Two big problems in America today that hurt the working class- corporate welfare, and BLM race division


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It is true that modern day big corporations can be greedy and are robbing the people. Not all of them are, but it’s a different era today in many ways compared to the American past. There is also corporate welfare ie The government bailing out a number of corporations. In addition cheap labor is a big issue today …..Walmart employs tons of immigrants and perhaps illegal immigrants. The Walmart by me in Buffalo employees almost all Bangladeshi people. They don’t speak any English. They don’t have any interest in going on a strike or demanding better wages. Good people they are but easily controlled They are.

Im2 made a thread about corporate welfare. I think he raised some good points But he left out the other big issue which is race baiting by Democrats and even neocons.

race pimping and race baiting from the left are used to distract the working classes in the USA. I.e some left winger will suggest that Republicans at one time or another attempted to sell whites The idea that blacks are lazy and get a bunch of handouts. But that seems to be propaganda. Just go across the country there are no white supremacists. Nobody believes that. That is a left-wing ideology. It is true that a lot of white Republicans want to see Black people have better lives and they are rightfully criticizing Democrats and perhaps even Republicans for giving us the violent inner city communities, the fact that black majority inner cities have a lot of problems today that did not exist in the past. Bring up that fact is not racist at all. It’s actually the right thing to do and then also it’s the right thing to figure out solutions to these issues.

Now also the other fact is the CEO class of American history was much better in the early middle of 20th century. With people like Henry Ford doubling the wages of his workers overnight Making ford a billionaire, and at the same time helping to create the American middle-class. Ford’s idea was to make the model T affordable for the Ford employee. And when a Ford employee had his wages doubled , it was that much easier for them to buy a Ford model T.

Many politicians, certainly almost all of the media and Hollywood is not talking about actual issues that affect working-class Americans. Like a lack of national healthcare, union jobs going from 35% of the country in the 1960s, to 10% today. Lack of quality benefits ie no ot pay and benefits that companies used to have but don’t have today. Instead, we’re getting bombarded with stuff about foreign wars and “white supremacy”. None of which is helping the working class Americans. The wars in Ukraine and the Holyland have zero effect on Continental USA. And There is no white supremacy in the USA. But there is a dwindling middle class it’s been getting crushed for quite some time now.
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When a BLM supporter complains about white supremacy in the USA it consumes their lives often and they walk around every day believing this to be the actual case.

..,maybe they are a white person who supports BLM and lives in the rich white majority suburbs. But they’re not actually asking themselves why was the black middle-class stronger in the 1940s compared to today? Why are there more children born out of wedlock in both white and black families today With a higher number in the black families being born out of wedlock. It’s an issue for both whites and blacks, but it’s worse in the black community.

What really should be happening is Democrats figuring out why our middle class has been crushed today? Why is it that only 10% of all jobs in the modern USA are unionized when in the 1960s that number was 35%?

What can they do to bring forth the solution to lower the price of homes? What can they do to bring forth millions of new middle-class jobs that might not even need a college education? Instead, they’re talking nonstop about the war, Ukraine, the war between Israel and Palestine or “white supremacy”
It is true that modern day big corporations can be greedy and are robbing the people. Not all of them are, but it’s a different era today in many ways compared to the American past. There is also corporate welfare ie The government bailing out a number of corporations. In addition cheap labor is a big issue today …..Walmart employs tons of immigrants and perhaps illegal immigrants. The Walmart by me in Buffalo employees almost all Bangladeshi people. They don’t speak any English. They don’t have any interest in going on a strike or demanding better wages. Good people they are but easily controlled They are.

Im2 made a thread about corporate welfare. I think he raised some good points But he left out the other big issue which is race baiting by Democrats and even neocons.

race pimping and race baiting from the left are used to distract the working classes in the USA. I.e some left winger will suggest that Republicans at one time or another attempted to sell whites The idea that blacks are lazy and get a bunch of handouts. But that seems to be propaganda. Just go across the country there are no white supremacists. Nobody believes that. That is a left-wing ideology. It is true that a lot of white Republicans want to see Black people have better lives and they are rightfully criticizing Democrats and perhaps even Republicans for giving us the violent inner city communities, the fact that black majority inner cities have a lot of problems today that did not exist in the past. Bring up that fact is not racist at all. It’s actually the right thing to do and then also it’s the right thing to figure out solutions to these issues.

Now also the other fact is the CEO class of American history was much better in the early middle of 20th century. With people like Henry Ford doubling the wages of his workers overnight Making ford a billionaire, and at the same time helping to create the American middle-class. Ford’s idea was to make the model T affordable for the Ford employee. And when a Ford employee had his wages doubled , it was that much easier for them to buy a Ford model T.

Many politicians, certainly almost all of the media and Hollywood is not talking about actual issues that affect working-class Americans. Like a lack of national healthcare, union jobs going from 35% of the country in the 1960s, to 10% today. Lack of quality benefits ie no ot pay and benefits that companies used to have but don’t have today. Instead, we’re getting bombarded with stuff about foreign wars and “white supremacy”. None of which is helping the working class Americans. The wars in Ukraine and the Holyland have zero effect on Continental USA. And There is no white supremacy in the USA. But there is a dwindling middle class it’s been getting crushed for quite some time now.

Plus, Russia is a shithole.

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