Red state Secession would see welfare dependent states collapse

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Marje has been sharing her vision on Hannity. She envisions a red state secession , Marjistan, that would break away from America.
The stats are quite illuminating.
# Counties that voted for President Joe Biden generate 70 percent of gross domestic product.

# Fourteen of the poorest 15 states voted Republican in 2020.

# All 12 richest states chose Biden.

# Only four red states have median household incomes in the top half of the 50 states.

# The nine red states that seceded in 1861 get, on average, 42 percent of their budgets from Washington, according to SmartAsset. Mostly that buys health care –

There are more stats in the article but the picture seems to be quite clear. These dependent states rail against govt spending whilst being the biggest recipients.

Its hilarious in a way but rather sad. I wonder if the exercise is worth it to just excorcise the evil woke.
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Marje has been sharing her vision on Hannity. She envisions a red state secession , Marjistan, that would break away from America.
The stats are quite illuminating.
# Counties that voted for President Joe Biden generate 70 percent of gross domestic product.

# Fourteen of the poorest 15 states voted Republican in 2020.

# All 12 richest states chose Biden.

# Only four red states have median household incomes in the top half of the 50 states.

# The nine red states that seceded in 1861 get, on average, 42 percent of their budgets from Washington, according to SmartAsset. Mostly that buys health care –

There are more stats in the article but the picture seems to be quite clear. These dependent states rail against govt spending whilst being the biggest recipients.

Its hilarious in a way but rsther sad. I wonder if the exercise is worth it to just excorcise the evil woke.
Kook. Its the Dim run large cities in any state that are killing our country.

Marje has been sharing her vision on Hannity. She envisions a red state secession , Marjistan, that would break away from America.
The stats are quite illuminating.
# Counties that voted for President Joe Biden generate 70 percent of gross domestic product.

# Fourteen of the poorest 15 states voted Republican in 2020.

# All 12 richest states chose Biden.

# Only four red states have median household incomes in the top half of the 50 states.

# The nine red states that seceded in 1861 get, on average, 42 percent of their budgets from Washington, according to SmartAsset. Mostly that buys health care –

There are more stats in the article but the picture seems to be quite clear. These dependent states rail against govt spending whilst being the biggest recipients.

Its hilarious in a way but rsther sad. I wonder if the exercise is worth it to just excorcise the evil woke.
It would probably make all the bottom feeders leave those red states.

Would be no more free handouts.

Marje has been sharing her vision on Hannity. She envisions a red state secession , Marjistan, that would break away from America.
The stats are quite illuminating.
# Counties that voted for President Joe Biden generate 70 percent of gross domestic product.

# Fourteen of the poorest 15 states voted Republican in 2020.

# All 12 richest states chose Biden.

# Only four red states have median household incomes in the top half of the 50 states.

# The nine red states that seceded in 1861 get, on average, 42 percent of their budgets from Washington, according to SmartAsset. Mostly that buys health care –

There are more stats in the article but the picture seems to be quite clear. These dependent states rail against govt spending whilst being the biggest recipients.

Its hilarious in a way but rather sad. I wonder if the exercise is worth it to just excorcise the evil woke.

Yawns. The thing that you and democrats fail to take into account is that your precious blue state are little more than points of accounting for economic activities that occur nationally and internationally. You only need to look at California spending its way from a huge budget surplus into a huge budget deficit in two years as to what their world would look like if left to their own enlightened devices.
Cool beans Timmy.
I guess the progbots should all be on board with a national divorce since it will save them so much money?
We'll willingly take our chances, ask for nothing & wish ya'll a happy life.
We'll live with our choices & so can the prog infested states.

Let's do this!!!
Hmmm... we'd get most of the farmers, nurses, auto mechanics, welders, builders, policemen, vets ... you'd get the website designers, diversity enforcers, NGO employees, most of the government employees, almost all the welfare dependents and street corner drug salesmen ... and most of the college professors, certainly those in the humanities and so-called social sciences although I suspect we'd get a lot of the economics professors, engineers, scientists and mathematicians ... we might get more teachers than you would suspect at first, especially after they saw how we ran our schools (eg what happened to Officially Oppressed thugs after they attack or even threaten a teacher) ...after some post-partition population redistribution and provided we didn't turn our Red State area into a Compulsory Christianity Zone.

We would suffer from a lot less Diversity than you, of course, which would be terrible. Any of our population which wanted to camp out in public parks or on the streets, and defecate there, would of course want to leave, as would those needing free needles for their heroin.

I think we'd be able to suffer it and survive.
Considering the current flight from blue states to red states, the red states would suffer a population explosion.

As long as they eliminate welfare, though, they should handle it.

Can't heat those buildings in a progressive area without lots or coal or natural gas and how tasty is money since you're making such a big thing out of it there Tommy? Does money BBQ well or would you like a nice steak at $200 a pound? How about a pound of coal for $50 to keep your butt warm during the winter? Hey!!! Where ya' going to put those there windmills if you're going to use wind power to run that furnace and AC unit? Boston Bay???


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The truth of the matter is, both states need each other. The poorer red states have the natural resources, the food and the oil that the richer blue states desperately need, while the richer blue states have the money that the poorer red states need. Split them apart and the goods coming out of the red nation would dramatically increase in price as they now have a separate nation to feed, leaching wealth from the blue nation while it struggles to find something it can contribute to the rest of the world as it sinks beneath its increasingly top-heavy nanny state. Then, of course, since the US would no longer be the dominant military power on the planet, Uncle Sam would withdraw from Europe and Asia, leaving the EU floundering as each member state rapidly builds up its military since no one really trusts Germany and Italy, and their nanny states begin to fail. China would immediately expand its territory, sparking death and mayhem over Asia. Russia would see no impediment to forming a strategic alliance with China and would once again threaten Europe.

Ah, yes, wonderful days, and all because of blue state arrogance. Face it, we break this apart and the world changes, not for the better. But hey, no more mean tweets!
We've tried ... the poor South got their balls kicked in ... nothing left but pussy ...

Just remember folks ... California builds our nuclear weapons ... will Red States willingly let that go? ... how long will Texas be willing to support the other 35 Red States ... what does Texas' economy look like when they're tasked with financing their own defense ...

We're going to leave the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA's Pacific Fleet to the Hawai'ians? ... or to the Californian's ...

It would probably make all the bottom feeders leave those red states.

No it wouldn't ... it's the Constitution that specifically allows folks to move from State to State ... the right to travel ... after the divorce, the borders would close ... people in Red States will have to stay in Red States ... can't cross into a Blue State without immigration documentation ... or swim the Colorado and be a "wetback" ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
The truth of the matter is, both states need each other. The poorer red states have the natural resources, the food and the oil that the richer blue states desperately need, while the richer blue states have the money that the poorer red states need. Split them apart and the goods coming out of the red nation would dramatically increase in price as they now have a separate nation to feed, leaching wealth from the blue nation while it struggles to find something it can contribute to the rest of the world as it sinks beneath its increasingly top-heavy nanny state. Then, of course, since the US would no longer be the dominant military power on the planet, Uncle Sam would withdraw from Europe and Asia, leaving the EU floundering as each member state rapidly builds up its military since no one really trusts Germany and Italy, and their nanny states begin to fail. China would immediately expand its territory, sparking death and mayhem over Asia. Russia would see no impediment to forming a strategic alliance with China and would once again threaten Europe.

Ah, yes, wonderful days, and all because of blue state arrogance. Face it, we break this apart and the world changes, not for the better. But hey, no more mean tweets!

It is not the blue states pushing to leave the Union.

It is not Dem politicians pushing leaving the union.
We've tried ... the poor South got their balls kicked in ... nothing left but pussy ...

Just remember folks ... California builds our nuclear weapons ... will Red States willingly let that go? ... how long will Texas be willing to support the other 35 Red States ... what does Texas' economy look like when they're tasked with financing their own defense ...

We're going to leave the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA's Pacific Fleet to the Hawai'ians? ... or to the Californian's ...

It would probably make all the bottom feeders leave those red states.

No it wouldn't ... it's the Constitution that specifically allows folks to move from State to State ... the right to travel ... after the divorce, the borders would close ... people in Red States will have to stay in Red States ... can't cross into a Blue State without immigration documentation ... or swim the Colorado and be a "wetback" ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
People were allowed to move during partition in India. that shouldnt be a problem.

Businesses could also move as well. They will follow the money I expect.

America would also have no justification for those military bases that prop up the southern economy.

Marje has been sharing her vision on Hannity. She envisions a red state secession , Marjistan, that would break away from America.
The stats are quite illuminating.
# Counties that voted for President Joe Biden generate 70 percent of gross domestic product.

# Fourteen of the poorest 15 states voted Republican in 2020.

# All 12 richest states chose Biden.

# Only four red states have median household incomes in the top half of the 50 states.

# The nine red states that seceded in 1861 get, on average, 42 percent of their budgets from Washington, according to SmartAsset. Mostly that buys health care –

There are more stats in the article but the picture seems to be quite clear. These dependent states rail against govt spending whilst being the biggest recipients.

Its hilarious in a way but rather sad. I wonder if the exercise is worth it to just excorcise the evil woke.
When it comes down to it, when you take the big cities out of the picture, just about all 50 states are red.
The truth of the matter is, both states need each other. The poorer red states have the natural resources, the food and the oil that the richer blue states desperately need, while the richer blue states have the money that the poorer red states need. Split them apart and the goods coming out of the red nation would dramatically increase in price as they now have a separate nation to feed, leaching wealth from the blue nation while it struggles to find something it can contribute to the rest of the world as it sinks beneath its increasingly top-heavy nanny state. Then, of course, since the US would no longer be the dominant military power on the planet, Uncle Sam would withdraw from Europe and Asia, leaving the EU floundering as each member state rapidly builds up its military since no one really trusts Germany and Italy, and their nanny states begin to fail. China would immediately expand its territory, sparking death and mayhem over Asia. Russia would see no impediment to forming a strategic alliance with China and would once again threaten Europe.

Ah, yes, wonderful days, and all because of blue state arrogance. Face it, we break this apart and the world changes, not for the better. But hey, no more mean tweets!
The blue states would be under no obligation to buy products from the red states. They could buy where they get the bext value.That would likely drive prices down.

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