Speaker Mike Johnson declares Trump trial a total sham

All you ever spew is “it’s racist”… sad and pathetic.
Wrong again.

What's pathetic is the amount of racism that's posted here by the likes of you.
I would say this is really embarrassing for you, but you probably still think masks and vaccines work. So....

It's embarrassing for our country....the Speaker or others in Congress, should not have injected themselves in to this....


THIS RIDICULOUS Kiss the Ring, dog and pony show, spewing lies and breaking the Court gag order ...for Trump. It was a shameful SHOWING.
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Don't some of these guys have work to do in DC? Except Ramaswamy and that one guy is a governor.

It's embarrassing for our country....the Speaker or others in Congress, should not have injected themselves in to this....


THIS RIDICULOUS Kiss the Ring, dog and pony show, spewing lies and breaking the Court gag order ...for Trump. It was a shameful SHOWING.
The WEAPONIZATION of our justice system is what never happened before, ding-bat!!!!
This LAWFARE against a former president is what never happened before!
Spewing LIES, UNCONSTITUTIONAL and UNEVEN "gag-orders" is what never happened before!
What the FUCK is wrong with you, princess???????

It's embarrassing for our country....the Speaker or others in Congress, should not have injected themselves in to this....


THIS RIDICULOUS Kiss the Ring, dog and pony show, spewing lies and breaking the Court gag order ...for Trump. It was a shameful SHOWING.

He REALLY hurt your feelings huh
Ron Johnson, my Senator.

He seems to be a pretty decent guy.
So far we have a very short list of Congressmen, for which none could be Speaker of the House because the rest are just pond scum and would never tolerate any of them, assuming they stay true to their conservative roots.

Aside from about a hand full, they are strangers in a strange land that are not wanted by the Lizard people.
A guy like Johnson, being such a Christian and all, at the trial supporting a guy whose entire trial is based on porn star he fucked while his wife was pregnant. Who does this hypocrite think will look positively on this in the future?
Yes, Trump had an affair with a porn star, high crimes against the state indeed, proving further that Mike Johnson is correct.

But you are also correct in that he is a hypocrite, as he promised to secure the border of the US before agreeing to secure the border of other nations.

That is treasonous.

Speaker Mike Johnson declares the US justice system corrupt and the trials against Trump a witch hunt.

The article claims that this is the highest-ranking government official to do so, but as I recall, Obama and his goons declared the entire justice system as systemically racist on more than one occasion.

So, it appears that both parties agree, the justice system is corrupt beyond measure.

Funny that.

Johnson and the Trumpettes looked so cute in their blue suits and red ties.

They have a hell of a nerve declaring the justice system "corrupt", when Trump is the guy who corrupted it. Lock him up!!!
It was corrupt when Bill Barr let all of Trump's jailed cronies, out of jail.
Assuming that you are correct, what was done about it?

What did the DNC do about it or anyone else?

Where are the checks and balances?

I have one that is a major example of corruption, the Dred Scott Decision.

Here the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution backed slavery in some way, which it does not in any way, all to please the political whims of a corrupt institution.
Assuming that you are correct, what was done about it?

What did the DNC do about it or anyone else?

Where are the checks and balances?

I have one that is a major example of corruption, the Dred Scott Decision.

Here the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution backed slavery in some way, which it does not in any way, all to please the political whims of a corrupt institution.
Does anyone find it odd that Trump had to pay millions for being accused of rape which is illegal, but faces jail time for a consensual affair with a porn star which is legal?

What the hell?

And here I thought Democrats approved of such adulterous relationships when they in mass voted for Bill Clinton after he perjured himself lying about not having an affair.
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Then vote for the life long con man
You acknowledge he is a cheating lying con man…..right

When you vote D for Bidumb, you're doing nothing different. His life long con has been lying his entire life and living off of the American tax payer, he's never made a dime of contribution to the economy in his entire life, he's a leech on society. In addition, he's a corrupt piece of shit, but please, do keep harping on Trump being a 'con man'. You're all fucking idiots. 🤡
No, I think everyone understands you'd vote for Satan if he promised to implement your policy positions.

As would you. 🤡 In fact, you actually are, and you are supporting and endorsing it. So go f yourself and your TDS bullshit.
Yes, Trump had an affair with a porn star, high crimes against the state indeed, proving further that Mike Johnson is correct.

But you are also correct in that he is a hypocrite, as he promised to secure the border of the US before agreeing to secure the border of other nations.

That is treasonous.
You're voting for a guy who cheated on his wife while she was pregnant. It's called character, dipshit. Something you personally are not familiar with as you have none. But my point is Johnson, the supposed Christian high upstanding moral person, is promoting a guy who literally has no morality. How do you square that, traitor?
My fave part of this entire thing is that Leftists not only want to be moral scolds now, but want the JUSTICE SYSTEM to take care of it.

Great, let's go. Here come the sodomy laws. You like?

PS Adultery is a terrible sin. I do not condone it and do not like Donald Trump personally. But it is not ILLEGAL to have sex with a porn star.
Why does everything need to be explained to you like you're 7 years old? It's literally like I'm talking to a child.

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