Haley Voters

Haley voters will most likely support Biden. They are willing to damage the country because of their allegience to her.

Haley voters will most likely support Biden. They are willing to damage the country because of their allegience to her.

Her comment is code for "support my Dem voters and Neo-Cons over the age of 85 who think Cheney was a great V.P".

Trump should just ignore her and focus on Biden. She exposed herself with the "people need to provide I.D to post on social media".
NO, I won't vote for Biden.

I'll write in HALEY.

or Mickey Mouse

(either would be better than the clowns at the top of the ticket)
This is not new among republicans

There is a heads we win, tails you lose attitude among moderate republicans that has been there for a long time

Until trump came along the national party always managed to nominate someone who was acceptable to the almost-lib moderates

But they were always ready to vote for the democrat if they didnt get their way
That's because there used to be a democrat party.

The democrat party died with JFK. Just a fact. LBJ turned it into a crime family (I'll have them N-words voting democrat for the next 200 years!!) and Ubercunt, combined with the efforts of the Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis turned it into a dues-paying member of Socialist International.

There is no democrat party left anymore. It doesn't exist.

A vote for a democrat, ANY democrat, is a vote for the destruction of America. A vote for the re-Conquista, a vote for Replacement Theory, a vote for Lititia James, Alvin Bragg, Fani WIllis, Chuckie Schemer. A vote for MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Illegals being let in, and in some cases, FLOWN INTO, America without our consent.

There used to be a choice. No more. You either vote for America, or you vote against it. There is no debate about it.
so you believe most of her voters will vote for a far left democrat eh ? lol ! nah pall republicans are going to come out in record numbers and vote the tryrant Briben out of office .
Lol, in south carolina only democrats voted for Haley. Her support came from Columbia and the coast. Liberal cities here.
Orange jesus isn't as popular as his cult believes.

Indeed. Down to 37% approval rating as of today.


He is left of center in spending and on far left social issues, you are just out and out lying.

Far left of social issues???? Hardly. You're so far to the right you've lost all perspective.

Every first world nation on the planet has LIBERALIZED abortion access, except the USA. This includes Italy and Ireland - two staunchly Catholic countries. Only the USA with the highest death rate in the first world from the complication of pregnancy and child birth, is restricting abortion access.

Every first world nation on the planet has made it easier for citizens to vote, except the USA. That's because Republicans don't win when the PEOPLE vote.



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