gun violence

  1. AveryJarhman

    African American Child Abuse & Police Fear

    After spending twelve years in the 80s-90s providing police services to the Brooklyn community Shawn Jay Z Carter raps about using his semi-auto ā€œMack Milli" to dominate and cause fear to peaceful people for the purpose of protecting his gangā€™s 24/7 drug operation, it was fear for my personal...
  2. AveryJarhman

    King Louie Appears on CNN to Discuss Violence in Chicago After Being Shot

    King Louie Appears on CNN to Discuss Violence in Chicago - XXL Why is virtually EVERYONE, including our president and first lady WILLFULLY ignoring the FACT that America's shameful, expanding, epidemic of *EARLY CHILDHOOD ABUSE & NEGLECT, aka Poverty* is primarily responsible for most all the...
  3. AveryJarhman

    'Hateful Eight' Star Samuel L. Jackson: Muslim Americans Are 'the New Young Black Men'

    'Hateful Eight' Star Samuel L. Jackson: Muslim Americans Are 'the New Young Black Men' *"Samuel L. Jackson said that an increase in racial profiling sentiment following recent terror attacks is turning Muslim Americans into ā€œthe new young black men.ā€* It is true that African American people...
  4. AveryJarhman

    The dystopian danger of police body cameras | MSNBC

    The dystopian danger of police body cameras | MSNBC Police-worn body cameras are the newest darling of criminal justice reform. They are touted as a way to collect evidence for criminal investigations, oversee and expose abusive police practices, and exonerate officers from fabricated charges...
  5. AveryJarhman

    Child Abuse - When time doesn't heal all wounds | Dr. Robert K. Ross - Video Dr. Ross's 13:

    Dr. Ross's 13:00 (thirteen minute) presentation is a MUST WATCH & LISTEN for depressed, tormented people OF ALL AGES who were victims of crazy, less than stellar parenting, though listening to the doctor's words and absorbing them is more crucial. Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The...
  6. AveryJarhman

    Is The Black Lives Matter Movement Infected By WillFul Ignorance?

    Sadly, it appears evident members and supporters of the *Black Lives Matter* organization, as well as other protesters concerned about injustice in our CJS, represent Americans who choose to IGNORE Americaā€™s expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty,*...
  7. AveryJarhman

    Off-duty cop shoots, kills 'Victim of Child Abuse' In Charlotte, North Carolina,

    Was Deceased Teen Rapper Daquan Antonio Westbrook A Victim of Childhood Abuse & Neglect? Shots fired in Northlake Mall in N.C. on Christmas Eve "When [Officer] Ferguson arrived on the scene, it is reported that Westbrook who was armed and pointed his firearm at the officer.." Can I be...
  8. AveryJarhman

    When Gun Violence Felt Like a Disease, a City in Delaware Turned to the C.D.C. I spent nearly twelve years witnessing gun violence on a steady, near-daily basis. I met the victims of gun violence and/or their surviving family members and friends. I've experienced the emotional trauma of hearing a...
  9. AveryJarhman

    King Louie Shot in the Head, Management Says Heā€™s Not Dead

    Sadly, I believe Louis 'King Louie' King Johnson Jr (Born 8/12/98) is another victim of America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of emotionally abused and neglected young developing children from...
  10. AveryJarhman

    Re: Author Toni Morrison; God Help the Child

    Toni Morrison: ā€˜Iā€™m writing for black people ā€¦ I donā€™t have to apologiseā€™ Ms. Toni Morrison informed the people of our world, "I'm writing for black people ā€¦ I donā€™t have to apologise" Dear Ms. Morrison, with all due respect I, Avery Jarhman, an American citizen who spent twelve years of my...
  11. AveryJarhman

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling Bernie Sanders stated, "Sandra Bland should not have died while in police custody. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a...
  12. AveryJarhman

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling Bernie Sanders stated, "Sandra Bland should not have died while in police custody. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a...
  13. AveryJarhman

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling

    Sanders blasts 'very broken criminal justice system' after Sandra Bland ruling Bernie Sanders stated, "Sandra Bland should not have died while in police custody. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that she, like too many African-Americans who die in police custody, would be alive today if she were a...
  14. AveryJarhman

    The President Holds his 2015 End-of-Year Press Conference

    President Barack Obama, "Iā€™ve never been more optimistic about a year ahead than I am right now. And in 2016, Iā€™m going to leave it out all on the field." Reading this comment has filled me with hope that Mr. and Mrs. Obama, America's premier parental figures, will find the strength and courage...
  15. AveryJarhman

    Zaveon Dobson Murdered By Victims of Child Abuse & Neglect

    Zaveon Dobson died 'a hero,' President Obama says What I find most troubling about this act of depraved indifference toward human life is that Zaveon, who is apparently an "Average Joe" American kid, was deprived of his right to enjoy a peaceful life by angry, frustrated, depressed...
  16. AveryJarhman

    Sandra Bland, Charles M. Blow, Black Lives Matter, 'Gang Bangers & Thugs' ' --------------------------------------------- In regard to American social issues, NYTimes contributor Charles Blow writes, *"The death of Sandra Bland in Texas and the...
  17. AveryJarhman

    Mistrial declared in trial of Officer William Porter in death of Freddie Gray

    Freddie Gray case: Hung jury in Baltimore cop's trial - "Another group of protesters called police officers racist, chanting, "No justice, no peace" and, "All night, all day, we will fight for Freddie Gray." Is there a group of protesters angry and upset at the thousands of American...
  18. AveryJarhman

    Has Grammy Winner Kendrick Lamar Lost Touch With Our Real World?

    Kendrick speaks to XXL, ā€œThe past few years or so has been very politically charged and controversial. From Trayvon Martin, to Eric Garner to Michael Brown and issues of police brutality and racism and for so many other reasons. All of it has really struck a nerve with me because when you...
  19. AveryJarhman

    Valerie Jarrett: Watching Laquan McDonald video was like a ā€˜poker in my stomachā€™

    Sub title: Obama Advisor Valerie Jarrett Willfully Ignoring Systemic Child Abuse Valerie Jarrett: Watching Laquan McDonald Video Was Like a 'poker in My Stomach' How much longer will Americans ignore our expanding and shameful sub-culture of immature American teen girls and young women of...
  20. AveryJarhman

    2 Chainz Gives Back By Paying a Family's Rent for Entire Year (Paid for 2016)

    Tauheed Epps raps about gun violence, carrying a Glock in his waistband, selling and using dangerous drugs that emotionally and physically harm individuals and communities, all while characterizing our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts and nieces as less than human *itches and *hores not...
  21. AveryJarhman

    Charges Filed In Murder Of 9-Year-Old Tyshawn Lee

    Sadly, young Tyshawn Lee, his mom and dad, the people who murdered Tyshawn, are all needless victims of America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of emotionally abused and neglected young...
  22. AveryJarhman

    CDZ Is Police Misconduct and Child Abuse-Neglect Intertwined?

    (Brooklyn's Marcy Houses - undated photo) Hello. After spending twelve years in the 80s-90s providing police services to the Brooklyn community Shawn Jay Z Carter raps about using his semi-auto "Mack Milli' to dominate and cause fear to peaceful people for the purpose of protecting his gang's...
  23. AveryJarhman

    Hundreds join passionate, peaceful rally over Minneapolis police shooting

    Hundreds join passionate, peaceful rally over Minneapolis police shooting Yes, police and civilians who use *physical or deadly physical force* against another person must be scrutinized and held accountable when their actions are not justified. However, don't we need to take a deeper, more...
  24. AveryJarhman

    Video - Lil Herb on Violence in Chicago: Anyone Can Get a Gun For $20

    Listening to Herb I hear a young man who was deprived of a safe, fairly happy childhood by an immature teen girl or young woman who in all likelihood also deprived him of growing up alongside a responsible dad he could look up to and admire. I just read some of Herb's raps, thinking how sad it...

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