How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment?

fetal personhood angle.

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•1}. para-I. StatesRightsForever May’24 Shdyra: “The 10A in its entirety says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." stvtvsrf 240505 Shdyra00001

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240508 {post•161}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vhdyra: Saint Statesrightsforever {Srf} does not hide his inhumanity against women when they are in unwanted pregnancies because when women find themselves with child but are not ready or willing to give birth Saint {Srf} refuses to accept that those women are “people” when they are in the aforementioned condition. nfbw 240508 Vhdyra00161 to Shdyra00001
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How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•4}. para-II. progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: if its OK to murder an innocent child in the womb it should be legal to murder anyone,, do you want to live in that world?? prgrssvhntr 240505 Shdyra00004

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240508 {post•162}

NotfooledbyW 240507 Vhdyra: Gestation is defined as the time between conception and birth.

You say if the person gestating a new life chooses to end the process of gestation in her own body it should be legal to murder anyone,,…….. but fifty years of RvW did not make it legal to murder anyone

Saint Ding’s words are not true about me.

Roe v. Wade getting overturned!! 221202 {post•6100} ding Dec’22 Srvwgo: Then he {nfbw} switched gears to it is a new genetically distinct human being but until it can live outside of the mother’s womb it’s morally ok to end its life. dvng 221202 Srvwgo06100

I say the person gestating a new life and the new life experienco gestation have equal value to all of humanity outside of the body where the gestation is taking place.

There is only one person in the entire universe who has the right of autonomy over her own body to purposely terminate the new life thereby ending gestation. Her decision is not morally right or wrong / it is simply her decision to make.

We as society are not harmed in any way as there exists zero harm to humankind and the civilization of human beings when miscarriage could be a relief to one woman or severe grief to another. It is none of our business.

See nfbw 240507 Vtiwtc00532 to cchptt 240506 Stiwrc00512

nfbw 240508 Vhdyra00162. to.Shdyra00004
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America was founded on states rights. That's why we have the 10A. I support the right of each state to legalize or ban abortion. Unelected judges should not have final say on this issue or any other.
The Bill of Rights gives all citizens the right to be secure in their persons, including the ones who have baby factories as original equipment.
My reaction to your lack of understanding about the Constitution. I’ll bet you think there’s such a thing as “original intent”. :cool-45:

My understanding of the cotus isn’t the issue. The 10th amendment hasb
My reaction to your lack of understanding about the Constitution. I’ll bet you think there’s such a thing as “original intent”. :cool-45:
my understanding of cotus isn’t the issue. The 10A hasn’t been superseded. If want to talk about original intent, then you have to look at the 18 delegated powers of the federal government. That’s original intent. Everything else was to be left up to the states and to the people.

You don’t realize that like…99% of what the federal government does is unconstitutional?
My understanding of the cotus isn’t the issue. The 10th amendment hasb

my understanding of cotus isn’t the issue. The 10A hasn’t been superseded. If want to talk about original intent, then you have to look at the 18 delegated powers of the federal government. That’s original intent. Everything else was to be left up to the states and to the people.

You don’t realize that like…99% of what the federal government does is unconstitutional?
{1} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•4}.

para-I. progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: “thats easy,, protecting human life let alone an innocent child is a national issue,, prgrssvhntr 240505 Shdyra00004.

para-II. progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: if its OK to murder an innocent child in the womb it should be legal to murder anyone,, do you want to live in that world?? prgrssvhntr 240505 Shdyra00004

{2} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•5}.

konradv May’24 Vhdyra: A matter between a woman and her physician. knrdv 240505 Vhdyra00005 to Shdyra00004

{3} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•6}

progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: nope,, just like if someone wanted to murder you it falls on all of us to either stop them or punish the murderer,, prgrssvhntr 240505 Shdyra00006. to Vhdyra00005

{4} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•30}

konradv May’24 Vhdyra: Where in the Constitution is abortion defined as murder? knrdy 259505 Vhdyra00030 to. Shdyra00006

{5} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•33}

progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: where in the constitution does it say shooting someone in the face is murder,, prgrssvhntr 240505 Shdyra00033. to Vhdyra00030

{6} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•36}

konradv May’24 Vhdyra: We have laws, therefore one saying abortion isn’t murder is valid. knrdv 2490505 Vhdyra00036 to Shdyra00033

{7}. How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•38}.

progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: thats not how laws work,, •¥• laws say what you cant do,, •¥¥•. prgrssvhntr 240505 Shdyra00038. to Vhdyra00036

{8} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•57}

konradv May’24 Shdyra: What about a law saying you can’t be prosecuted in for murder, if you perform an abortion? knrdv 240505 Vhdyra00057 to Shdyra00038

{9} How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240505 {post•58}

progressive hunter May’24 Shdyra: that would be stupid,, just repeal the laws against murder,, prgrssvhntr Shdyra00058
to abortion? knrdv 240505 Vhdyra00057

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 2405058 {post•}

NotfooledbyW Apr’24 Vhdyra: My initial response to Saint Progressivehunter’s statements 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 is as follows:,

The law in effect in the original thirteen colonies during the founding generation’s time on this earth was that abortion was no crime prior to quickening (viability) and a misdemeanor after that.

Why do you seek to revise ten centuries of common law that “civilized” Europe as well as the New World?

nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00168 to. Vhdyra00057
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The 10A in its entirety says:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people."

Since abortion is never mentioned or implied anywhere in the constitution, it is a state issue. Any attempt by the feds to legalize it will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

It pretty damn simple, congress has no more authority to impose abortion on the nation than SCOTUS did. The court made it very clear in Dobbs that it's a State issue. The legislatures of each State will decide the issue in that State.

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•169}
It pretty damn simple, congress has no more authority to impose abortion on the nation than SCOTUS did. The court made it very clear in Dobbs that it's a State issue. The legislatures of each State will decide the issue in that State.


How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•171 to 169}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vhdyra: Nothing in the Constitution forbids a healthy law abiding woman from ending the gestation of a fetus that is part of her body to avoid physical and financial harm to her self||person.

Constitutional silence does not sanction the government’s involvement in a pregnancy of a law abiding woman simply because a specific moral majority seeks its politicians to become involved to save the life of the fetus by disregarding the autonomy a woman has on her body. nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00171

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•168 to 57}

NotfooledbyW Apr’24 Vhdyra: The law in effect in the original thirteen colonies during the founding generation’s time on this earth was that abortion was no crime prior to quickening (viability) and a misdemeanor after that. nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00168 to. Vhdyra00057

See nf.23.08.07 #10,142

nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00171 to vktvxvs 240509 Shdyra00169
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How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•169}

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•171 to 169}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vhdyra: Nothing in the Constitution forbids a healthy law abiding woman from ending the gestation of a fetus that is part of her body to avoid physical and financial harm to her self||person.

Constitutional silence does not sanction the government’s involvement in a pregnancy of a law abiding woman simply because a specific moral majority seeks its politicians to become involved to save the life of the fetus by disregarding the autonomy a woman has on her body. nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00171

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•168 to 57}

NotfooledbyW Apr’24 Vhdyra: The law in effect in the original thirteen colonies during the founding generation’s time on this earth was that abortion was no crime prior to quickening (viability) and a misdemeanor after that. nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00168 to. Vhdyra00057

See nf.23.08.07 #10,142

nfbw 240509 Vhdyra00171 to vktvxvs 240509 Shdyra00169

The Constitution is silent on virtually every law that exist today, Are you saying the States have no right to pass and enforce them?

The Constitution is silent on virtually every law that exist today, Are you saying the States have no right to pass and enforce them?
No. Stop being absurd. To pass laws such as banning a medical procedure such as abortion, the state has an obligation to justify such laws based on their being sufficient proof of harm to society and to the liberty of other people before the state can restrict the liberty of a woman who chooses not to give birth when she finds herself in an unwanted pregnancy.
No. Stop being absurd. To pass laws such as banning a medical procedure such as abortion, the state has an obligation to justify such laws based on their being sufficient proof of harm to society and to the liberty of other people before the state can restrict the liberty of a woman who chooses not to give birth when she finds herself in an unwanted pregnancy.

I think the unborn children would disagree, States have every right to protect them, except if the child is endangering the life of the mother. You can pretend an unborn child is not a unique human being that deserves to live, but you'd be wrong.

. The 10A hasn’t been superseded. If want to talk about original intent, then you have to look at the 18 delegated powers of the federal government. That’s original intent. Everything else was to be left up to the states and to the people.

You don’t realize that like…99% of what the federal government does is unconstitutional?

Indeed. Almost everything is supposed to be handled by the states. That's what the 10A says. But the feds simply ignore the 10A just like they ignore the 13A ban on the military draft.
It pretty damn simple, congress has no more authority to impose abortion on the nation than SCOTUS did. The court made it very clear in Dobbs that it's a State issue. The legislatures of each State will decide the issue in that State.

Exactly. That's how it had always been up to 1973 when the SCOTUS took a huge bribe to declare abortion a constitutional right even though abortion is never mentioned or implied anywhere in the constitution!!
The 10A can be voided by another constitutional amendment doing so. That's how the prohibition amendment was voided. But until then, the 10A stands and must be enforced.
How come it didn't take a Constitutional Amendment to outlaw Marijuana nationwide in 1937? After the Courts declared the Marijuana Tax Act unconstitutional, didn't they just make a new nationwide law prohibiting it?
How come it didn't take a Constitutional Amendment to outlaw Marijuana nationwide in 1937? After the Courts declared the Marijuana Tax Act unconstitutional, didn't they just make a new nationwide law prohibiting it?

This is how. And even in States where marijuana is legal under State law, State authorities are still arresting people for illegal growth and distribution.

This is how. And even in States where marijuana is legal under State law, State authorities are still arresting people for illegal growth and distribution.

Nope it was the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, supported by both parties and most presidents until Obama, with Jimmy Carter as the lone exception.

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