Zone1 Ever Think to Yourself There's No Possible Way That You Could be Saved?

Thank you Mr. Tactful. You know instead of telling somebody that they're going to Hell if they don't have Jesus in their lives, maybe you should try to sell the idea of why having Jesus in their lives is such a great thing.

The way you word things makes a big difference. As you can't really just make somebody believe in something they don't. You should try and get them interested in actually wanting to become a believer instead of just using scare tactics like that. Just in my opinion that is.
youre not interested.
The problem is, the Counterfeit church doesn't really believe in DEATH. You believe "death" is eternal life in hell.


I'll take the 2000+ year old Church's interpretation over yours, thank you

I tend to think the Church Christ founded is trustworthy whereas humans... not so much
I'll take the 2000+ year old Church's interpretation over yours, thank you
There lies the problem. You blindly follow your traditions. And convince yourself the wayward church is the church Christ founded. You should strive to be like the noble bereans.

I believe the scriptures over the men who have led you astray.
I do quite a bit actually. Although my cussing is getting a whole lot better I keep thinking to myself could I actually be saved since I'm often mad at the world?

Or the leftist world anyways. I know that we aren't saved by our works, but aren't our works a reflection of our salvation? So what if I just don't make the cut in the end? That's what really worries me.
It is not something I worry about to be honest. I will enjoy life as much as I can till the day I die. If I am saved great, if I am not saved I still love God. I remember as a little boy feeling I would still love God with all my heart regardless if I was saved or not. I still feel the same way today.
What am I supposed to be being saved from? Hell? I don't believe in Hell so why should I worry about being saved from it?
The same reason a person may be unaware of, or disbelieving of the drunk driver heading toward you down the highway...
I do quite a bit actually. Although my cussing is getting a whole lot better I keep thinking to myself could I actually be saved since I'm often mad at the world?

Or the leftist world anyways. I know that we aren't saved by our works, but aren't our works a reflection of our salvation? So what if I just don't make the cut in the end? That's what really worries me.
What cut?

Have you no accomplishments in your life?
"Fear not, LITTLE FLOCK." It is My Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." -- Jesus

Just be loyal to God over EVERYTHING ELSE. God doesn't play second fiddle to anyone.
Any god doesn’t do any actual shit for you.

They’re cover for your imagine bullshit.
It is not something I worry about to be honest. I will enjoy life as much as I can till the day I die. If I am saved great, if I am not saved I still love God. I remember as a little boy feeling I would still love God with all my heart regardless if I was saved or not. I still feel the same way today.

Well if you love God then you are saved.
The same reason a person may be unaware of, or disbelieving of the drunk driver heading toward you down the highway...

A drunk driver doesn't require me to surrender my everlasting soul to him or her to avoid being hit and killed.

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