Should students get loans to go to college?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
You read remarks that long ago college was free. I went to college in 1957-58. Did not get a degree. Could not afford to attend college. Mom only let me have free rent and meals. College was a long drive using first a new car that I ended up selling to stay in college but ended up with a beat up old Plymouth that broke down going to College. It was a bitch. Wages at that time were not super good for graduates as I believed then. My grandson graduated college several years back and immediately Facebook paid him around $160,000 per year and he has no college debt.

Dr Phil had some students on his show. We should discuss should debt be needed or not. Should college bee free. College now causes you to be paid a lot in the right fields. As my grandson is in and now his income is more than $200,000 per year. He Works from home as an Engineer.

Some students never use debt. Some use a lot. But why should college be free when others pay for the education for students. They pay in taxes.

If the college hasn't gotten it's grad a job that can repay the tuition in less than 10 years, then said college should be forced to refund the tuition.
Should students get loans to go to college? Not if they can't afford to pay back their loans. If their parents are willing to foot the bill, that's fine.
Another question could be, should college be handled like K-12 is, in that it be mandatory and covered by the government? To that, I say no, however, there does need to be changes in the higher education system.
1. Only degrees that have a very high probability of a graduate getting an occupation should be offered. As time and technological changes occur, the degrees can change with them. Degrees in subjects that are unlikely to garner employment, should not be offered.
2. Required classes should be trimmed down to focus mainly on the degree subject manner.
3. Subject classes that are not related to the degree subject matter should be classified as optional and the student(s) should pay extra if they are interested in the non-degree subject.
Always remember the reason students have to get loans is so professors can have nice cars and homes.
Should students get loans to go to college? Not if they can't afford to pay back their loans. If their parents are willing to foot the bill, that's fine.
Another question could be, should college be handled like K-12 is, in that it be mandatory and covered by the government? To that, I say no, however, there does need to be changes in the higher education system.
1. Only degrees that have a very high probability of a graduate getting an occupation should be offered. As time and technological changes occur, the degrees can change with them. Degrees in subjects that are unlikely to garner employment, should not be offered.
2. Required classes should be trimmed down to focus mainly on the degree subject manner.
3. Subject classes that are not related to the degree subject matter should be classified as optional and the student(s) should pay extra if they are interested in the non-degree subject.
What did you major in?
Another question could be, should college be handled like K-12 is, in that it be mandatory and covered by the government? To that, I say no, however, there does need to be changes in the higher education system.
This is the nuts and bolts of all of it.
Is college so special it can't be treated like K-12?

What is school all about for students? Is education K-12 to help them earn a living or for other purposes? Why exclude college then?
Only banks should issue college loans using the same risk parameters they do for anything else.

Looking for money for a gender studies/DIE degree.....Pound sand.....Looking to become an engineer or other professional that pays well then we might take a risk on you.
Should students get loans to go to college? Not if they can't afford to pay back their loans. If their parents are willing to foot the bill, that's fine.
Another question could be, should college be handled like K-12 is, in that it be mandatory and covered by the government? To that, I say no, however, there does need to be changes in the higher education system.
1. Only degrees that have a very high probability of a graduate getting an occupation should be offered. As time and technological changes occur, the degrees can change with them. Degrees in subjects that are unlikely to garner employment, should not be offered.
2. Required classes should be trimmed down to focus mainly on the degree subject manner.
3. Subject classes that are not related to the degree subject matter should be classified as optional and the student(s) should pay extra if they are interested in the non-degree subject.
College being “covered by the government” means covered by taxpayers. Where is that money going to come from? My property taxes, to pay K-12, is ALREADY more than my P&I. Just how much more can liberals squeeze from middle-class earners?
Only banks should issue college loans using the same risk parameters they do for anything else.

Looking for money for a gender studies/DIE degree.....Pound sand.....Looking to become an engineer or other professional that pays well then we might take a risk on you.

More anti-education propaganda

The overwhelming majority of students major in business, healthcare, education, STEM, liberal arts

How many banks are willing to risk money on an 18 year old?
More anti-education propaganda

The overwhelming majority of students major in business, healthcare, education, STEM, liberal arts

How many banks are willing to risk money on an 18 year old?
18 year olds have no track record. It can be thought of as professional athletes. No experience, nobody wants them.
The fundamental problem is that there has been a massive shifting of of the financial burden of education onto individuals through student loans that earlier generations did not experience because states have steadily reduced their real dollar funding of public universities forcing students to borrow the money from the Department of Education. Chickens are just coming home to roost now.

More should be done to lower the cost of education but neither side really is interested in that.
College was a long drive using first a new car that I ended up selling to stay in college but ended up with a beat up old Plymouth that broke down going to College. It was a bitch.

How did you afford a new car? Why didn't you use the car money to stay in dorm or close by?
How did you afford a new car? Why didn't you use the car money to stay in dorm or close by?
Going to college, I could not afford the new car I had bought when I could afford the car. It was cheaper to drive home than to stay at some facility. I was not aware of facilities.
You read remarks that long ago college was free. I went to college in 1957-58. Did not get a degree. Could not afford to attend college. Mom only let me have free rent and meals. College was a long drive using first a new car that I ended up selling to stay in college but ended up with a beat up old Plymouth that broke down going to College. It was a bitch. Wages at that time were not super good for graduates as I believed then. My grandson graduated college several years back and immediately Facebook paid him around $160,000 per year and he has no college debt.

Dr Phil had some students on his show. We should discuss should debt be needed or not. Should college bee free. College now causes you to be paid a lot in the right fields. As my grandson is in and now his income is more than $200,000 per year. He Works from home as an Engineer.

Some students never use debt. Some use a lot. But why should college be free when others pay for the education for students. They pay in taxes.

The federal government is the No. 1 reason college is so costly, why schools no longer educate, why healthcare costs are unaffordable without insurance. I have no problem with loans for those students who want them. But they should not be necessary. A person should be able to work and attend college on a pay as you go basis as it once was. They may not be able to attend a costly prestige private university but they can get a quite adequate education at a state school.

It should not be paid by the federal government as that puts an unconstitutional burden on citizens who choose not to go to college and those who prefer to pay their own way.

There is no such thing as FREE anything that requires contribution or participation by others. Somebody has to pay, and in my opinion those who should pay should be those who want the product or service for themselves or their children, etc.
The federal government is the No. 1 reason college is so costly, why schools no longer educate, why healthcare costs are unaffordable without insurance. I have no problem with loans for those students who want them. But they should not be necessary. A person should be able to work and attend college on a pay as you go basis as it once was. They may not be able to attend a costly prestige private university but they can get a quite adequate education at a state school.

It should not be paid by the federal government as that puts an unconstitutional burden on citizens who choose not to go to college and those who prefer to pay their own way.

There is no such thing as FREE anything that requires contribution or participation by others. Somebody has to pay, and in my opinion those who should pay should be those who want the product or service for themselves or their children, etc.
You have a very sensible approach.

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