Judge Cannon pushes back Trump deadline for filing

You are stumbling again.
Who you referring to?

Did you bother to read the link? It says it could take months of haggling. So I guess it's not so "established".

She's had the pre trial motions to haggle over and rule on for as long as 8 to 9 months....

She hasn't ruled on a single one....

She is stalling, because on one of the motions she has to rule on, Smith can object, and bring it to an appeals court or have her recused if she rules wrongly.....she has postponed that ruling, so Smith can't appeal it....

She's as crooked as they come.... Imo.

While y'all scream it's the other judges that are crooked, when they are the ones, actually following the law, expeditiously.
"We need to delay the trial to handle all the pretrial motions that I am personally also delaying."

- Judge Cannon
It was well defended, you can't answer, so any further comments from you are ignored and dismissed.
No it wasn't. You cannot explain how an unspecified crime, that allows no due process is Constitutional. The indictment lists one crime, numerous times, all of which would be beyond the statute of limitations if not for this mystery crime. It's utter nonsense.
And now that we know the FBI doctored the evidence and took the time to show the public the doctored evidence to sway future jurors which violates every rule in the book for a pending trial, this case will never see the light of day.

"Last month, Cannon unsealed a trove of new documents in the case that also revealed that an FBI agent had testified that the General Services Administration (GSA) was in possession of Trump's boxes in Virginia before ordering Trump's team to come get them. The same boxes that the GSA had been holding and ordered Trump’s team to retrieve ended up being the boxes that contained classified markings, raising questions about whether the Biden administration had set up Trump."
View attachment 943631

What a hoot. YA YOU BETCHA!
A beginning. Whether or not this is the first domino in the lefts weaponization of the DOJ to fall or not, it is a step in the correct directions.

***Summary of Article:

The federal judge, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, decided to postpone former President Donald Trump's classified documents trial indefinitely due to unresolved pre-trial issues and complications surrounding classified evidence. Specifically, Judge Cannon cited the need to address numerous pre-trial motions and the complexities involved with the Classified Information Procedures Act, which concerns the disclosure of sensitive information at trial. These unresolved legal matters and the backlog of motions were significant enough that setting a new trial date was deemed imprudent and inconsistent with the court's duty to thoroughly and impartially consider these issues.

She's had the pre trial motions to haggle over and rule on for as long as 8 to 9 months....

She hasn't ruled on a single one....

She is stalling, because on one of the motions she has to rule on, Smith can object, and bring it to an appeals court or have her recused if she rules wrongly.....she has postponed that ruling, so Smith can't appeal it....

She's as crooked as they come.... Imo.

While y'all scream it's the other judges that are crooked, when they are the ones, actually following the law, expeditiously.

Well ya know what they say about opinions.

She's had the pre trial motions to haggle over and rule on for as long as 8 to 9 months....

She hasn't ruled on a single one....

She is stalling, because on one of the motions she has to rule on, Smith can object, and bring it to an appeals court or have her recused if she rules wrongly.....she has postponed that ruling, so Smith can't appeal it....

She's as crooked as they come.... Imo.

While y'all scream it's the other judges that are crooked, when they are the ones, actually following the law, expeditiously.
The rodents that support this kind of actions are traitors to this country. They actually think that cannon is doing something that is right. What did the Trump team say that he can murder his opponents or anyone he wants to, he can give critical information to our enemy's and not be responsible and the only way they can do anything about it to impeach him first.
Trump and the Republicans are really getting their money's worth with their bought and paid for activist judges.

Party of "law and order" my ass!
Trump payed for his wives , they weren't cheap and he paid for the traitors he needs no become a dictator , and paid for the judges to screw our constitution and keep him in control, and the scum that follows this rodent, are traitors to every value this country has. Hate , lies and stupidity =MAGA
She's had the pre trial motions to haggle over and rule on for as long as 8 to 9 months....
And why would that be?
She is stalling, because on one of the motions she has to rule on, Smith can object, and bring it to an appeals court or have her recused if she rules wrongly.....she has postponed that ruling, so Smith can't appeal it....
You're referring to the up and coming jury instructions ruling that Smith doesn't like. She could rule anytime or wait until the trial is over before providing the instructions.

She hasn't ruled on a single one....
No idea why?
HomeLearnVictim Rights
All states and the federal government have passed victims’ rights laws. These laws provide victims with legal rights to be heard, informed, and present in various stages within the criminal justice system. Each victims’ rights depend on the laws of the jurisdiction where the crime is investigated and prosecuted: state, federal or tribal government, or military installation. While jurisdictions vary on how and what they provide, listed below are core victims’ rights:
  • The right to be treated with fairness, dignity, sensitivity, and respect;
  • The right to attend and be present at criminal justice proceedings;
  • The right to be heard in the criminal justice process, including the right to confer with the prosecutor and submit a victim impact statement at sentencing, parole, and other similar proceedings;
  • The right to be informed of proceedings and events in the criminal justice process, including the release or escape of the offender, legal rights and remedies, available benefits and services, and access to records, referrals, and other information;
  • The right to protection from intimidation and harassment;
  • The right to restitution from the offender;
  • The right to privacy;
  • The right to apply for crime victim compensation;
  • The right to the expeditious return of personal property seized as evidence whenever possible;
  • The right to a speedy trial and other proceedings free from unreasonable delay;
  • The right to enforcement of these rights and access to other available remedies.
Rights afforded to victims of crime are either automatic or require a victim of crime to opt into services. Typically, victims can sign up for rights at any stage of the criminal justice process, though it most commonly happens during prosecution. If you did not elect your rights or opted-out, please know that you can change your mind at any time. To elect your rights, it is best to reach out to the agency that is currently in control of your case, for example:
1. The prosecuting attorney (during the trial phase);
2. Parole Board or other authoritative body (if offender is sentenced to prison); or
3. The Community Supervision Program (if offender is on probation or parole).


There is no victim in this case. The charges are over filing expenses. Stormy Daniels was not victim of a crime, although the Prosecution dragged her out there to give the feeling to the jury.
Liberals are mad that their plans of keeping Trump in court for the whole campaign season has been interrupted. All the cases against Trump are falling apart.
It's kind of what happens when the case can't stand on its own. The left can only support it until facts start
coming to light.
Postpones date for Trump filing deadline. Doubtful this will got to court before election day.

The ruling by the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, was made in a bare-bones order that contained no factual or legal reasoning. It did not schedule a new deadline but erased the one she had set almost a month ago ordering Mr. Trump’s lawyers to file by Thursday a detailed list of the classified materials that they intend to introduce at the trial, which is set to take place at some point in Federal District Court in Fort Pierce, Fla.
That list is enormously consequential because, when filed, it will mark the first step in what will ultimately be a pitched battle between the defense and prosecution over what sorts of classified materials the jury will get to hear about at trial — a contested process, balancing issues of public access and national security, that could take months to complete.

Jack Smith (Prosecuting Atty) has acknowledged tampering with evidence.

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It's kind of what happens when the case can't stand on its own. The left can only support it until facts start
coming to light.
The time to test novel legal strategies is not when the case is going to be in the national spotlight, it only makes these DA's look more foolish. Although it is best for the people in general as Trump is fortunate enough to be able to afford to fight these ridiculous persecutions. The average citizens would be buried by the legal costs. No doubt NY will try this all again.

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