Zone1 My open letter to the American Civil Liberties Union.


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
The American Civil Liberties Union
Mr. Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400

Dear Mr. Romero,

Thank you for mailing me your survey. I have filled it out and returned it to you.

The freedom that is most important to me is intellectual freedom. I want to be able to investigate different points of view, make up my own mind, and express my opinions without fear of legal, economic, or social sanctions.

I welcome challenges to my opinions, and I am confident in my ability to defend them without the name calling, insults, obscene words, and even threats of violence that are sometimes directed at me.

I joined the ACLU many years ago when I thought the ACLU defended intellectual freedom. I left when I discovered that it did not.

When defending intellectual freedom, it is insufficient to prevent government censorship. It must be possible for those with unpopular opinions to be able to express their ideas. Democracy is most effective when the voters have access to divergent points of view.

When the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton were suppressed, and when they were not allowed to speak on college campuses the ACLU did nothing.

If I taught civics at a high school, I would want to be able to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

I would be fired if I assigned my class to read that essay. The ACLU would not protect me.

My students would not be required to agree with Professor Rushton to get a good grade. I would expect them to respond to his essay in an intelligent, erudite, and civilized manner.
The American Civil Liberties Union
Mr. Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400

Dear Mr. Romero,

Thank you for mailing me your survey. I have filled it out and returned it to you.

The freedom that is most important to me is intellectual freedom. I want to be able to investigate different points of view, make up my own mind, and express my opinions without fear of legal, economic, or social sanctions.

I welcome challenges to my opinions, and I am confident in my ability to defend them without the name calling, insults, obscene words, and even threats of violence that are sometimes directed at me.

I joined the ACLU many years ago when I thought the ACLU defended intellectual freedom. I left when I discovered that it did not.

When defending intellectual freedom, it is insufficient to prevent government censorship. It must be possible for those with unpopular opinions to be able to express their ideas. Democracy is most effective when the voters have access to divergent points of view.

When the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton were suppressed, and when they were not allowed to speak on college campuses the ACLU did nothing.

If I taught civics at a high school, I would want to be able to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

I would be fired if I assigned my class to read that essay. The ACLU would not protect me.

My students would not be required to agree with Professor Rushton to get a good grade. I would expect them to respond to his essay in an intelligent, erudite, and civilized manner.
If you want an organization to defend free speech, you want the ACLJ

That is where you should send your money.
I would be fired if I assigned my class to read that essay. The ACLU would not protect me.

This essay is illegal in your school? ... did you replace School Board approved material with this? ... as a government employee, the ACLU is there to protect the students from YOU ... it is the State Labor Bureau and/or the Labor Union that protects you ...

I think it depends on how bad the curricula is ... why are you teaching high school in a community that doesn't want to deal with racism the way you think it should? ... the yellow flag for me here is you want to give this to everyone in the civics class, when really you should only pass this to students who want to dive deeper into the subject ...

My biology teacher taught evolution to a class where every student went to Church on Sunday ... you can teach your form of racism in what ever commie/liberal/hippy McGovernic community you've found yourself ... maybe move to Texas ...
If you want an organization to defend free speech, you want the ACLJ

That is where you should send your money.

Another good one is FIRE. They started out being just about college and education free expression, but moved into a more general advocacy when they realized the ACLU has gone over the hard left.

Another good one is FIRE. They started out being just about college and education free expression, but moved into a more general advocacy when they realized the ACLU has gone over the hard left.

Has FIRE defended the ability of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe to express and spread their ideas?
Has FIRE defended the ability of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe to express and spread their ideas?

Go to their website and find out. Not sure if they were around when some of these people had their issues.

They were formed in response to the ACLU giving up on protecting all speech, not just progressive speech.
Has FIRE defended the ability of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe to express and spread their ideas?

I've never heard of those people so ... no ... no one has defended their right of free speech ... was this on their own property? ... no one's allowed to go onto Charles Murray's yard and take down any political message boards he has posted ...

The example in the OP was about speech on another's property ... the elected school board regulates speech on school grounds ... and they have the legal mandate to provide a safe educational environment ... the track in question isn't inherently disruptive, so I'm not sure what the worry is ...

Just remember ... Free Speech cuts both ways ... I'm the student in that class and I'm in your face ... everyday ... every essay ... you can only control my behaviors and speech in class ... not on the streets, and not at school board meeting ... I'll be complaining to your boss, dammit, how dare you agree with my parents ... shame on you ... is this is best our liberal arts colleges can produce? ...
The American Civil Liberties Union
Mr. Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400

Dear Mr. Romero,

Thank you for mailing me your survey. I have filled it out and returned it to you.

The freedom that is most important to me is intellectual freedom. I want to be able to investigate different points of view, make up my own mind, and express my opinions without fear of legal, economic, or social sanctions.

I welcome challenges to my opinions, and I am confident in my ability to defend them without the name calling, insults, obscene words, and even threats of violence that are sometimes directed at me.

I joined the ACLU many years ago when I thought the ACLU defended intellectual freedom. I left when I discovered that it did not.

When defending intellectual freedom, it is insufficient to prevent government censorship. It must be possible for those with unpopular opinions to be able to express their ideas. Democracy is most effective when the voters have access to divergent points of view.

When the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton were suppressed, and when they were not allowed to speak on college campuses the ACLU did nothing.

If I taught civics at a high school, I would want to be able to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

I would be fired if I assigned my class to read that essay. The ACLU would not protect me.

My students would not be required to agree with Professor Rushton to get a good grade. I would expect them to respond to his essay in an intelligent, erudite, and civilized manner.
The ACLU has become a radical leftist organization promoting DEI initiatives.

Nice letter.
The American Civil Liberties Union
Mr. Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004-2400

Dear Mr. Romero,

Thank you for mailing me your survey. I have filled it out and returned it to you.

The freedom that is most important to me is intellectual freedom. I want to be able to investigate different points of view, make up my own mind, and express my opinions without fear of legal, economic, or social sanctions.

I welcome challenges to my opinions, and I am confident in my ability to defend them without the name calling, insults, obscene words, and even threats of violence that are sometimes directed at me.

I joined the ACLU many years ago when I thought the ACLU defended intellectual freedom. I left when I discovered that it did not.

When defending intellectual freedom, it is insufficient to prevent government censorship. It must be possible for those with unpopular opinions to be able to express their ideas. Democracy is most effective when the voters have access to divergent points of view.

When the writings of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton were suppressed, and when they were not allowed to speak on college campuses the ACLU did nothing.

If I taught civics at a high school, I would want to be able to assign my class to read Professor Rushton's essay, "Race, Evolution, and Behavior."

Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

I would be fired if I assigned my class to read that essay. The ACLU would not protect me.

My students would not be required to agree with Professor Rushton to get a good grade. I would expect them to respond to his essay in an intelligent, erudite, and civilized manner.
I too have supported ACLU for decades. I stopped quickly when they advocated for the clot shots.
If you want an organization to defend free speech, you want the ACLJ

That is where you should send your money.

I could not disagree more. The bias from this organization marginalize all it's work.
I could not disagree more. The bias from this organization marginalize all it's work.
All human beings and organizations are biased. The Left and their tool the ACLU just lies about not being biased.

Again, if you want freedom from the powers that be, that is left wing government in power currently and left wing corporate culture and left wing academia, etc., you need the help of the ACLJ and all the bias they can muster to defend you.
I too have supported ACLU for decades. I stopped quickly when they advocated for the clot shots.
I remember when I was in college, and the Nazis wanted to march and spew their venom in Skokie - a town with numerous Holocaust survivors.

I understood that they were standing for free speech, but what killed it for me was that a Jewish lawyer was the one who took the case. He was willing to protect the rights of Nazis who would send him right into the ovens. His liberalism was more important than his Judaism.

He is exactly like the Jewish liberals who are joining with the protestors yelling “Get back to Poland!” Despicable.
Unfortunately, Hechtor is a liberal - as he freely admits - and is unlikely to send money to a more conservative organization.

Perhaps he will reconsider.
I am liberal on economic and environmental issues and conservative on most social issues. In other words I am the opposite of a libertarian. There is not a commonly accepted name for those of my persuasion, but we probably outnumber libertarians.

Southern whites and working class whites supported Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal. They only began voting Republican when the Civil Rights Act and the War in Poverty, both passed in 1964, were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

Beginning with 1964 the Democrat Party has moved to the left on social issues. Beginning with the Reagan administration the Republican Party has moved to the right on economic issues. Republicans no longer believe in balanced budgets, and think it is always a good idea to cut taxes for the rich.

I continue to vote Democrat, although without enthusiasm.
This essay is illegal in your school? ... did you replace School Board approved material with this? ... as a government employee, the ACLU is there to protect the students from YOU ... it is the State Labor Bureau and/or the Labor Union that protects you ...

I think it depends on how bad the curricula is ... why are you teaching high school in a community that doesn't want to deal with racism the way you think it should? ... the yellow flag for me here is you want to give this to everyone in the civics class, when really you should only pass this to students who want to dive deeper into the subject ...

My biology teacher taught evolution to a class where every student went to Church on Sunday ... you can teach your form of racism in what ever commie/liberal/hippy McGovernic community you've found yourself ... maybe move to Texas ...
Texas is an amazing land of free and friendly people. People gather in their own churches on Sunday and take their children to Galveston, the Houston rodeo, Art museums, boating on the lake, and forests named after Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, for picnics. There are little pony ride places for kids along with clean swimming pools in summertime, parties with real hayrides, and Space museums, and the best shopping variety in this beautiful and free nation. We are proud to be called the friendship state. Our families are large, and we have excellent schools whose students compete in the Interscholast League competitions that give winners and losers the incentives to do better next year.

Oh, it's getting dark and time to let the doggies in in case we have another gale complete with lightening strikes and torrential rain lately. I will pray for our wonderful country, safety for drivers this weekend, and rest and happiness as vesper hour is almost here. Thank you, Hector, for your civil liberties thread and your goodxwill.

Love to all, beautress

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