Embracing Communist China

our biggest mistake is not understanding Chinese history and culture when dealing with her.

If we did, we'd realize she isn't really a threat.
You mean like the Chinese Emperors who enslaved the people to build their enormous palaces? Just like the CCP enslaves millions of Muslim Uighurs to do manual labor? Old China is just like new China only new China is much worse.
Intellectuals on the right assumed that doing business with communist china would undermine the CCP and capitalism and western style democracy would replace communism

But that didnt happen

We created a monster
Nixon released the CCP hoard on the world and Reagan released the russian hoard on us,,,

would have been better for the world if both were still behind a wall,,
The CCP has everything to do with their history and it's the reason why they've prospered enormously since Mao.

Prior too Mao, the Chinese people suffered outrageous crimes at the hands of outsiders.

Never again! But oddly enough, China has no interest in revenge for the past wrongs of others!
Nixon released the CCP hoard on the world and Reagan released the russian hoard on us,,,

would have been better for the world if both were still behind a wall,,
Except the rest of the world was already ready to normalize relations with China. Nixon and Reagan just made sure we weren't left behind.

The CCP has everything to do with their history and it's the reason why they've prospered enormously since Mao.

Prior too Mao, the Chinese people suffered outrageous crimes at the hands of outsiders.

Never again! But oddly enough, China has no interest in revenge for the past wrongs of others!
Good point. Unlike some people, they aren't constantly whining about past wrongs.
The CCP has everything to do with their history and it's the reason why they've prospered enormously since Mao.

Prior too Mao, the Chinese people suffered outrageous crimes at the hands of outsiders.

Never again! But oddly enough, China has no interest in revenge for the past wrongs of others!
what do tell do they have to do with their history??
Except the rest of the world was already ready to normalize relations with China. Nixon and Reagan just made sure we weren't left behind.

Good point. Unlike some people, they aren't constantly whining about past wrongs.
that sure bit us in the ass,,
Actually, acting like a bunch of dejected Birchers is our biggest problem dealing with China.
Sorry, I don't mean to sound disrespectful but the problem today is that people lack an interest in history, I'm not sure where you fall on this continuum but we should not sugar coat history or look for little pockets of sunshine in a land of darkness.

I read the most accurate biography on Mao, it was extremely detailed, down to his wives and mistresses (some of who were quite vicious themselves) and their actions, it was close to 1000 pages long and I read it over a few weeks while on the bus.

Similar to WWII and the horrors of the nazis, people tend to rely on words passed on by family and friends. They conflate history and abusers with the nation.

Not all Germans were nazis. They were in the minority, chosen perhaps due to their own anger and fervor. They produced these animals and had normal citizens help out. Basically nazis who would have been if they would have been recruited. We shouldn't blame all Germans for that, many Germans, Poles, French, priests etc risked their lives to save Jews. Yes, some were paid for their risks as the risks were VERY real. Some could only protect them for a period of time. Without me going into specifics as it would take a long time, the bottom line is our society today doesn't know what has happened and what COULD happen again....to us in the 2020s!

The communists were the nazis of another stripe. Not all Chinese are communists, clearly they are the minority but they wield immense power. Both are extremists and centralize power and authority. Mao killed more citizens through policies and direct murder than anyone else I can think of. Estimates as high as 80M people. The book I read provided some range of numbers, but it is sickenly high.

The bottom line is that ANY system, be it a king or queen, a dictator, police state or whathaveyou that has absolute power without accountability, means they will have no qualms about killing anyone in their way. None. Be it a rival or another nation. The sooner the West re-realizes this, something men like Reagan and those in their prime during that period fully knew, the safer we will all be.

Start with this and see how China reacts. Remove them from "development status", which gives them benefits in trade with the U.S they should not have. Second large economy in the world, creating space stations and putting rovers on the dark side of the moon is NOT a developing economy.

We can all agree with that decision, right? Trump should state that in his debate, "I will remove CHina as a developing nation for purposes of trade with the U.S". Anyone who believes they are objective from all sides would surely agree with this. If they do not, then their true colors will be revealed.
The CCP has everything to do with their history and it's the reason why they've prospered enormously since Mao.

Prior too Mao, the Chinese people suffered outrageous crimes at the hands of outsiders.

Never again! But oddly enough, China has no interest in revenge for the past wrongs of others!
Right on cue, another China shill comes to the defense of Master Xi's evil regime.
Not all Germans were nazis. They were in the minority, chosen perhaps due to their own anger and fervor. They produced these animals and had normal citizens help out. Basically nazis who would have been if they would have been recruited. We shouldn't blame all Germans for that, many Germans, Poles, French, priests etc risked their lives to save Jews. Yes, some were paid for their risks as the risks were VERY real.
Very few Germans or those of any other nationality did anything to help the Jews.

The most popular saviour of the Jews, Schindler, but he turned out to be an urban legend and a work of fiction dreamed up in a dishonest author's mind!
Let's recap the FACTS with regard to China's overt and covert aggressions:

1. China leads the world in cyber-attacks on the US
2. China's government has allowed it's chemical companies to launch a Fentanyl attack on our country that has resulted in hundreds of thousands of overdoses and POISONINGS.
3. The CCP sponsors algorithms and content on TikTok aimed at screwing up American youth which is obviously working very well.
4. The CCP for decades has violated our trade agreeements
5. The CCP with the support of the NIH has conducted dangerous viral research that has resulted in MULTIPLE outbreaks with Covid-19 clearly being the worst. AND THEY ARE STILL DOING IT.

There's more, but that should be enough to shut up the China shills.

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