When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

no they just had it under siege all those years and bombed it now and again, are you for real?
What propaganda is this?

They did NOT have it under siege, do you even know what that word means?

The only bombings were all in direct retaliation for Hamas attacks.

Have you been certified as incompetent or something?
What propaganda is this?

They did NOT have it under siege, do you even know what that word means?

The only bombings were all in direct retaliation for Hamas attacks.

Have you been certified as incompetent or something?
It's not propaganda its a fact, Israel controlled what was going in or coming out, they controlled the waters off Gaza etc, if you have not been sectioned you should be.
It's not propaganda its a fact, Israel controlled what was going in or coming out, they controlled the waters off Gaza etc, if you have not been sectioned you should be.
Israel, like every country on the planet, controls imports and exports in and out of their State. There is no requirement for any State to provide goods or services to another State (or semi-independent mess that Gaza is). There is no requirement for any State to trade with another State. Gaza is bordered by Egypt as well as Israel, and so has alternative access to goods. Blockades are a response to belligerence. End the belligerence, end the blockade.
It's not propaganda its a fact, Israel controlled what was going in or coming out, they controlled the waters off Gaza etc, if you have not been sectioned you should be.
You are clearly delusional. Not only has Gaza been allowed to leave Gaza and work in Israel, they have been permitted to leave by boat.

What you are missing is that Gaza, having wanted their own country and receiving it, has to obey any Sovereign nations when leaving their country for another.

You are clearly a menace to yourself and/or others.
You are clearly delusional. Not only has Gaza been allowed to leave Gaza and work in Israel, they have been permitted to leave by boat.

What you are missing is that Gaza, having wanted their own country and receiving it, has to obey any Sovereign nations when leaving their country for another.

You are clearly a menace to yourself and/or others.
Work in Israel like those Bantustans in Apartheid South Africa.
No, work in Isreal, earn money, use said money to pay for things that make your life better. Better unless you give your monty a a fucking group of terrorists who masquerade as a government.
No worries. Those days will be over allowing Palestinians to prosper by working in Israel.
When this war is over Israel could keep parts of Gaza as buffer zones alredy equipped with tanks & artillery ready to prevent such an attack happening ever again.
I prefer Landmines .
At some point, Israel will end up running the security, and hand Gaza over to the Saudis, while the Saudis will turn Gaza into a Caribbean resort destination. In exchange the Saudis will sign a peace treaty and put the final nail in the coffin of the mythical Falastine hoax.
Yes. That should do it. Especially if placed in buffer zones.
As to Israel acting overly aggressive against Hamas & too many innocents being killed ask yourselves what would we Americans do if our country were attacked like Israel was?
As to Israel acting overly aggressive against Hamas & too many innocents being killed ask yourselves what would we Americans do if our country were attacked like Israel was?
Last time that happened we nuked the enemy with atomic bombs killing hudreds of thousands. Israel's retaliation in Gaza very humane by comparison.

That's not a bad idea. And stop building new Jewish settlements in that territory. I head that's one of the things that pisses them off the most. Jews say they promise they won't then suddenly one day bulldozers appear and apparently their word means nothing.

Reminds me of our promises to the Indians. We lied.
Gaza has been autonomous since 2005.

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