
  1. cnelsen

    I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much.

    I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people and culturally they are an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business one day, happily...
  2. cnelsen

    Transition team member formerly at Soros

    WTF: Mnuchin amassed a fortune estimated at over $40 million while working for Goldman Sachs, where his father had worked for three decades and had also made a fortune. In 2002, Mnuchin left Goldman and worked briefly for his Yale roommate Edward Lampert, chief executive of Sears. He also...
  3. MindWars

    Busted craigslist ad exposes paid anti Trump protesters being recruited for staged event

    BUSTED! Craigslist Ad Exposes Paid Anti-Trump Protesters Being Recruited for STAGED Event BUSTED! Craigslist Ad Exposes Paid Anti-Trump Protesters Being Recruited for STAGED Event
  4. cnelsen

    By more than 4-1 Americans say US media more of a threat to clean elections than Russian hackers

    How about that, media skunks? You took a venerable US institution we used to point to with pride--our watchdog press--and destroyed it. Michael Eisner, Jeff Bezos, Sumner Redstone, Haim Saban, George Soros Poll: 45% Believe Media ‘Primary Threat’ for Rigged Election; Only 10% Point to ‘Russian...
  5. defcon4

    Proof of Soros machines rigged

    Trump was right about rigged elections all along. The email below proves positively without a doubt that the Soros voting machines are indeed rigged!!!
  6. cnelsen

    Here is Soros pushing for war. Again.

  7. cnelsen

    For those claiming the Wikileaks dump is no big deal, this will change your mind

    This is almost painful to watch. Donna Brazile sliding into the pit of ignominy when confronted with evidence from Wikileaks and nothing--NOTHING--to grab onto. It's straight up damning. Also, anyone who actually starts reading these emails will quickly know they are authentic. They don't need...
  8. cnelsen

    Dems pay provocateurs, Clinton (and media, of course) condemn Trump for violence

    A story out of Breitbart today details how Americans United for Change, a group that the Wikileaks email dump shows worked in tandem with the Clinton campaign, "bird-dogged" Trump campaign events. "Bird-dogging" is the use of Dem-paid provocateurs to incite violence at Trump rallies and create a...
  9. cnelsen

    Emails show Hillary coordinating with Soros since at least 2011

    Hillary has been coordinating her campaign with George Soros, a Jew who collaborated with the Nazis as a youth. He has given the Hillary campaign $25 million. Recent email leaks show Soros has been a driving force behind the current invasion of Europe, as well as opening the borders here. He...
  10. American_Jihad

    Left-Wing Group Condemns Israeli Stabbing Victim for Fighting Back

    These people are sick and need help, evidently obongocare don't cover it ... Left-Wing Group Condemns Israeli Stabbing Victim for Fighting Back If an Israeli isn't even allowed to fight back when there's a knife in his neck, when is he allowed to fight back? March 9, 2016 Daniel Greenfield...

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