It's good to be the King - Trump visits Atlanta Chick-Fil-A


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Trump made a stop at an Atlanta, GA Chick-Fil-A today and was greeted by a very warm welcome. Newmax covered it while FOX, MSNBC, and CNN didn't.

I couldn't find the entire video from Newmax, but I did find it on C-SPAN. If you watch this video, you'll realize that everything the left has been saying about him is complete bunk.

How is this man not President?

Former President Trump Visits Chick-fil-A Restaurant in Atlanta

Trump stops at Atlanta Chick-fil-A on way to fundraiser​

"Former President Donald Trump stopped in an Atlanta Chick-fil-A restaurant on his way to a fundraiser on Wednesday.

Trump landed in Atlanta shortly before noon and then, later, traveled to the Chick-fil-A in Atlanta's Vine City neighborhood at 875 Martin Luther King Jr Dr.

The former president and 2024 Republican nominee spoke to employees and customers at the restaurant, took pictures with guests and autographed a hat. He ordered 30 milkshakes and gave them out to people at the restaurant."

Watch | Trump stops at Atlanta Chick-fil-A on way to fundraiser

Sorry, he is not my candidate, I dislike him as much as I do Trump.

You duopoly drones are so boring.

Ok then. Where's you triopoly boy appearing today?

Do you even have a legitimate presidential candidate?
Well being on the ballot for one thing. But you could always scribble in some name nobody's ever heard of, or will ever be heard from again.


Ok, so being on the ballot.

Good to know. We do not know yet who will be on the ballot for the LP since they have not had their convention. With any luck it will be Chase Oliver. If it is, that is who I will vote for in Nov.
Ok, so being on the ballot.

Good to know. We do not know yet who will be on the ballot for the LP since they have not had their convention. With any luck it will be Chase Oliver. If it is, that is who I will vote for in Nov.

So what happens when RFK Jr. decides to run as a libertarian?

Ok, so being on the ballot.

Good to know. We do not know yet who will be on the ballot for the LP since they have not had their convention. With any luck it will be Chase Oliver. If it is, that is who I will vote for in Nov.

^^^Another Biden cultist who pretends to vote for "libertarians". Have you met Mac1958? He also lies about his Biden support.

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