Zone1 What "progressive" policies have turned out well in the past 50 years?

since obamacare our rates have almost tripled and the coverage has gone down,,
and why is it you stupid fucks keep claiming shit about yourselves that can never be proven and expect us to believe you??
I’d say that’s OK temporarily, but what about “kids” in their 30s still living with Mommy and Daddy. There’s more involved than just pitching in with rent. An important part of growing up is learning to budget for rent, food, etc.; doing one’s own laundry, going grocery shopping and preparing meals, buying household stuff, paying the electric and water bills, and so on.
it would be a case by case basis,,
in italy its a normal thing to see,, family farmers also have children at home not to mention the amish,,
I’d say that’s OK temporarily, but what about “kids” in their 30s still living with Mommy and Daddy. There’s more involved than just pitching in with rent. An important part of growing up is learning to budget for rent, food, etc.; doing one’s own laundry, going grocery shopping and preparing meals, buying household stuff, paying the electric and water bills, and so on.
what about prince william?



The Civil Rights Law

Fair Housing Law

Non-Discrimination Laws

Minimum Wage Law

Examples of great conservative policies in last 50 years

Declaring an embryo a child
Thanks, but abbreviations, acronyms and titles are not substitutes for policies, nor do they indicate whether they are "progressive" or cost-beneficial.
maybe so. but should victims of bad parenting starve?
Why can’t they get a job, a couple of roommates, and buy mac-n-cheese, fish sticks, cheap canned fruit and veggies, some eggs, and cereal and milk?

We aren’t talking about 6 year olds. We are talking about 26 year olds.
Why can’t they get a job, a couple of roommates, and buy mac-n-cheese, fish sticks, cheap canned fruit and veggies, some eggs, and cereal and milk?

We aren’t talking about 6 year olds. We are talking about 26 year olds.
the first place I lived outside the family home was with 3 other guys and we regularly ate tuna and noodle casserole,,
I knew you'd try to go there.

Sure, a few fucking nut-job liberal teachers, I despise them.
But it's certainly not a norm nor in the curriculum.
a lot more than a few of them and it goes all the way to the highest points of public education and government,,

but you knew that already,,
the first place I lived outside the family home was with 3 other guys and we regularly ate tuna and noodle casserole,,
That’s exactly what my brother did! They rented a four-bedroom townhouse.

Must be a guy thing. I rented a studio in a marginal apartment building. And lived off the stuff I mentioned - macNcheese, fish sticks, Banquet TV dinners for $1 each, canned goods, cereal and milk. When you’re young, you can endure more.
the yr is irrelevant,, it can be done anytime,,
Yup. Here’s a nice 4-bedroom townhouse renting for $3000. Split four ways, and it’s $750 each.
That’s exactly what my brother did! They rented a four-bedroom townhouse.

Must be a guy thing. I rented a studio in a marginal apartment building. And lived off the stuff I mentioned - macNcheese, fish sticks, Banquet TV dinners for $1 each, canned goods, cereal and milk. When you’re young, you can endure more.
you cant even find studio apartments anymore,,
Yup. Here’s a nice 4-bedroom townhouse renting for $3000. Split four ways, and it’s $750 each.
thats a lot less than a one bedroom apt for 1600.00

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