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The Difference Between Blacks and Whites

Difference between blacks and whites: Mostly culture.
Difference between blacks and whites: Mostly culture.

That and history.

Given that most Blacks would be just fine with being part of our culture if they could, I'd have to say the outcome of history is the major difference between us.

Of course the question should be asked, WHICH WHITE CULTURE?

After all it isn't like every White ethnic and region shares a single White culture, either.
I have been fascinated by the issue of race in the current presidential campaign. If race is an issue why are we not talking about John McCain's race? Anyone over seven years old knows the horrors the white race has perpetuated on the world. Most dictators, mass murderers, robber barons, and other assorted crazies are white. Do you really think it is a good idea to elect another white man?

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

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