Before you vote for Biden and his socialist pals running for office, read this!


Venezuela is a Socialist success story and worked PERFECTLY!

The leadership became overnight billionaires without doing a single productive thing; the sheeple that thought they would magically be better off by surrendering their property, weapons and liberty to the Socialists end up eating their pets and selling their kids.

There is nothing remotely socialist about Venezuela.
Socialism is where people collectively and collaboratively invest in the essential means of production.
For example, like when farmer's collectively invest in grain elevators.
Since collective and collaborative efforts have to be local and decentralized, then socialism can not ever be centralized.
Whenever you see a centralized system, that is not socialism, and is profit motivated instead, which is capitalism.

I have no patience, just fucking stop lying

Do you now anything at all about socialism?
Do you know any family that is not socialist?
When we were hunter/gatherer tribes, do you think anyone then was not socialist with the successes of the hunt or gathering?
Do you know how quickly all game would have gone extinct if everyone had to have a successful hunt, in in order to survive?
If one person bags an elk, would they keep it for themselves and let most of it rot without refrigeration, or would they have shared it?

^ Pointless Flailing.

Socialism has never been really tried, right? This time we'll do it right!
The fact that MOST Democrats support Biden because he got the Nomination means that MOST Democrats support Biden more than Bernie should mean that the crap that is being spewed confusing what Biden says and what Bernie says is a patent lie.
You still don't seem to get it, whether intentionally or just because you subconsciously won't realize the
implications of your stance.

Yeah, MOST democrats probably support Joe over Bernie but that's irrelevant.
What's relevant is can the democrats afford to alienate a large sub set of their party?
We both know they can't but go ahead and pretend otherwise. It's only the election hanging
in the balance. Who cares, right?

You will very likely not win anyway. That's why the democrats are already lining up an army of lawyers
to litigate the election just like Al Gore did against Bush.
You know it. I know it. The DNC knows it.

They lined up the army of Lawyers AFTER Rump line up more than 200 Lawyers ( quite an army in itself) to contest the election. You just don't like playing by the same rules that your party of the rumpers set for yourselves. It's like when someone shoots at me and I shoot back, then that person cries "Hey, he's not being fair".
Your anecdotal tale of how the poor democrats had to take on dozens and dozens of lawyers in order
to contest this election doesn't really comport with reality.

"Bauer, who served as general counsel to the Obama campaigns of 2008 and 2012, will work with campaign general counsel Dana Remus on voter protection — an issue that thousands of Democratic lawyers around the country are also engaged in, according to the Biden campaign. "

Democrats can't win at the ballot box so they plan on contesting every single vote in court like Al Gore did.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court as a fire wall.
The fact that MOST Democrats support Biden because he got the Nomination means that MOST Democrats support Biden more than Bernie should mean that the crap that is being spewed confusing what Biden says and what Bernie says is a patent lie.
You still don't seem to get it, whether intentionally or just because you subconsciously won't realize the
implications of your stance.

Yeah, MOST democrats probably support Joe over Bernie but that's irrelevant.
What's relevant is can the democrats afford to alienate a large sub set of their party?
We both know they can't but go ahead and pretend otherwise. It's only the election hanging
in the balance. Who cares, right?

You will very likely not win anyway. That's why the democrats are already lining up an army of lawyers
to litigate the election just like Al Gore did against Bush.
You know it. I know it. The DNC knows it.

They lined up the army of Lawyers AFTER Rump line up more than 200 Lawyers ( quite an army in itself) to contest the election. You just don't like playing by the same rules that your party of the rumpers set for yourselves. It's like when someone shoots at me and I shoot back, then that person cries "Hey, he's not being fair".
Your anecdotal tale of how the poor democrats had to take on dozens and dozens of lawyers in order
to contest this election doesn't really comport with reality.

"Bauer, who served as general counsel to the Obama campaigns of 2008 and 2012, will work with campaign general counsel Dana Remus on voter protection — an issue that thousands of Democratic lawyers around the country are also engaged in, according to the Biden campaign. "

Democrats can't win at the ballot box so they plan on contesting every single vote in court like Al Gore did.
Thank God we have the Supreme Court as a fire wall.

Al Gore contested shutting down the counting of Ballots. Bush contested going any further than a certain date. Those were the two arguments. The Courts decided on a date and that was it. With that cutoff date, Bush was determined the winner by Florida.

Now we have something similiar except Rump wants to discount ALL mail-in votes and has put together his own army of Lawyers to try and do just that. The ballots aren't even out yet and Rump is already monkeying with them. Biden is looking after America while Rump is looking after his own interests which is what he always does. So it's not Biden contesting the votes, it's Rump contesting each and every ballot and voter.
Al Gore contested shutting down the counting of Ballots. Bush contested going any further than a certain date. Those were the two arguments. The Courts decided on a date and that was it. With that cutoff date, Bush was determined the winner by Florida.

Now we have something similiar except Rump wants to discount ALL mail-in votes and has put together his own army of Lawyers to try and do just that. The ballots aren't even out yet and Rump is already monkeying with them. Biden is looking after America while Rump is looking after his own interests which is what he always does. So it's not Biden contesting the votes, it's Rump contesting each and every ballot and voter.
It's a real overstatement to say Trump wants to discount ALL mail in votes.
So in.other words you just pulled that out your ass and you don't have nothing to back that dumbass analogy up with.
What a clueless dunce.

I am the clueless dunce,
Indeed you are. There is great wisdom in your idiocy.

i but your dumbass can't provide anything to back up your claim.
I did long ago. Why not read what was posted already? That's what a smart person would have done, already.

Venezuela is a Socialist success story and worked PERFECTLY!

The leadership became overnight billionaires without doing a single productive thing; the sheeple that thought they would magically be better off by surrendering their property, weapons and liberty to the Socialists end up eating their pets and selling their kids.

There is nothing remotely socialist about Venezuela.
Socialism is where people collectively and collaboratively invest in the essential means of production.
For example, like when farmer's collectively invest in grain elevators.
Since collective and collaborative efforts have to be local and decentralized, then socialism can not ever be centralized.
Whenever you see a centralized system, that is not socialism, and is profit motivated instead, which is capitalism.

I have no patience, just fucking stop lying

Do you now anything at all about socialism?
Do you know any family that is not socialist?
When we were hunter/gatherer tribes, do you think anyone then was not socialist with the successes of the hunt or gathering?
Do you know how quickly all game would have gone extinct if everyone had to have a successful hunt, in in order to survive?
If one person bags an elk, would they keep it for themselves and let most of it rot without refrigeration, or would they have shared it?

^ Pointless Flailing.

Socialism has never been really tried, right? This time we'll do it right!

Who was it that said “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting a different results "?


Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people's money.Margaret Thatcher
You Russian trolls are getting more 'creative' with your wording I see.

Still vomiting out conspiracy theories, over a year after they were debunked by your own Inquisition, Chang?

The following is no "conspiracy".

For those who have not yet voted, keep in mind that if the socialist controlled Democrat Party takes control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, the Medicare for All Act of 2019 would certainly become the law of the land.

In addition, the filibuster would be ended, and the Supreme Court would be packed with socialists imposing their personal views of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “law of the land” , and we would wind up with at least two more Democrat controlled States.

Here is the evidence:

“Everything Is On The Table”




"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges' views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." -- Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968
You Russian trolls are getting more 'creative' with your wording I see.

Still vomiting out conspiracy theories, over a year after they were debunked by your own Inquisition, Chang?

The following is no "conspiracy".

For those who have not yet voted, keep in mind that if the socialist controlled Democrat Party takes control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, the Medicare for All Act of 2019 would certainly become the law of the land.

In addition, the filibuster would be ended, and the Supreme Court would be packed with socialists imposing their personal views of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “law of the land” , and we would wind up with at least two more Democrat controlled States.

Here is the evidence:

“Everything Is On The Table”




"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges' views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." -- Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

I get the feeling you people consider anybody not right wing as 'socialists'.
You Russian trolls are getting more 'creative' with your wording I see.

Still vomiting out conspiracy theories, over a year after they were debunked by your own Inquisition, Chang?

The following is no "conspiracy".

For those who have not yet voted, keep in mind that if the socialist controlled Democrat Party takes control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, the Medicare for All Act of 2019 would certainly become the law of the land.

In addition, the filibuster would be ended, and the Supreme Court would be packed with socialists imposing their personal views of social justice, fairness and reasonableness as the “law of the land” , and we would wind up with at least two more Democrat controlled States.

Here is the evidence:

“Everything Is On The Table”




"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges' views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." -- Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

I get the feeling you people consider anybody not right wing as 'socialists'.

Right wing? I have no idea what you mean by that. As to the meaning of a "socialist", they are identified by the characterizes which they display, e.g.,

They have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVINGand tax tyranny to support the needy.

they do not embrace and support a fundamental maxim:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s property

they advocate using the force of taxation to acquire the financial resources and property of an identifiable group of people, which they then “redistribute” to another identifiable group for that group’s personal economic needs;

they do not defend the inalienable right of people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations;

they do not support an equal per capita federal tax whenever a “direct tax” is laid upon the citizens of the United States, as our Constitution commands,

nor do they support and defend the constitutional provision “… nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation…”

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I am the clueless dunce, but your dumbass can't provide anything to back up your claim.

Relax. Thinking people know Biden will win. Every rat will find their way to the voting booth to get their piece of “free government cheese”.


A nation of people made dependent upon government for their subsistence, is a nation doomed to being enslaved by the iron fist which feeds them.
As far as choices go, there remains the lesser of two evils. Boycotting Chinese fentanyl has the same dynamic as boycotting sleepy joe. The English language will morph thus: the terms denoting ‘boredom’ ‘unexciting’ will change to “I think I’ll pass, it’s too Biden,” or “Must you be so Biden?”

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