The death of the Libertarian Party

Which is why Trump is better than Biden.
Biden is financing 2 wars, the Ukraine and Palestine.
Trump is one of the few presidents who did not start a war.
In fact, he ended the Afghan war.

By cutting taxes, Trump increase tax revenue and allowed US growth in production.

Those both fit Libertarianism.

did you some how miss Trump more than doubling the deficit, even before COVID?

did you some how miss Trump submitting the 4 largest budget request in the history of the nation to that point?

have I missed Trump saying we should not be helping Israel?

and then lay out for me how tariffs, which Trump said he would make 100% on many items, fit in Libertarianism
Which is why Trump is better than Biden.
Biden is financing 2 wars, the Ukraine and Palestine.
Trump is one of the few presidents who did not start a war.
In fact, he ended the Afghan war.

By cutting taxes, Trump increase tax revenue and allowed US growth in production.

Those both fit Libertarianism.

Trump's mismanagement of Covid cost more American lives than all our wars combined.
hey, I gave you multiple chances to explain how the barter system would allow me to be sitting in Illinois and buy the latest and best video card from a factory in China, and you just could not do it.
going to 100 % barter overnite is not possible.

barter is different than sound money though.

sound money has enabled globalist empire before. no worries there.

fractional banking and Keynesianism allow too much power abuse and it becomes decoupled from all reality, however.

spare us the "getting things done" value speech. getting things done starts to include mass murder based on paranoia and racism.

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. later this month as he tries to woo voters beyond the Republican base and avoid losing support to independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

This is just embarrassing, the once proud Libertarian Party reduced to this stupidity. There is not a Libertarian bone in Trump's body.

This makes as much sense as having Biden speak at the RNC.

Might have to give the Constitution Party a closer look
True. Trump is much more libertarian (little "L") rather than the much more authoritarian Libertarian. But he does share a lot of policy with the Libertarians. Everyone isn't like the one horse, one note leftists who want to shield everybody from any opinion they don't hold. The wise person knows that true wisdom comes from hearing all points of view along with the ability to critically evaluate them and choose the most profitable.
The Uighurs are Muslim terrorists.

China has raised 300 million people into the middle class in the last 50 years. This is an amazing accomplishment.
you're a straight up CCP shill.

all libertarians are these days.

straight up traitors.
President Trump is not looking to join their party; he is looking to earn the members votes.
It is a natural fit.
Fact. And he SHOULD earn the members' votes to defeat the destructive administration now in charge. Republicans and Libertarians and Trump (who is actually neither) all share a good many policy positions that are the exact opposite of what the leftists are pushing. I (and I imagine President Trump) choose not to be Libertarian because of their authoritarian attitudes about drugs, religion, open borders etc. Evenso we have far more in common with Libertarians than we do leftists.
you know, that old core American who loved small less intrusive government, the one who hated debt and deficit spending….the one who fully embraced REAL freedom and our founding principles and values?
But your tribe went all in on culture war bullshit, which completely invalidates all the above. :rolleyes: There is nothing sincere about your rhetoric.
But your tribe went all in on culture war bullshit, which completely invalidates all the above. :rolleyes: There is nothing sincere about your rhetoric.
My “tribe” has been nothing but retaliatory since your tribe comprised of unconventionals launched the culture war.
Have you been under a rock?
like i have told you many times before.....if you were not such a fucking racist more people might agree with you on the border shit....and you have defiantly created what you hate...
Yeah yeah…I get it. “Walls are racist”…..”Don’t refer to the trespassers breaking into your nation as cockroaches or wetbacks”…..”Dark people are Americas greatest asset, believing otherwise is racist”
dblack has made it all clear many times before
My “tribe” has been nothing but retaliatory since your tribe comprised of unconventionals launched the culture war.
Have you been under a rock?
Have you? The culture war bullshit in this country belongs to magaturds and their petty grievances. You just refuse to own it. Not my circus. :rolleyes:
small Govt?
You can’t have small government and the 50 million disgusting, desperate, illiterate “free travelers” you begged for.
How’s that working out…are your “free travelers” improving and enhancing America or are they robbing our best blind, raping and murdering our daughters, fucking up our education and heathcare?
We have to spend on those “free travelers” you had to have.

Defense Spending?
The old sick fuck you refused to vote down is funding two wars.
Drug laws?
How’s that working in all the shitholes that have legalized weed? Denver? Mexifornia?
I thought you wanted states to decide? So does Trump.

Face it…your LibLite platform is complete ass….100% unsellable in the new America you helped construct.

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