The “Disparate Impact” Scam

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
There is this fraud out there being perpetrated by the left about “disparate impact”. It has been around for years. The term literally refers to an action or policy that disproportionately affects one class of people over another. Note: this is the common and immoral leftist idea of group over individual.

The significance of the term has to do with the application of Title VII, which outlaws racist treatment of minorities. What happened after Title VII was enacted and aggrieved litigants began suing under it was that they realized they have a devil of a time proving racist intent. In order to circumvent the intent requirement, liberal judges constructed the “disparate impact” doctrine whereby racist intent can be inferred by the jury upon a showing that the practice or policy complains of disproportionately affect minority people. This almost always involves a statistical analysis. Then BINGO!! The cash started flowing and homeboy GOT PAID!!

Today, the leftist vermin continue with this construct on a policy level in their effort to divide and conquer our republic. Today there is a news story about how Creepy old Joe Biden is losing the support of Hispanics. The allegation is that Joe’s policies are disproportionately affecting Hispanics. Now, to be sure, Joe Biden is a punk loser who is being told what to do and say by the people working behind him in the White House. These fiends are largely followers of the Ayetollah Barack Hussein Obama and, therefore, bat-shit crazy. There is no doubt that Biden’s economy is a disaster. Nobody in the White House today knows jack shit about macroeconomics.

However, isn’t it more correct to say that those people who are REALLY disproportionately affected adversely by Joe’s economic debacle are everyone in lower socio-economic levels, regardless of race, ethnicity, and skin color? After all, the Hispanics are not being disproportionately burdened because they are Hispanic. It is just they Hispanics are disproportionately in a lower socio-economic class than many, along with some blacks and whites.

Therefore, the claim that Hispanics are disproportionately affected by Biden’s shitty economy is just FALSE. The truth is that ALL lower income are disproportionately affected, relative to higher income earners. Of course, this begs the question: Doesn’t anyone with a functioning brain already know this?

Now, I guess you can really strain the argument and say that Hispanics have a higher percentage of low-income people than whites and, therefore, they are disproportionately affected because of it. But again, this is just not true. Their pain has nothing to do with ethnicity. It is correlative at best, and I even question this because of the irrelevance of race and ethnicity in this matter.

In fact, in a country where minorities are given all sorts of advantages that allow them to get jobs they may not be qualified for, low/no interest SBA loans to start businesses (or to simply fleece the American taxpayer), and virtually free college, then their continued high proportionality of low income earners is really and indictment of THEIR character, or lack thereof. They are “disproportionally affected” because they are disproportionately not worth a shit.

Notice here that I am not personally saying that Hispanics are disproportionately not worth a shit. THEY ARE SAYING THEY ARE DISPROPORTIONATELY NOT WORTH A SHIT, when they make the disparate impact argument. They just do not realize they are saying it.

This sort of tactic is used by all the minorities. I would be right there with them too were it not for the fact that there are ample opportunities out there, paid for by the America taxpayer (you are welcome), to improve their situations. The primary thing holding them back, in my opinion, is THEIR REFUSAL to take responsibility for their station in life. They are being led down that road by races hustlers and leftist politicians who want them to be on the lower rungs of society so that they can exploit them for monetary and political gain.

This is not a white person caused problem. We know that Democrats and other leftists have zero character. They will take advantage of anyone they can. The problem is that blacks need to take advantage of opportunities staring them in the face, educate themselves, and then rebel against the Democrat Plantation and its present-day slave masters. It is only through education that the blacks can better their plight.
There is this fraud out there being perpetrated by the left about “disparate impact”. It has been around for years. The term literally refers to an action or policy that disproportionately affects one class of people over another. Note: this is the common and immoral leftist idea of group over individual.

The significance of the term has to do with the application of Title VII, which outlaws racist treatment of minorities. What happened after Title VII was enacted and aggrieved litigants began suing under it was that they realized they have a devil of a time proving racist intent. In order to circumvent the intent requirement, liberal judges constructed the “disparate impact” doctrine whereby racist intent can be inferred by the jury upon a showing that the practice or policy complains of disproportionately affect minority people. This almost always involves a statistical analysis. Then BINGO!! The cash started flowing and homeboy GOT PAID!!

Today, the leftist vermin continue with this construct on a policy level in their effort to divide and conquer our republic. Today there is a news story about how Creepy old Joe Biden is losing the support of Hispanics. The allegation is that Joe’s policies are disproportionately affecting Hispanics. Now, to be sure, Joe Biden is a punk loser who is being told what to do and say by the people working behind him in the White House. These fiends are largely followers of the Ayetollah Barack Hussein Obama and, therefore, bat-shit crazy. There is no doubt that Biden’s economy is a disaster. Nobody in the White House today knows jack shit about macroeconomics.

However, isn’t it more correct to say that those people who are REALLY disproportionately affected adversely by Joe’s economic debacle are everyone in lower socio-economic levels, regardless of race, ethnicity, and skin color? After all, the Hispanics are not being disproportionately burdened because they are Hispanic. It is just they Hispanics are disproportionately in a lower socio-economic class than many, along with some blacks and whites.

Therefore, the claim that Hispanics are disproportionately affected by Biden’s shitty economy is just FALSE. The truth is that ALL lower income are disproportionately affected, relative to higher income earners. Of course, this begs the question: Doesn’t anyone with a functioning brain already know this?

Now, I guess you can really strain the argument and say that Hispanics have a higher percentage of low-income people than whites and, therefore, they are disproportionately affected because of it. But again, this is just not true. Their pain has nothing to do with ethnicity. It is correlative at best, and I even question this because of the irrelevance of race and ethnicity in this matter.

In fact, in a country where minorities are given all sorts of advantages that allow them to get jobs they may not be qualified for, low/no interest SBA loans to start businesses (or to simply fleece the American taxpayer), and virtually free college, then their continued high proportionality of low income earners is really and indictment of THEIR character, or lack thereof. They are “disproportionally affected” because they are disproportionately not worth a shit.

Notice here that I am not personally saying that Hispanics are disproportionately not worth a shit. THEY ARE SAYING THEY ARE DISPROPORTIONATELY NOT WORTH A SHIT, when they make the disparate impact argument. They just do not realize they are saying it.

This sort of tactic is used by all the minorities. I would be right there with them too were it not for the fact that there are ample opportunities out there, paid for by the America taxpayer (you are welcome), to improve their situations. The primary thing holding them back, in my opinion, is THEIR REFUSAL to take responsibility for their station in life. They are being led down that road by races hustlers and leftist politicians who want them to be on the lower rungs of society so that they can exploit them for monetary and political gain.

This is not a white person caused problem. We know that Democrats and other leftists have zero character. They will take advantage of anyone they can. The problem is that blacks need to take advantage of opportunities staring them in the face, educate themselves, and then rebel against the Democrat Plantation and its present-day slave masters. It is only through education that the blacks can better their plight.

Anytime you hear that phrase, know that white leftists are about to try to steal something from you.
While it is true that the poverty rates for Blacks, Whites, Asians and Hispanics are different.
Treating poor people differently because of their race is both immoral and unconstitutional.
The Radical Left is racist
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