. FDR_Reagan

    Arab lobby in “jihad capital" Michigan: Biden meets dangerous leaders

    Finally the Arab lobby threats influenced Biden to be critical of Israel's survival war. Michigan, a critical swing state, is home to the largest concentration of Arab Americans in the nation, with more than 310,000 residents claiming Middle Eastern or North African ancestry, according to a...
  10. FDR_Reagan

    Angry Gazan on high priced aid: "We will reckon with you Hamas, after the war"

    How much does a kilo of sugar cost? This is how the trade of humanitarian aid in Gaza looks like. A resident of Gaza revealed how much the products that come to Gaza with humanitarian aid cost and told Hamas: "We will reckon with you after the war." A kilo of sugar - NIS 40. 3 liters of oil -...
  11. Sayaras

    Al JihadZeera - another "palestinian" butcher "journalist": Mohamed Washa

    Now al.jazeera will claim they didn't know.. Just like the UN doesn't know about its Gaza terror massive links.
  12. Sayaras

    Directly beneath UNRWA’s headquarters: huge terror infrastructure by genocidal racist-Arab Jihadi-fascist Hamas

    Really think UN heads didn't know? How can they lie? Such a massive infrastructure by the terror Hamas "gaza-health-ministry" butchers. ___ Directly beneath UNRWA’s Gaza headquarters, IDF uncovers top secret Hamas data center. Subterranean facility for terror group’s intelligence needs...
  13. Sayaras

    "Surprise": UN vest, machine gun in search of Khan Younis home

    Oh, the "palestine" region UN has only a "few" bad apples.. right? IDF troops find UN vest, machine gun in search of Khan Younis home. By Emanuel Fabian, 6 Feb 2024, 4:00 pm The IDF says the Egoz commando unit discovered a home in southern Gaza’s Khan Younis where, in one room, troops found a...
  14. Sayaras

    Hamas makes bombs from STOLEN medical supplies

    The "palestinians" are so innocent" on MSM TV screens with those hospitals..... they even have white ropes ×× Hamas makes bombs from medical supplies. It's a striking example of how Hamas exploits civilian resources for terrorism: a comprehensive manual provides detailed illustrations for use...
  15. Sayaras

    10 myths about [palestinian-terrible] UNRWA you may have mistakenly believed

    What sad is that I has been the case for decades. UNRWA is rotten to its core. "10 myths about UNRWA you may have mistakenly believed." Myth 1: UNRWA is a UN organization. Well, technically it is, but in fact, UNRWA is a Palestinian outfit with Palestinian employees and Palestinian...
  16. FDR_Reagan

    "UN Worst ever" Death-Cult-Pusher UNRWA gave lies at fake "genocide" case ICJ

    The more one hears about this genocidal-Islamic-terror linked agency , the more one is shocked. * UNRWA gave ICJ false information against Israel * The lies of UNRWA and the ICJ
  17. Sayaras

    Zone1 Netanyahu shows Bible: "'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty"

    Netanyahu is secular. Like most Israelis. However, he trusts God. Netanyahu points to sign with verse in Zechariah 4:6: "'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty" As he vows for victory in Swords of Iron operation upon meeting Jews of all ethnicities and colors...
  18. Sayaras

    Islamization alert: Bomb in Sweden

    If you think it's ot related to Arab Islamic immigration - Eurabia? Think again. .__ Bomb found near Israeli embassy in Sweden. The national bomb squad was dispatched to investigate. (January 31, 2024 / JNS) An apparent explosive device was found on Wednesday near the Israeli embassy in...
  19. Sayaras

    50 on Islamic terror watchlist caught amid Biden border invasion

    Asides from tightening borders. Serious vetting needs to be in place too. ÷÷÷ "50 on terror watchlist caught amid Biden border invasion,” by Sara Higdon, Post Millennial, January 27, 2024:
  20. Sayaras

    Anti White infected racist SA banks provide platform to fund Hamas Jihadi fascist.

    The radical Islamist fangs extension. Beyond what we knew so far. "Kill the Boer" aligned with jihadi-Fascists.. __ Major South African banks provide platform to fund Hamas. Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, January 24, 2024. Research conducted by The Jerusalem Post staff and several sources...
  21. FDR_Reagan

    R.I.P. IDF beautiful black Zionist soldier

    PS I'm White. _ I'm guessing, the arrested "1,300 are affiliated with Hamas" in the article are besides the 9,000 Hamas butchers eliminated or arrested, as per Jan 5. Jan 5 2024 update: - "IDF says officer killed in northern Gaza fighting, raising ground operation toll to 176." - Link...
  22. FDR_Reagan

    Airport Riots: Nerdeen Kiswani: Holocaust-memorial-interrupter racist-Arab pAlEsTInIaN

    Interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies is "free-pAlEsTInE?" .Nerdeen Kiswani (WOL) is infamous for interrupting Holocaust commemorative ceremonies. Gunz, a former classmate of Kiswani's at CUNY Law, has said that Kiswani has been criticized "because she interrupts Holocaust...
  23. Sayaras

    If Biden loses, will it be the econony or broken borders?

    CNN interviewees today pointed out these are the two factors on voters' minds: -Economy -Borders. __ Related: Pressure mounts on Biden as migrant crossings spike
  24. Sayaras

    Gaza hospital describes how Arab-Palestinian child-killers uses hospitals

    Don't you love it when racist posters hurry to put a "fake" tag on all facts he/she doesn't like? Gaza hospital director describes how Hamas uses hospitals for military purposes. Ahmed Kahlot, director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalya, details how Hamas had private ambulance and phones...
  25. Sayaras

    Swiss votes to halt funding for Hamas linked UNRWA

    Question is why don't other follow suit? Swiss parliament votes to halt funding for UNRWA. Dec 13, 2023 https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/381902
  26. Pastelli

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s)

    Brief overview of the vast "Palestine" Arab-Nazism (since the 1930s) 88% of Arab-Palestine pro-Nazism (Feb 1941 poll. * Ahmad Shukeiri writing in his book (Beirut, 1969 ) that they all cheered and prayed for Hitler. (Re 1940-1941). "Palestinian" Arab leader, in Jerusalem, in spring of 1967...
  27. FDR_Reagan

    Abbott: ‘Extraordinary danger’

    IMHO. It's not about Chinese per se, but a lack of security and a huge confusion at the BROKEN border. Lack of control. ‘Extraordinary danger’: Greg Abbott spotlights Chinese nationals entering US-Mexico border 52,700 migrants from China entered the US in 2023 By Fox News Staff Fox News...
  28. Pastelli

    WaPo cartoon, Islamist-bigots lobby CAIR didn't like

    And under pressure, WaPo removed... Coward David Shipley to issued an "apology," after pressure by radicals who even used, falsely, the 'r' card. The cartoon by Michael Ramirez depicts huge Hamas guy, bound by rope to four scared children and hypocritically asked: "How dare Israel attacks...
  29. georgephillip

    Will Biden Stop Creating Terrorists?

    Biden has always favored "counterterrorism" over "counterinsurgency" since the former relies on abandoning large-scale US deployments in favor of air strikes and "kill or capture" raids by special forces. For those committed to "counterterrori$m" it would seem one thing you can not afford to...
  30. phoenyx

    9/11: What really happened on that day?

    There have been threads in this forum that address the general issue of what happened on 9/11. That being said, I have found that a lot of them are not neutral in their title- their titles imply that they are either for or against an official narrative. I started a thread with the same title as...
  31. American_Jihad

    Sanctuary Cities: Anatomy of a Disaster

    President Trump will take care of that problem with an executive order... Sanctuary Cities: Anatomy of a Disaster A look at the origins and consequences of a policy rooted in phony “compassion.” March 17, 2016 John Perazzo ... he sanctuary cities movement grew initially out of the...
  32. citizenal

    Muslims Are People too!

    Presently, America is embroiled in a war on terrorism. As a result, much is being written about the “Muslim scourge” and the terrible beliefs of Islam. We have all read these condemning E-Mails, so there is no need to repeat them now. It should be obvious that a purpose of these E-Mails is to...

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