Why is Hollywood and the media so concerned with foreign wars? Other countries don’t talk about these issues.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Many countries of the world have no interest and provide little coverage of foreign wars that don’t affect them.

Whether it is Israel, Palestine, Russia, or Ukraine. Their wars have no effect on the United States. But what does affect things are Hollywood and the media ramping up the coverage of these events, which creates Hatred from all sides. There are working class and poor Americans who dedicate tons of their time and energy to follow these events at the expense of concentrating on their own lives.

Theres a reason why there are tons of countries in the world that don’t have foreign attacks in their country from another country. Because they don’t give money to other countries for their wars.

The other obvious issue is Hollywood and the media not covering the catastrophe in Haiti or the many wars in Africa. Or modern slavery occurring in Africa. Lobbyists are making a lot of money from America funding the wars of other countries. While the regular American citizen gets nothing out of it.
That’s why I like Thomas Massie, the Republican congressman. He opposes funding all foreign countries for their wars….until we figure out the many problems we have in America including poverty, illegal immigration, and the downfall of the middle class.
Hollywood shapes the liberal narrative and pumps out the propaganda. Hundreds of millions are mesmerized by the lies. WW2, the state dept worked with Hollywood to give you their view on how you should view the war.
Hollywood shapes the liberal narrative and pumps out the propaganda. Hundreds of millions are mesmerized by the lies. WW2, the state dept worked with Hollywood to give you their view on how you should view the war.
Yes that’s true. We had a propaganda department in World War II. The “why we fight” film series is an example of this. But I agree completely with all of that bc after all we were attacked by Japan…. Even Germany attacked us with their U-boats. We had American troops in multiple theaters of war during WW2…. We don’t have that in Israel/ Palestine or Russia Ukraine.

I liked Hollywood during World War II. They were very patriotic and the films were traditional and masculine. They made a lot of sense.
Well, as the planet’s sole super power, it makes sense we’d pay more attention to foreign wars than other countries
It’s been an argument that’s going on for a long time. Should we be the world police or not.

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