Zone1 What "progressive" policies have turned out well in the past 50 years?

I'm not crying,, I am reloading,,
Except the costs of healthcare for my children between 21 and 26 was minimal. Since they weren't working immediately after graduation, I would have picked up their premiums. The reality here is that I would have been subsidizing the health care of others, possibly people like you.
Nope. You would have had to pay regular premiums for your adult children. Since you could piggy back them on your plan, the insurance company didn’t receive premiums from them and had to make up the difference by charging retirees like me now living on modest incomes nearly twice as much.
Nope. You would have had to pay regular premiums for your adult children. Since you could piggy back them on your plan, the insurance company didn’t receive premiums from them and had to make up the difference by charging retirees like me now living on modest incomes nearly twice as much.
True the insurance company didn’t receive premiums from my kids but neither did they pay much for their care so there wasn't much difference to make up. So retirees on modest incomes expect me to pay for insurance for care my family doesn't need to subsidize the greater needs of those retirees? Didn't realize you were a socialist.
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.

If you are too damn stupid as to plan for your retirement and need stupid corrupt government bureaucrats to force you to do it then you are an idiot.

Failed program.
Social Security is probably the best law ever passed by government.
Nope. You would have had to pay regular premiums for your adult children. Since you could piggy back them on your plan, the insurance company didn’t receive premiums from them and had to make up the difference by charging retirees like me now living on modest incomes nearly twice as much.
Grandma, you're on Medicare.

You can quit socialized healthcare anytime.
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.

If you are too damn stupid as to plan for your retirement and need stupid corrupt government bureaucrats to force you to do it then you are an idiot.

Failed program.
are banker bailouts a failed program?
Denial is a river in Mexico.

Democrat policies hurt lots of people, and your saying bullshit when someone gives you an example won’t change that.

And this is in the Clean Debate forum. Try to engage like a decent human being, and not a piece of low-class trash.
Denial is a river in Mexico.

Democrat policies hurt lots of people, and your saying bullshit when someone gives you an example won’t change that.

And this is in the Clean Debate forum. Try to engage like a decent human being, and not a piece of low-class trash.
Denial is a river in Egypt lisa.

You didn't give an example you claimed to have a worthless HC under the PPACA which isn't possible since junk insurance plans were never offered.

You had a junk insurance plan from a private company and just bitch lies in regard to the PPACA.
I was trying to think of a "progressive" policy that has worked out well during the past 50 years, but I couldn't come up with any. Can you?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, or Obamacare is one, which expanded Medicaid and introduced protections for people with preexisting conditions, significantly lowering the uninsured rate in the U.S. The ACA highlights the country's dedication to health as a basic right and has grown exponentially since being placed into law.

In environmental policy, the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 have made considerable strides by addressing acid rain, urban air pollution, and toxic emissions, thereby improving air quality nationwide. This legislation emphasizes the importance of environmental health to public wellbeing.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 also marks a move towards inclusivity, improving access and rights for disabled Americans and recognizing disability rights as civil rights, contributing to a more inclusive society.

There are many such policies dating back even long before fifty years ago. Too many to name here.
Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.

If you are too damn stupid as to plan for your retirement and need stupid corrupt government bureaucrats to force you to do it then you are an idiot.

Failed program.
On August 14, 1935, the United States introduced Social Security, a program funded by deductions from Americans' paychecks on a weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly basis. This initiative quickly became crucial to the country's economic stability. Over the years, the reliance on the revenue generated by Social Security has grown to such an extent that its absence would result in significant and disastrous economic repercussions. Despite its substantial payouts, Social Security is a key income source that supports the nation's financial health regularly. Although it may be a subject of contention between Republicans and Democrats, with intense debates and disagreements, the reality is that Social Security is indispensable. Eliminating it would not only be economically unfeasible but also irrational, as it would sever a vital financial artery for the U.S. government and potentially create a collapsed nation.
Denial is a river in Egypt lisa.

You don’t get the reference, mixing up Egypt with Mexico? Wow. The leftist media you follow really does keep you in the dark re Biden’s mind. You people really are so lacking in knowledge!
You didn't give an example you claimed to have a worthless HC under the PPACA which isn't possible since junk insurance plans were never offered.
I didn’t have a so-called junk plan. I had one that cost nearly $1000 a month, with a very high deductible, and a narrow network. That was the Obamacare nightmare.

You had a junk insurance plan from a private company and just bitch lies in regard to the PPACA.

Nope, That’s the lie the libs tell: waaaa, you had a junk plan before, Nope. I had a great plan covered by every doctor I wanted, with a $2000 deductible, and about half the premium.

You libs are in. Dream world. You think you can give some people highly reduced, or even free, insurance - and the money comes from the trees. When you give free shit to some people, like the adult children of the wealthy Democrat who posted above, someone else is paying for it.
Nope. You would have had to pay regular premiums for your adult children. Since you could piggy back them on your plan, the insurance company didn’t receive premiums from them and had to make up the difference by charging retirees like me now living on modest incomes nearly twice as much.

Stop, you weren’t impacted at all. Literally not a cent.
You don’t get the reference, mixing up Egypt with Mexico? Wow. The leftist media you follow really does keep you in the dark re Biden’s mind. You people really are so lacking in knowledge!

I didn’t have a so-called junk plan. I had one that cost nearly $1000 a month, with a very high deductible, and a narrow network. That was the Obamacare nightmare.

Nope, That’s the lie the libs tell: waaaa, you had a junk plan before, Nope. I had a great plan covered by every doctor I wanted, with a $2000 deductible, and about half the premium.

You libs are in. Dream world. You think you can give some people highly reduced, or even free, insurance - and the money comes from the trees. When you give free shit to some people, like the adult children of the wealthy Democrat who posted above, someone else is paying for it.
Hilarious lisa

Just making up strawman arguments and expecting anyone to believe them.
^^^ the only way that libs can live with the damage of the policies they support is to simply deny it.
I wonder if you would be so kind as to name and define all of the damages the policies enacted by only democrats without any across the aisle assistance give or take have actually done to the majority of US citizens in America verses the good, they have done. Please be specific and detailed and fact based because I truly would like to know the facts on those numbers.

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