Are You Ready for a Constitutional Crisis?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Are You Ready for a Constitutional Crisis?

Like it or not, here it comes...

26 Jan 2024 ~~ By Theophilus Chilton

I’m sure that by now, we’re all aware of what is continuing to take place down in Texas. Far from backing down in his standoff with FedGov over the seizure of Shelby Park in Eagle Pass and subsequent expulsion of federal agents, Gov. Abbott has directed the state’s National Guard to continue interdicting illegal immigrants. Indeed, in response to the recent SCOTUS decision allowing the Feds to dismantle the razor wire Texas installed, they’ve simply installed more, in direct defiance of the wishes of the Regime. The Regime has now responded by giving Abbott and Texas an ultimatum - restore control of the park to the Federal government by the afternoon of January 26, or…well…something. Whether the governour ultimately continues to tell the Feds to get bent remains to be seen, but so far the trend is looking pretty good.
Of course, it helps that - for once - Republicans across the country have actually found a little courage to support doing what’s right. As of writing this, the Republican governours of 25 other states have all issued statements of support for Texas’ position. Hence, there are now an outright majority of states whose executives (who control their various National and State Guards) are publicly backing Texan efforts to secure our border. Many of these governours have explicitly cited the Biden administration’s continued abandonment of the federal government’s constitutional duty to protect the several states from invasion and the constitutional right of the states to act in their own defence as sovereign entities in their own right.
This all highlights the fundamental illegitimacy of our current federal government. There is no moral or legal case to be made to justify the actions of the Biden administration. The federal Constitution both enjoins the federal government to protect the states from foreign invasion (which being overrun with millions of foreigners breaking our laws most certainly counts as) and also grants the states the right to protect their own borders and sovereignty. Instead of doing this, the Biden administration has been purposefully inviting hordes of migrants to enter this country. Indeed, this is being encouraged in contravention to statutory federal law as well. Further, if Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is correct (and he almost assuredly is), the administration has even been partnering with criminal cartels to smuggle illegals into this country. All in all, there is absolutely no justification to be credibly made for the Regime’s actions and anyone who supports them are in opposition to the Constitution, the laws, and the people of this land.
Despite the fevered ravings of various progressive “Christians” on social media, the moral argument for allowing the Regime to throw the gates open is nonsense. Indeed, the whole attempt to craft a “biblical” argument for open borders is simple-minded and ignorant of the relevant scriptural and historical context. Simply put, the Bible’s approach to “the stranger” falls into line with common ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean modes of hospitality that were meant to “tame” the foreigner and integrate him into a society, thus preventing him from causing disruption to that society. If that couldn’t be accomplished, then the “inhospitable foreigner” was either to be expelled or eliminated. Needless to say, this applied only to individuals or small family groups - large masses of foreigners attempting to enter an ancient country would have been rightly recognised as an invasion and dealt with accordingly.
This whole matter illustrates the continuing collapse of the current system, following precisely along Turchinian lines toward decentralisation and decomplexification (which states deciding to leave, or even just start ignoring federal diktat, would represent in our situation). What we may be seeing now is an opening example of intraelite competition, where different elite factions enter into conflict for dwindling resources and power, generally accompanying secular collapse phases. As such, it would actually be to the Republican governours’ advantage to encourage acceleration that destabilises Blue Regime.
Bringing us to this point shows the wisdom of the earlier policy pursued by Texas and Florida of bussing migrants into Blue cities so as to overwhelm them. This move was panned by some critics on the Right who said that it just spreads the migrant problem further into the country (which was already happening, however, except they were being moved by FedGov and NGO “charities” all over into Red areas everywhere, not just a few cities). Yet, we now see that doing this forced the issue out into the open and has made even many Blue voters have to deal with the consequences of their retrograde voting behaviour. The Overton Window on this issue has been pushed way to Right in a relatively short amount of time.
The most likely course will be more lawfare and attempts at sanctioning dissenting states (be a shame if that highway money didn’t get budgeted for you next year, eh?) coupled with a full-court press in the media to show as many little Mexican kids floating face down in the Rio Grande as they possibly can.
In the face of this, it will be hard for Republican politicians in our increasingly effeminised America to resist backing down when the longhouse really starts cranking out its disapproval. However, they must stand firm. Build a wall, stop the inflow of migrants, force these folks to do the heavy lifting of making their own countries better places to live, thus navigating a middle path between equally ugly alternatives. Most of all, encourage Republicans to take their role as Heritage America’s patronal faction seriously. Collapse is coming - it can’t be avoided - but stopping the flow will help to keep things from becoming maximally bad, which is basically the course we’re on now.

Interestingly, this whole issue seems to be getting very little coverage from the MSM. This suggests to me that they're planning on just quietly ignoring it. It's only one little town, after all. If they refuse to report on it, Biden doesn't look weak.
There's no "Constitutional" Crisis
The Federal Government is in DIRECT violation of THE CONSTITUTION:
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion."​
U.S.Const., Art. IV, Sec. 4.
Unconstitutional federal Court actions or decisions (here), acts and laws MUST be defied!!!
The easiest of the three to defy is Court decisions because the Court has no enforcement power.
What we have here is the unconstitutional federal government vs. constitutionally sovereign states and Patriots.
Biden can easily solve this vy signing an Executive Order stopping the illegal immigration that he has allowed for the last 3 years.
The coming presidential election will determine if America will continue to be a "Republic" or become a Democrat Socialist Marxist entity.
Biden is everything Trump warned about. Biden works non-stop to harm America and the American people.

Democrats hate America and are letting as many foreigners in as they can squeeze through to end our society.
This is no joke. the feds could quite legitimately find a bullet for Abbott, and get away with it as being just as legal as when they whacked the lady protester on jan. 6th.
These hordes are costing the Taxpayers about $450 Billion$ per year.
They are essentially looting the paychecks of America workers.
There is nothing "moral" about the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy.
This is the Radical Left's greed for money and power.
The Democrats will grant these illegal aliens citizenship and the right to vote just as soon as they have control of the Presidency and the House and the Senate again.
We will become a one party neo-marxist police state.
It will be the end of the republic.
It will be Barry Obama's dream come true.
These hordes are costing the Taxpayers about $450 Billion$ per year.
They are essentially looting the paychecks of America workers.
There is nothing "moral" about the Corrupt Democrat Party's open border policy.
This is the Radical Left's greed for money and power.
The Democrats will grant these illegal aliens citizenship and the right to vote just as soon as they have control of the Presidency and the House and the Senate again.
We will become a one party neo-marxist police state.
It will be the end of the republic.
It will be Barry Obama's dream come true.

Remember, too, that [Congress] refused to modernize SSI for those who need it because of the cost, yet the cost of spending on illegals would have paid for modernizing SSI for 10 years. Just another example of how the ruling class hates Americans and has some bizarre love for foreign invaders.


Biden is everything Trump warned about. Biden works non-stop to harm America and the American people.

Democrats hate America and are letting as many foreigners in as they can squeeze through to end our society.

Former President Trump, who has now been indicted over his handling of classified records, said in 2016 that a president under an indictment would cause a constitutional crisis

Trump made the comments about then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
“We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” Trump said at the rally. “It would grind government to a halt.”

Talk about your words coming back to bite you. OUCH.

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