Zone1 Gratitude Check


VIP Member
Sep 17, 2023
I work the early shift and had the day from Hell today. I almost quit my job on the spot and walked out of the office building, where I have been for almost a decade. I had all the reasons - CEO is a jackass, toxic work environment, indifferent boss, Iā€™m doing too much and everyone else is slacking off, Iā€™m overworked and underpaid (etc.).

Then, just now I looked outside. Itā€™s a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky - sun is out and the birds are singing. I get to see and enjoy it - not everyone in this world can. Iā€™m alive, not in a wheelchair, am completely healthy and above ground. Right now, I am happy and grateful that I had a ā€œlousyā€ day at work. That teaches and encourages me to enjoy the rest of the day, all the more.

And I have a good job (not everyone can say that). At least I have the privilege of having a lousy day at the office - most people these days would give their right arm to be in my situation.

Keeping an attitude of gratitude never hurt anyone. I love everyone right now, especially those who arenā€™t as well off as me.

Thanks for reading.
I work the early shift and had the day from Hell today. I almost quit my job on the spot and walked out of the office building, where I have been for almost a decade. I had all the reasons - CEO is a jackass, toxic work environment, indifferent boss, Iā€™m doing too much and everyone else is slacking off, Iā€™m overworked and underpaid (etc.).

Then, just now I looked outside. Itā€™s a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky - sun is out and the birds are singing.
The bold is why I became a cement mason and ironworker.

Working outdoors certainly has it's perks.

I usually don't work inside some building because I'm the builder who is building the building.
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Work is simply a means to a end.....Good job, great job, or one that sucks if one thinks that work should be anything else they are doing themselves a great disservice.

Push through, do well by you and yours, and work towards an early retirement.
For many people it's their whole life, their identity. Anyone who retires -- watch them
I work the early shift and had the day from Hell today. I almost quit my job on the spot and walked out of the office building, where I have been for almost a decade. I had all the reasons - CEO is a jackass, toxic work environment, indifferent boss, Iā€™m doing too much and everyone else is slacking off, Iā€™m overworked and underpaid (etc.).

Then, just now I looked outside. Itā€™s a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky - sun is out and the birds are singing. I get to see and enjoy it - not everyone in this world can. Iā€™m alive, not in a wheelchair, am completely healthy and above ground. Right now, I am happy and grateful that I had a ā€œlousyā€ day at work. That teaches and encourages me to enjoy the rest of the day, all the more.

And I have a good job (not everyone can say that). At least I have the privilege of having a lousy day at the office - most people these days would give their right arm to be in my situation.

Keeping an attitude of gratitude never hurt anyone. I love everyone right now, especially those who arenā€™t as well off as me.

Thanks for reading.
I'm jealous of you. I wish I had what you had.
You accept a slave based civilisation .

So overthrow it if you have the guts , determination and resources .

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