Should we take cell phones out of school? Is it even possible anymore?

Sock? Awesome, and you can be "bra".

Cool story, bra.

Read some threads on this forum, kid. You seem to post 99.999999% of the time in threads about Jewish issues, but there are other discussions going on as well.
Classes of all sorts all around the world, including especially places that would leave you running out of the school to your prius in tears, kid.
so you aren't a classroom teacher but some sort of floater who can't hold a fixed, full time job. Got it, Fred.
Read some threads on this forum, kid. You seem to post 99.999999% of the time in threads about Jewish issues, but there are other discussions going on as well.
Good thing I came in here to discuss phones in the classroom and didn't mention anything to do with religion. You should try to keep to the same parameters. But I appreciate that you are stalking me.
Good thing I came in here to discuss phones in the classroom .....

And it has been proven to you many times in many ways that cell phones in the classroom are detrimental to learning. Don't post any more illegal pictures of some Stepford Students and think you've made some kind of point to the contrary.
Wrong again, kid. If you think you've got something to say, say it. Don't try to compare experience because you will come up short.
I have plenty to say, Fred. And I have said it. You are the one making baseless accusations about my experiences. And I think my experiences will measure up just fine. You might want to rethink your boasts.
And it has been proven to you many times in many ways that cell phones in the classroom are detrimental to learning. Don't post any more illegal pictures of some Stepford Students and think you've made some kind of point to the contrary.
No, you have shown some articles that support your contention. I showed other articles What you pasted isn't proving anything because I have actual, real world experience that shows you are wrong. And why would you call my students "stepford" anything or claim that the photo is illegal when you clearly know nothing about me, them or the phot in question? Deal with it -- you are jealous of an actual teacher who has actual classroom experience so you lash out in ignorance, hoping that some internet article will "prove" to actual practitioners when first hand experience does not bear out.
I have plenty to say, ....

Then maybe you could say why you want to promote the use of cell phones in school when just about every experienced teacher knows how disruptive and distracting they are.
Then maybe you could say why you want to promote the use of cell phones in school when just about every experienced teacher knows how disruptive and distracting they are.
I want to promote the leveraging of technology in the classroom when it is called for and often, the use of cell phones in the class is advantageous. You might never have discovered this because you aren't a classroom teacher.
Still wrong, Junior.
stamp your feet all you want. Everyone here can see that you don't know what you are talking about. I note that when I made my initial statement about my experience, you didn't counter with any experience of your own. You relied on canned articles and claims about OTHER teachers. Gee, I wonder why you didn't simply say "that hasn't been my experience -- what techniques do you use that I might be able to include in my class?" See, that's what an actual teacher would do -- accept success and try to learn from it. But you prefer to claim that success doesn't exist because you have internet articles that tell you it doesn't. This all speaks for itself. Let actual teachers discuss actual classroom issues.
None to be found who will corroborate yours.
the difference is, I'm not asking to be corroborated. I have my experiences over many, may years in the classroom. You are making claims based on articles and not experience. I'll stick with experience.

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