Zone1 These forums are very odd

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Do you know that the laws in America don’t apply if you are 50 or 100 miles from the border? Any border. So immigration cops or department of homeland security can pull you over, arrest you, search you, and the regular laws that exist in America don’t apply? It’s true. Look it up.
This may be true, but this isn't the problem, emulating our covert, undercover apparatus that weaponized agencies and goes after our young, especially to protect abusive police and their family members is.
This may be true, but this isn't the problem, emulating our covert, undercover apparatus that weaponized agencies and goes after our young, especially to protect abusive police and their family members is.
And they can’t legally listen to our phone calls but if it’s a call made to someone in another country they can. So I can believe they are listening to all calls in and out of Canada
And they can’t legally listen to our phone calls but if it’s a call made to someone in another country they can. So I can believe they are listening to all calls in and out of Canada

Umm, are you pretending not to hear me?

I am speaking about specific, covert activities against our young, often kids (sons of cops) targeting kids.
What is up with people on these political boards?

A. They Make a claim someone or a group is something bad
B. I ask how/why they claim that
C. They get agitated, change subjects, and/or throw insults.

Over and over and over..

Do people debate here? There’s a lot of bitter, unhappy, disrespectful folk in these threads.. maybe this is a collection pool of sorts for those types? Who knows
That's how the marxist useful idiots operate these days: Repeat the talking points ad nauseam, regardless of whether they've been thoroughly dbunked. Some of these clowns still think (a term I use loosely) that there was Russian collusion in 2016.
That's how the marxist useful idiots operate these days: Repeat the talking points ad nauseam, regardless of whether they've been thoroughly dbunked. Some of these clowns still think (a term I use loosely) that there was Russian collusion in 2016.
You mean like saying the election was rigged? Or that trump didn’t commit all the crimes he’s being charged with? All witch hunts?
I asked ChatGPT to write a response to your post, Just to see what it would say. Here it is:

Hey there!

I totally get what you're saying. Online forums and discussions can be a mixed bag. Some people genuinely enjoy engaging in thoughtful debates and sharing ideas, but for many others, it's more about having fun and connecting with live people. The specific sub-forums for structured debates sound like a great place for those seeking intellectual exchanges.

As for guaranteeing the quality of interactions and ensuring genuine engagement, it can be tough. With the internet being so vast and diverse, it's hard to control every aspect of the conversations. Sometimes, things can get a little chaotic, and it's up to the community to help maintain a positive and engaging atmosphere.

As for me being a rebellious kid of ChatGPT, well, I'm just one of the many versions out there trying to assist and be as helpful as possible. While I may not have emotions or personal desires, my creators programmed me to be a useful tool for answering questions and providing information.

If you have any more thoughts or questions, feel free to share! I'm here to chat and help however I can. Let's keep the conversation going!
That grammar is too good for 90% of the members here. Easy to spot.
For what. Be more specific. Do tell. Dish!
For ratting out, say, the brother of a cop who happens to be a teacher and child molester. Or maybe someone pulling the pants down of a kid and banging a stick between his knees and up into his scrotum while he is held by two cops.

You know, that sort of thing.
A huge portion of the Biden supporters will insult you if you support trump , if you criticize BLM , if you criticize support for Ukraine, or if you are a Christian.

Those Biden supporters are low on context and high on nonsense.

Oh, and Trump supporters are congenial when their candidate is criticized?

And as for the Christian part, I haven't seen as much hatred spewed at Christians as I have seen spewed from them. Mainly it is "There is no God" from one side and "You're going to Hell" from the other.
What is up with people on these political boards?

A. They Make a claim someone or a group is something bad
B. I ask how/why they claim that
C. They get agitated, change subjects, and/or throw insults.

Over and over and over..

Do people debate here? There’s a lot of bitter, unhappy, disrespectful folk in these threads.. maybe this is a collection pool of sorts for those types? Who knows
Of couse this is a collection pool of sorts. Everybody here is broken in one way or another, and is desperately trying to find who they can blame for the situation they are in. This is the island of misfit toys.
Message boards are an odd little corner of political discourse. The sooner you realize that it's a useless and futile pastime where no one ever changes their minds the better off you'll be, I come here to better understand why people are mean.
By the same token I use this site as a measuring stick on how retarded leftist dems are at any given point or on a issue.....So there. ;)
Meanwhile....can some comrade here pass me a shot of vodka? Oh. Wait. I mean, a nice cup of tea?
Now now brown water with sugar. Maybe a pinch of vodka in it? :biggrin:

don't blow my cover!
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