Why are Democrats against Voter ID?




Post your Mastercard data. I'm going to bill you for the lesson.
Lol, right side shift key sticks on this old laptop.

A missed apostrophe? Look around kid. Two thirds of the posters here never even heard of 'em.

And that's his mob name. t-Rump.
Lol, right side shift key sticks on this old laptop.

A missed apostrophe? Look around kid. Two thirds of the posters here never even heard of 'em.

And that's his mob name. t-Rump.

LOL. Use those excuses for your 6th grade teacher.

Maybe, ''my dog chewed the computer''.
Why has Biden flooded the USA with illegals?

They are votes for him. Even if he gets half of them, they are his voters. He welcomes illegals. Watch this video and tell me if Chris Cuomo is a Democrat or Republican. Listen to him go all out to have no voter ID. HE knows who they vote for.

This is a discussion among those who want no Voter ID vs those who want it and explain why it is needed.

Voter fraud is nonexistent. It occurs .006% of the time. Why waste time and energy on something that rarely occurs?

This is nothing but voter suppression.
LOL. Use those excuses for your 6th grade teacher.

Maybe, ''my dog chewed the computer''.
You do realize that what you are doing right now is admitting you cannot win a real argument with me, right?
Voter fraud is nonexistent. It occurs .006% of the time. Why waste time and energy on something that rarely occurs?

This is nothing but voter suppression.
No way to get voter suppression. See, the voter can't be followed 100 percent of the time and when voter wants to vote, voter just votes.
Clarification: Passports are valid for any US transaction.

Lets make a state ID available at any courthouse, library, police station, tax office, and library.

Lets make elections require a state ID.
You are onto something that seems it will work.
Every bit of vote suppression helps the MAGAt cause.

What voter supression? Did you not read what I said? You expect us to believe that we have the ability to give divers licenses to illegals but we can’t get voter IDs to citizens?
It's a debate forum.
One expects an opposing view when quoted.
Frankly I was not sure what your point was or view was.
That happens, often on message boards.
I like to help other posters all I can.
I'm telling you that even just renewing your DL can be a 2-3 day ordeal here.
2 to 3 days is an ordeal??

Why does everyone these days want instant?

The US election is quite far off, plenty of time for folk to get their ID sorted. Unless you're Boris Johnson, he forgot his ID and was turned away at the local by-election, lol
Acceptable IDs vary. And the costs and locations to get a valid ID takes it near impossible for a large segment of the population to get one.
For those that don't have the 'basic' life skills to get/have ID just means they've been weeded out as being 'unsuitable' to vote.
Not as far as I know. How they gonna take your pic and check your eyesight?

They do issue licenses for 6 years though.
In the UK, a driving licence lasts 10 years. Last week, I changed the address on mine. Applied online, linked my passport, and a new licence landed in 2 days. I hadn't even got round in posting the old one back!!

Section 4b on our licence gives a date, mine is 16 02 2029 (16th Feb). That's when it expires. So before that date, I will apply online to renew my licence, I think that's £14 or £17 at the moment. I will probably have to supply an upto date photo, not sure how long a photo lasts before they need replaced.

So in my phone's calender, I have a notification set for 1 Dec 2028 to start applying for a new licence, to give me plenty of time.
For those that don't have the 'basic' life skills to get/have ID just means they've been weeded out as being 'unsuitable' to vote.
It's not about basic life skills. It's about just plain being able to get there. What do you do if the DMV is 2-3 hours away?

It has always struck me as odd how convoluted the voting process is in what is supposed to be the beacon of democracy.
In Canada, I register to vote Federal, Provincial and municipal by checking a box on my Federal tax return. Unless I moved between filing and an election, I know I'm on the roll.
I've seen the argument made here that we require ID. True, but here is a list of acceptable IDs

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