Any honest media person with the courage to actually ask climate questions?


IR does not come from Co2

It comes from the SUN


What an absolute moron. The Co2 FRAUD claims that Co2 absorbs IR from the sun while in the atmosphere, and warms the atmosphere.

The data, highly correlated satellite and balloon data, showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2 = THEORY REJECTED
Why are you so stupid ? You’re rejecting a theory you made up.
CO2 re emits IR dufus. It’s one greenhouse gas that does.
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IR does not come from Co2

It comes from the SUN


You’re an idiot.
What an absolute moron. The Co2 FRAUD claims that Co2 absorbs IR from the sun while in the atmosphere, and warms the atmosphere.

The data, highly correlated satellite and balloon data, showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2 = THEORY REJECTED
tell us who claimed CO2 heats the atmosphere directly…tell us foolish. Is thus another bullshit theory YOU made up ?
The data, highly correlated satellite and balloon data, showed NO WARMING despite rising Co2 = THEORY REJECTED
Did you make up that theory foolish ? You’re rejecting a theory that you made up. Hilarious.
CO2 re emits IR

Only when it receives IR from the Sun initially. Co2 is hardly unique in that regard.

Without the Sun's IR, Co2 doesn't by itself emit anything.
Only when it receives IR from the Sun initially. Co2 is hardly unique in that regard.

Without the Sun's IR, Co2 doesn't by itself emit anything.
Oh, so now you change your tune after you found you lied the first time…you do this all the time…So, tell us what other gasses commonly found in the atmospheres that does it. You said it’s not uniques….tell us more.

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