“Death to America” is NOT Protected Speech

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I believe that most people know and understand that our inalienable civil rights and liberties in America are not absolute. There are times when said rights may bow to more important and fundamental matters, like national security. It makes sense, as you will not be able to enjoy any of your rights if America cannot defend its sovereignty. When dealing with free speech, the U.S. Supreme Court has explicitly recognized legal exceptions to the First Amendment (e.g., fighting words, yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater, etc…).

There have recently been pro-Palestinian protests in Michigan in which a number of speakers have been caught repeated the phrase “Death to America”. I have seen a lot of folks get upset by this. I have also seen some people with pea-sized brains say, “DaT is pOlitikAl speEch! It Am absolutEly proTechted by duh Fust Annement!” Well, it is not.

First, saying “death to America”, while in America, and against the backdrop of years and years of anti-American terrorism and mass murder, it not merely political speech. When has murder ever been an acceptable means of conducting politics? “Death to America!” clearly falls within the “fighting words” exception to the First Amendment. Essentially, a speaker of such vile garbage is saying he or she wants to kill you, your family, your neighbors, and everything to do with your culture without limitation.

To make it worse, we saw what goof ball muslims like this can do on October 7th. “Death to Jews” clearly means murder, assault, battery, rape, ransoming, torment, torture, etc… You would be a fool to believe otherwise. Thus, “Death to America”, within this context can reasonably be construed to mean the same thing.

There is no other meaning to “death to America”. It is not like Trump saying there is going to be a “bloodbath” in the U.S. auto industry. There is the literal blood bath and the figurative blood bath. But, is “death” meant to be figurative” in the phrase “death to America”? I don’t think so. How could it be?!? Perhaps it can be used synonymously with “end”, or “over”? Even if you were to try this, we all know that with the dark connotations of the word “death” that nobody is going to wish you a “Happy Death to Your Studies” (graduation) or “Happy Death to Your Single Days” (marriage). It would be weird and completely outside the scope of normal understanding in society.

Clearly, “death to America” means literally what it says. They want America to end and they want as many Americans to die in the process as possible. It would make them better little muslims in the dark and nefarious eyes of Allah if they take out Americans and Jews in their effort to spread their ideology. So, of course they want to kill us. It is not like they are joking either. Jihad is common these days. These are blood thirsty heathens.

So, no, yelling “Death to America” is NOT protected speech. In addition to the foregoing, it is even kind of like yelling “fire” in a crowded movie theater because, when you hear muslims yell or chant “death to America!”, most sane Americans are going to head for the fucking hills in fear of their lives. You are NOT going to hang around these fuckers shouting Jihadi messages and working themselves up into some sort of Islamic blood lust. You are going to stampede whomever you need to in order to get the F- out of there.

Second, and as ought to be obvious to everyone (why it is not obvious is a mystery), the constitution is not a suicide pact. When the offending conduct is directed squarely at the existence of the republic, then those rights must bow. This is a national security threat, and American jurisprudence has ALWAYS held that individual civil rights and liberties bow to matters of national security.

To be sure, you cannot simply suspend civil rights because “DUHmOCKriSSeeY” is in danger, for example. It has to be a real and bona fide threat (like when we interned the Japanese during WWII (A lot of people are still upset about this, and it was unfortunate; but legally and morally, interning them in the face of an aggressive war launched against us by Japan was THE RIGHT THING TO DO). You are not going to get to enjoy those civil rights and liberties if some foreign country like WWII Japan takes us over, are you?

“Death to America” chants inside our nation clearly indicates a real clear and present danger to our republic. It means we have Jihadists here openly expressing murderous intent concerning our people. That cannot stand. In fact, it is essentially a declaration of war against our nation. That cannot stand either. Islam does not have borders. It is transnational. Chanting “death to America” is as much of a declaration of war against the United States as when Congress passed a declaration of war against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

We need to get these Jihadis (including the pro-Palestinian people) out of America. They should not be here, as they are a threat to the republic. There is no doubt about this. They are hateful people with far more in common with Nazis than us.
I believe that most people know and understand that our inalienable civil rights and liberties in America are not absolute. There are times when said rights may bow to more important and fundamental matters, like national security. It makes sense, as you will not be able to enjoy any of your rights if America cannot defend its sovereignty. When dealing with free speech, the U.S. Supreme Court has explicitly recognized legal exceptions to the First Amendment (e.g., fighting words, yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater, etc…).

There have recently been pro-Palestinian protests in Michigan in which a number of speakers have been caught repeated the phrase “Death to America”. I have seen a lot of folks get upset by this. I have also seen some people with pea-sized brains say, “DaT is pOlitikAl speEch! It Am absolutEly proTechted by duh Fust Annement!” Well, it is not.

First, saying “death to America”, while in America, and against the backdrop of years and years of anti-American terrorism and mass murder, it not merely political speech. When has murder ever been an acceptable means of conducting politics? “Death to America!” clearly falls within the “fighting words” exception to the First Amendment. Essentially, a speaker of such vile garbage is saying he or she wants to kill you, your family, your neighbors, and everything to do with your culture without limitation.

To make it worse, we saw what goof ball muslims like this can do on October 7th. “Death to Jews” clearly means murder, assault, battery, rape, ransoming, torment, torture, etc… You would be a fool to believe otherwise. Thus, “Death to America”, within this context can reasonably be construed to mean the same thing.

There is no other meaning to “death to America”. It is not like Trump saying there is going to be a “bloodbath” in the U.S. auto industry. There is the literal blood bath and the figurative blood bath. But, is “death” meant to be figurative” in the phrase “death to America”? I don’t think so. How could it be?!? Perhaps it can be used synonymously with “end”, or “over”? Even if you were to try this, we all know that with the dark connotations of the word “death” that nobody is going to wish you a “Happy Death to Your Studies” (graduation) or “Happy Death to Your Single Days” (marriage). It would be weird and completely outside the scope of normal understanding in society.

Clearly, “death to America” means literally what it says. They want America to end and they want as many Americans to die in the process as possible. It would make them better little muslims in the dark and nefarious eyes of Allah if they take out Americans and Jews in their effort to spread their ideology. So, of course they want to kill us. It is not like they are joking either. Jihad is common these days. These are blood thirsty heathens.

So, no, yelling “Death to America” is NOT protected speech. In addition to the foregoing, it is even kind of like yelling “fire” in a crowded movie theater because, when you hear muslims yell or chant “death to America!”, most sane Americans are going to head for the fucking hills in fear of their lives. You are NOT going to hang around these fuckers shouting Jihadi messages and working themselves up into some sort of Islamic blood lust. You are going to stampede whomever you need to in order to get the F- out of there.

Second, and as ought to be obvious to everyone (why it is not obvious is a mystery), the constitution is not a suicide pact. When the offending conduct is directed squarely at the existence of the republic, then those rights must bow. This is a national security threat, and American jurisprudence has ALWAYS held that individual civil rights and liberties bow to matters of national security.

To be sure, you cannot simply suspend civil rights because “DUHmOCKriSSeeY” is in danger, for example. It has to be a real and bona fide threat (like when we interned the Japanese during WWII (A lot of people are still upset about this, and it was unfortunate; but legally and morally, interning them in the face of an aggressive war launched against us by Japan was THE RIGHT THING TO DO). You are not going to get to enjoy those civil rights and liberties if some foreign country like WWII Japan takes us over, are you?

“Death to America” chants inside our nation clearly indicates a real clear and present danger to our republic. It means we have Jihadists here openly expressing murderous intent concerning our people. That cannot stand. In fact, it is essentially a declaration of war against our nation. That cannot stand either. Islam does not have borders. It is transnational. Chanting “death to America” is as much of a declaration of war against the United States as when Congress passed a declaration of war against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

We need to get these Jihadis (including the pro-Palestinian people) out of America. They should not be here, as they are a threat to the republic. There is no doubt about this. They are hateful people with far more in common with Nazis than us.
but russian covid propaganda is? if nonm citizens don't like it here, deport them.

citizens, wherever from, can say anything you think you could say.
You're referring to the protection and preservation of the Union, right OP?
"Death to America" doesn't have anything to do with killing people. I might've used one of my rights, once when I was younger. They're constitutionally bestowed upon me (which is great) but for most of us, they're in mothballs.
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"Death to America" doesn't have anything to do with killing people. I might've used one of my rights, once when I was younger. They're constitutionally bestowed upon me (which is great) but for most of us, they're in mothballs.
If you say "death to America" with any sense of seriousness you should be deported immediately and never allowed back in the country.

In a movie or a comedy routine or something that is obviously part of some fiction then yeah that's fine. But if you mean it? You should be banned.

Every time someone is allowed to say that and mean it and get away with it, all that does is embolden others to say it and mean it.
I believe that most people know and understand that our inalienable civil rights and liberties in America are not absolute. There are times when said rights may bow to more important and fundamental matters, like national security. It makes sense, as you will not be able to enjoy any of your rights if America cannot defend its sovereignty. When dealing with free speech, the U.S. Supreme Court has explicitly recognized legal exceptions to the First Amendment (e.g., fighting words, yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded movie theater, etc…).

There have recently been pro-Palestinian protests in Michigan in which a number of speakers have been caught repeated the phrase “Death to America”. I have seen a lot of folks get upset by this. I have also seen some people with pea-sized brains say, “DaT is pOlitikAl speEch! It Am absolutEly proTechted by duh Fust Annement!” Well, it is not.

First, saying “death to America”, while in America, and against the backdrop of years and years of anti-American terrorism and mass murder, it not merely political speech. When has murder ever been an acceptable means of conducting politics? “Death to America!” clearly falls within the “fighting words” exception to the First Amendment. Essentially, a speaker of such vile garbage is saying he or she wants to kill you, your family, your neighbors, and everything to do with your culture without limitation.

To make it worse, we saw what goof ball muslims like this can do on October 7th. “Death to Jews” clearly means murder, assault, battery, rape, ransoming, torment, torture, etc… You would be a fool to believe otherwise. Thus, “Death to America”, within this context can reasonably be construed to mean the same thing.

There is no other meaning to “death to America”. It is not like Trump saying there is going to be a “bloodbath” in the U.S. auto industry. There is the literal blood bath and the figurative blood bath. But, is “death” meant to be figurative” in the phrase “death to America”? I don’t think so. How could it be?!? Perhaps it can be used synonymously with “end”, or “over”? Even if you were to try this, we all know that with the dark connotations of the word “death” that nobody is going to wish you a “Happy Death to Your Studies” (graduation) or “Happy Death to Your Single Days” (marriage). It would be weird and completely outside the scope of normal understanding in society.

Clearly, “death to America” means literally what it says. They want America to end and they want as many Americans to die in the process as possible. It would make them better little muslims in the dark and nefarious eyes of Allah if they take out Americans and Jews in their effort to spread their ideology. So, of course they want to kill us. It is not like they are joking either. Jihad is common these days. These are blood thirsty heathens.

So, no, yelling “Death to America” is NOT protected speech. In addition to the foregoing, it is even kind of like yelling “fire” in a crowded movie theater because, when you hear muslims yell or chant “death to America!”, most sane Americans are going to head for the fucking hills in fear of their lives. You are NOT going to hang around these fuckers shouting Jihadi messages and working themselves up into some sort of Islamic blood lust. You are going to stampede whomever you need to in order to get the F- out of there.

Second, and as ought to be obvious to everyone (why it is not obvious is a mystery), the constitution is not a suicide pact. When the offending conduct is directed squarely at the existence of the republic, then those rights must bow. This is a national security threat, and American jurisprudence has ALWAYS held that individual civil rights and liberties bow to matters of national security.

To be sure, you cannot simply suspend civil rights because “DUHmOCKriSSeeY” is in danger, for example. It has to be a real and bona fide threat (like when we interned the Japanese during WWII (A lot of people are still upset about this, and it was unfortunate; but legally and morally, interning them in the face of an aggressive war launched against us by Japan was THE RIGHT THING TO DO). You are not going to get to enjoy those civil rights and liberties if some foreign country like WWII Japan takes us over, are you?

“Death to America” chants inside our nation clearly indicates a real clear and present danger to our republic. It means we have Jihadists here openly expressing murderous intent concerning our people. That cannot stand. In fact, it is essentially a declaration of war against our nation. That cannot stand either. Islam does not have borders. It is transnational. Chanting “death to America” is as much of a declaration of war against the United States as when Congress passed a declaration of war against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.

We need to get these Jihadis (including the pro-Palestinian people) out of America. They should not be here, as they are a threat to the republic. There is no doubt about this. They are hateful people with far more in common with Nazis than us.
THE FOUNDERS would jail them
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