Cognitive Dissonance

NO, it isn't.
Your thoughts are not you, you are what you act on and why

The person you are talking to might be an asshole but you might be too. The Christian thought is, this is a child of God, what I think of him is irrelevant, it is how I act toward him

THinking that is opposed to what we do IS THE PATH FORWARD , you have that all screwed up

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This isn't about religion.

I really don't care what god you worship.
If I only cared.
Wow, so original

This isn't about religion.

I really don't care what god you worship.
NO, you were toochicken to say "I really don't care about you" because you do demand that everybody goes for your religious views.
Obvious to probably most on here. :)
NO, you were toochicken to say "I really don't care about you" because you do demand that everybody goes for your religious views.
Obvious to probably most on here.:)

What religious view am I "demanding" you follow?

And please quote the post where I allegedly did this.
I have to say this topic has always fascinated me.

Over my life I have been as affected by it as anyone else. When I was in my early 30's I met a couple of exceptional people, a Buddhist monk and a man who was a welder but held a PhD in Philosophy. Both these men were such positive influences that to this day I am grateful to both of them for their friendship and wisdom. I don't want to think about where i would be today if I hadn't met them. Both of them have helped to live an examined life. But I digress.

Let's start with a working definition then some examples.

Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person's beliefs conflicts with other previously held beliefs. It describes the feelings of discomfort resulting from having the two conflicting beliefs. In order to reduce or possibly eliminate the dissonance, something must change because of the discrepancy between the person's beliefs and behaviors.

It's a simple definition for such a prevalent condition.


One that is very relevant today is the CD that involves politicians.

People will find a way to excuse the bad deeds the person they support and to magnify the bad deeds of the person they don't support. This also manifests in being unable to credit a politician you do not support for doing something you might actually agree with and ignoring the deeds of the politician you support when they do something you disagree with.

One that I experience a lot these days is People saying they love animals but who eat animals.


A man is mowing his lawn and purposely runs over a flock of baby ducks and macerates them with the mower blades. A man with his child witness the event and call the cops. The man on the mower gets charged with animal cruelty. The witness then takes his child out to breakfast and orders scrambled eggs for himself and his child. Now the egg industry doesn't want male chicks so right after male chicks are hatched they are fed into a macerating machine where they are ground up alive. But the man calmly eats his eggs without feeling the need to call the police.

and one more

The sour grapes phenomenon. This is actually addressed in one of Aesop's fables about a fox who cannot reach grapes that he wants. He experiences cognitive dissonance and to ease his frustration; he decides the grapes must be sour and therefore undesirable.

I think we all see people do this every day.

Are we as humans cursed to live with these thoughts and behaviors that clash? Does it bother people as much as it should? Do we just accept that humans are duplicitous?

If we don't want to live a life in contradiction to our beliefs what should we do?

Is this an example of Cognitive Dissonance? Fox News has many shows. Some of the shows report the facts. The record high stock market, jobs reports, inflation coming down, 3.3 gdp in 3rd quarter.

Then in other shows they are saying how Bidenomics is a horrible economy.
Is this an example of Cognitive Dissonance? Fox News has many shows. Some of the shows report the facts. The record high stock market, jobs reports, inflation coming down, 3.3 gdp in 3rd quarter.

Then in other shows they are saying how Bidenomics is a horrible economy.

I don't watch Fox news.
People who don't tweet are affected by twitter. Whoever you're getting your news from, is getting it from fox. Sorry baby doll that's the facts. You can pretend you don't but you do. Who's feeding you the bs your neighbor or spouse?
How do you know where I get the little news I read from?

I don't watch TV news. I don't use Farcebook, Twitter or Isntascam

I read a couple AP feeds and look at my local weather that's about it.

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