Staggering climate contradiction - data that can be fudged says "warming," data that cannot be fudged says "no warming"

No problem. Here is a list with pictures of the articles. Links are provided with some and some predate the internet. I included some examples.


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Lots of misstated lies from conservative politicians. In 2006, the prediction was ice free artic summers in 50 -70 years. That is now revised to make it worse, in 2050 on the short side..
All bullshit and incomplete quotes bubba.
Well it is obvious that you will definitely buy any and all liberal propaganda and ignore the FACT that many of the predictions of Global Warming have not materialized.

I personally donā€™t trust much of the data I read on Global Warming from either side because I feel it is mostly propaganda. However there is absolutely no doubt that many global warming predictions have failed. As I have said that does not help the global warming cause.

The former NASA climate scientist who predicted parts of New York City would soon be underwater, now says heā€™s not a global warming ā€œalarmist.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think that I have been alarmist ā€” maybe alarming, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m an alarmist,ā€ James Hansen, who used to head up NASAā€™s climate arm, told Yale Environment 360 in an interview republished in The Guardian Tuesday.


Hansen also predicted that global warming would cause a drastic rise in crime in the Big Apple, because ā€œyou know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.ā€

Hansen may have been talking about a sea-level rise 40 years from 1998, but that wouldnā€™t make any difference as the level of rise Hansen was predicting still hasnā€™t happened.


Your Global Warming scientists could take a lesson from the Aesop fable The boy who cried wolf.

I have read so many false predictions about global warming that I have a difficult time believing anything politicians and ā€scientistsā€ say about global warming.

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another snipper. Was ny under water during last storm surge
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Well it is obvious that you will definitely buy any and all liberal propaganda and ignore the FACT that many of the predictions of Global Warming have not materialized.

I personally donā€™t trust much of the data I read on Global Warming from either side because I feel it is mostly propaganda. However there is absolutely no doubt that many global warming predictions have failed. As I have said that does not help the global warming cause.

The former NASA climate scientist who predicted parts of New York City would soon be underwater, now says heā€™s not a global warming ā€œalarmist.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think that I have been alarmist ā€” maybe alarming, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m an alarmist,ā€ James Hansen, who used to head up NASAā€™s climate arm, told Yale Environment 360 in an interview republished in The Guardian Tuesday.


Hansen also predicted that global warming would cause a drastic rise in crime in the Big Apple, because ā€œyou know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.ā€

Hansen may have been talking about a sea-level rise 40 years from 1998, but that wouldnā€™t make any difference as the level of rise Hansen was predicting still hasnā€™t happened.


Your Global Warming scientists could take a lesson from the Aesop fable The boy who cried wolf.

I have read so many false predictions about global warming that I have a difficult time believing anything politicians and ā€scientistsā€ say about global warming.

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You bozos are such imbeciles. The flooding of NY during storm surges has already been happeningā€¦
You act like the Empire State Building is underwater. You bozos are totally behind the predictionsā€¦

Well it is obvious that you will definitely buy any and all liberal propaganda and ignore the FACT that many of the predictions of Global Warming have not materialized.

I personally donā€™t trust much of the data I read on Global Warming from either side because I feel it is mostly propaganda. However there is absolutely no doubt that many global warming predictions have failed. As I have said that does not help the global warming cause.

The former NASA climate scientist who predicted parts of New York City would soon be underwater, now says heā€™s not a global warming ā€œalarmist.ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think that I have been alarmist ā€” maybe alarming, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m an alarmist,ā€ James Hansen, who used to head up NASAā€™s climate arm, told Yale Environment 360 in an interview republished in The Guardian Tuesday.


Hansen also predicted that global warming would cause a drastic rise in crime in the Big Apple, because ā€œyou know what happens to crime when the heat goes up.ā€

Hansen may have been talking about a sea-level rise 40 years from 1998, but that wouldnā€™t make any difference as the level of rise Hansen was predicting still hasnā€™t happened.


Your Global Warming scientists could take a lesson from the Aesop fable The boy who cried wolf.

I have read so many false predictions about global warming that I have a difficult time believing anything politicians and ā€scientistsā€ say about global warming.

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Of course they have. They materialize during storm surges.
Tell the residents of Florida, a solid red state but among the few who have a majority converting over to support AGW mitigation. Gee, wonder if itā€™s the outrageous flood insurance they have to now pay. ?,
The planet is warming but that may or may not be unusual.

I find analysis of tree ring data to be interesting.

Also interesting is the fact that the Vikings lived in Greenland and prospered but climate change was one of the reasons they left. The climate grew cooler, not warmer.


As the Greenlanders' isolation from Europe grew, they found themselves victims of a steadily deteriorating environment. Their farmland, exploited to the full, had lost fertility. Erosion followed severe reductions in ground cover. The cutting of dwarf willows and alders for fuel and for the production of charcoal to use in the smelting of bog iron, which yielded soft, inferior metal, deprived the soil of its anchor of roots. Pollen analysis shows a dramatic decline in these species during the Viking years. In addition, livestock probably consumed any regenerating scrub. Overgrazing, trampling, and scuffing by the Norsemen's sheep, goats and cattle, the core of the island's livelihood, left the land debased.

Greenland's climate began to change as well; the summers grew shorter and progressively cooler, limiting the time cattle could be kept outdoors and increasing the need for winter fodder. During the worst years, when rains would have been heaviest, the hay crop would barely have been adequate to see the penned animals through the coldest days. Over the decades the drop in temperature seems to have had an effect on the design of the Greenlanders' houses. Originally conceived as single-roomed structures, like the great hall at Brattahlid, they were divided into smaller spaces for warmth, and then into warrens of interconnected chambers, with the cows kept close by so the owners might benefit from the animals' body heat.

Of course there are people who dispute the argument that Greenlandā€™s climate was warmer when the Vikings first settled there.

Right, you and I see no conclusive evidence for many possible AGW claims. However, what I'm looking for is some AGW advocate who's willing to say what the AGW claim is. So far all I'm getting is a lot of name-calling and obfuscation. That's beginning to lead me toward the conclusion that the AGW theme is just another nonsense meme.
However, what I'm looking for is some AGW advocate who's willing to say what the AGW claim is.
NASA is an advocateā€¦.check them out. ,how about Johns Hopkins, Havard, Yale andb Columbia. Oh, youā€™re not into real science, you just want to argue.
You bozos are such imbeciles. The flooding of NY during storm surges has already been happeningā€¦
You act like the Empire State Building is underwater. You bozos are totally behind the predictionsā€¦

You missed the fact that New York City is sinking because of the weight of its buildings.

Storm surges also often flood areas near large bodies of water. I lived in the Tampa Bay Area for 40 years and storm surges were common during that entire period of time. They were not a result of global warming. One day Tampa Bay will be hit a by a strong hurricane and it will be a catastrophe.

New York City doesnā€™t often get hit by topical storms or hurricanes. It is to a great extent unprepared for such events.

In passing, the link below is the type of science I like. It does not make ridiculous predictions to try to scare people into believing in what is all too often junk science. Science + Politics = Junk Science.

New York City is sinking due to its million-plus buildings, study says​

By Jacopo Prisco, CNN
4 minute read
Updated 12:16 PM EDT, Tue May 23, 2023

You missed the fact that New York City is sinking because of the weight of its buildings.

Storm surges also often flood areas near large bodies of water. I lived in the Tampa Bay Area for 40 years and storm surges were common during that entire period of time. They were not a result of global warming. One day Tampa Bay will be hit a by a strong hurricane and it will be a catastrophe.

New York City doesnā€™t often get hit by topical storms or hurricanes. It is to a great extent unprepared for such events.

In passing, the link below is the type of science I like. It does not make ridiculous predictions to try to scare people into believing in what is all too often junk science. Science + Politics = Junk Science.

New York City is sinking due to its million-plus buildings, study says​

By Jacopo Prisco, CNN
4 minute read
Updated 12:16 PM EDT, Tue May 23, 2023

AND IT ALSO SAYSā€¦ warming is part of the mix.

Hilariousā€¦.youā€˜re now quoting from CNN an article that supports AGW global warming !!
Did you actually read the article ? Naw, youā€™re just what, too lazy to read it ? Lots of quotes supporting AGWā€¦hilariousā€¦youā€™re just picking and choosing from real scienceā€¦.buffoonery.

ā€œWe know that global sea levels are rising and shorelines are changing, and that it is critical to understanding the impact of human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions, on our warming world,ā€ said geophysicist Sophie Coulson, a postdoctoral fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory who was not involved in the study. ā€œThis research takes a look at an important human factor that has only recently come into focus ā€” the effect of urban building loads on coastal land subsidence.ā€
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NASA is an advocateā€¦.check them out. ,how about Johns Hopkins, Havard, Yale andb Columbia....
This is exactly the brick wall I run into. No AGW advocate is willing to say precisely what the problem is but they insist that I have to do the research to find out what it is. The one complaining never has to present supporting info, only the one asking what the problem is required to do the heavy lifting.

However don't get me wrong here, you're in good company as most folks would rather complain than look at the problem. What I'm saying is that there are more steps to finding a solution --if there really is a problem.
AGW advocate is willing to say precisely what the problem is but they insist that I have to do the research to find out what it is.
Itā€™s a problem of your own making. Maybe, you think made up shit is valuable discourse. If that is the case, address your opinions to others who feel the same way. If you need brain surgery, do you bring questions into this forum for advise ? No bubba, reliable infor is so easily attainable, itā€™s a waste of time to babble back and forth about your religious beliefs. NASA, Johns Hopkins, aaas, Columbia, Mass General, MIT..we have at least 30 k more of real science.
Argue with themā€¦.ā€¦
However don't get me wrong here, you're in good company as most folks would rather complain than look at the problem.
Weā€™ve look at the problem and chose to go with science over bullshit. Nothing could be simpler.
Weā€™ve look at the problem and chose to go with science...
Super! Please understand that I'm trying to get what the AGW thesis consists of.

I'd be grateful if you could explain what the concern is in scientific terms. For example you could say that you see from thse measurements (insert temperature measurments/dates) that the earth warming by (insert temperature difference here) because of a man made greenhouse effect. Beyond that it might also be useful to add that you know that the temp increase is extraordinary because (insert temperature history here).

Even just the first two temperatures would be a big help to my understanding. thanks in advance.
AND IT ALSO SAYSā€¦ warming is part of the mix.

Hilariousā€¦.youā€˜re now quoting from CNN an article that supports AGW global warming !!
Did you actually read the article ? Naw, youā€™re just what, too lazy to read it ? Lots of quotes supporting AGWā€¦hilariousā€¦youā€™re just picking and choosing from real scienceā€¦.buffoonery.

ā€œWe know that global sea levels are rising and shorelines are changing, and that it is critical to understanding the impact of human activities, such as greenhouse gas emissions, on our warming world,ā€ said geophysicist Sophie Coulson, a postdoctoral fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory who was not involved in the study. ā€œThis research takes a look at an important human factor that has only recently come into focus ā€” the effect of urban building loads on coastal land subsidence.ā€
You keep missing my point.

I have said repeatedly that I really donā€™t know if there is such a thing as man-made Global Warming as I find it hard to believe the scientists and politicians when they make scary predictions that donā€™t come true.

My point is to make good predictions rather than try to scare everybody by crying wolf.

If you insist on continuing to ignore the fact that I want reliable predictions instead of bullshit prognostications that donā€™t come true, I will simply ignore your posts.

I have the feeling that you are trying to compensate for your inferiority complex by trying to make yourself look smarter than you are in your posts.

For example back on July 9, 2009 Prince Charles (now King Charles) said we only had 72 months to save the world. That was 178 months ago.

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You keep missing my point.

I have said repeatedly that I really donā€™t know if there is such a thing as man-made Global Warming as I find it hard to believe the scientists and politicians when they make scary predictions that donā€™t come true.

My point is to make good predictions rather than try to scare everybody by crying wolf.

If you insist on continuing to ignore the fact that I want reliable predictions instead of bullshit prognostications that donā€™t come true, I will simply ignore your posts.

I have the feeling that you are trying to compensate for your inferiority complex by trying to make yourself look smarter than you are in your posts.

For example back on July 9, 2009 Prince Charles (now King Charles) said we only had 72 months to save the world. That was 178 months ago.

You're running into the same problem I've had.

Like you, I also am trying to research what so many people are talking about, but in my case I just want to find out what the complaint is. Also like you, I'm not only getting no cooperation but I'm getting no end of condemnation for no jumping on their band wagon.

Something foul is going on here.
You're running into the same problem I've had.

Like you, I also am trying to research what so many people are talking about, but in my case I just want to find out what the complaint is. Also like you, I'm not only getting no cooperation but I'm getting no end of condemnation for no jumping on their band wagon.

Something foul is going on here.
it is frustrating delay with some people.
Thatā€™s from the national science foundation., Are you now using that for a reliable reference ? Yes or noā€¦


Always with DAG it is WHO YOU PARROT not WHAT THE DATA IS....
We are discussing global warming or climate change which is a very complicated topic.

I really donā€™t know if there is human caused global warming but I do know many predictions of climate change by scientists have proven wrong. That doesnā€™t help the cause of the liberal Church of Climate Change.

I noice you avoided answering my question. ā€¦

Why should I believe anything the liberal media tells me about global warming?

On the topic of defining what a woman is ā€¦conservatives use science and liberals once again are attempting to mix politics with science and the result as usual is junk science.

Climate Change is the science/study of how/why/when/what of Earth's climate parameters.

Global Warming is a THEORY that Co2 is the cause. That THEORY got REFUTED by the two and only two measures of atmospheric temps we have, satellites and balloons.

Many times, the Co2 Fraud will accuse you of being a "climate denier" for suggesting Co2 does nothing. That is a "wordsmith."

Try to get this right.

Earth's climate does change.

Co2 has nothing to do with Earth climate change. And those who deny that truth are the real "climate deniers."
What color would you like it ? So youā€™re smarter than NASA. .
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