Bianchi v Brown

para bellum

Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2022
Does anyone know where this case stands? It's docketed with the SCOTUS but it seems like it's being held up in the 4th Circuit.

This is the Maryland ban on semi-autos and hi-cap mags. It mirrors the bans in other States like CA and WA (all pushed by Bloomberg's bunch).

The SCOTUS granted cert, and then remanded it back to the 4th Circuit to be decided in light of Bruen. The 4th Circuit gave it to a 3-judge panel, who were finally set to issue a ruling, and suddenly it was yanked from the 3-judge panel to be decided en banc.

This was just a stalling tactic, the ban was almost certainly going to be struck down by the 3-judge panel because the guns in question are completely within the 2A protections.

Now who knows how long we'll have to wait? SCOTUS needs to pull this from the 4th Circuit and just be done with it. Too many people are having their 2A rights infringed by these unconstitutional bans. :mad-61:
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Does anyone know where this case stands? It's docketed with the SCOTUS but it seems like it's being held up in the 4th Circuit.

This is the Maryland ban on semi-autos and hi-cap mags. It mirrors the bans in other States like CA and WA (all pushed by Bloomberg's bunch).

The SCOTUS granted cert, and then remanded it back to the 4th Circuit to be decided in light of Bruen. The 4th Circuit gave it to a 3-judge panel, who were finally set to issue a ruling, and suddenly it was yanked from the 3-judge panel to be decided en banc.

This was just a stalling tactic, the ban was almost certainly going to be struck down by the 3-judge panel because the guns in question are completely within the 2A protections.

Now who knows how long we'll have to wait? SCOTUS needs to pull this from the 4th Circuit and just be done with it. Too many people are having their 2A rights infringed by these unconstitutional bans. :mad-61:
Is somebody judge or court shopping? It does not matter, as I think it will not stand. The International Law Enforcement Educators & Trainers Association filed an amicus brief against it, a day or two ago. The Firearms Policy Coalition filed one against it back on the 13th. These are not radical gun nut groups, and the brief points to the fact the original case claimed rates of fire many times what is humanly possible for semi-autos, and point to the lower power or the round than high powered rifles used commonly for hunting.
Is somebody judge or court shopping? It does not matter, as I think it will not stand.
The 4th Circuit is as anti-gun as the 9th.

It was about to be struck- that's the only reason they would pull it back and re-hear it en banc.

I think they have oral arguments set for today, but who knows how long they will sit on it.

Lefty Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe said AR-15's fired 10 rounds per second, lol.
Does anyone know where this case stands? It's docketed with the SCOTUS but it seems like it's being held up in the 4th Circuit.

This is the Maryland ban on semi-autos and hi-cap mags. It mirrors the bans in other States like CA and WA (all pushed by Bloomberg's bunch).

The SCOTUS granted cert, and then remanded it back to the 4th Circuit to be decided in light of Bruen. The 4th Circuit gave it to a 3-judge panel, who were finally set to issue a ruling, and suddenly it was yanked from the 3-judge panel to be decided en banc.

This was just a stalling tactic, the ban was almost certainly going to be struck down by the 3-judge panel because the guns in question are completely within the 2A protections.

Now who knows how long we'll have to wait? SCOTUS needs to pull this from the 4th Circuit and just be done with it. Too many people are having their 2A rights infringed by these unconstitutional bans. :mad-61:

The dems are hoping they win in november so they can replace Thomas and Alito amd then they can make gun bans Trump or we lose gun Rights
4th circuit is stalling.
There;s an appeal for cert to the USSC.
The SCOTUS remanded back to the 4th circuit like 2 years ago, and it's languished there ever since.

I saw on the USSC website that it was docketed, but I think that's just a placeholder.

Probably because the loser at the 4th circuit is going to appeal either way. Hard to imagine they would decide for Maryland, but who can predict what those judges will do. They are strong anti-gun.
The dems are hoping they win in november so they can replace Thomas and Alito amd then they can make gun bans Trump or we lose gun Rights
Neither one of those will step down if there's a dem in the WH, so it's gonna take 3/4 of the Senate to get rid of them.

More likely and easier for them to pack the court.

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