Antisemite Omar Refers to Jewish Students as Pro-Genocide or Anti-Genocide

Actually, if we just bought oil and invested in alternative energy, we'll render them pointless.

Israel actually increases the number of hits we take from them.

Nope, he was a medic and translator for the VII Corps.
We are investing billions towards "alternative energy" what ever that is.... and Israel gets attacked because they are surrounded by their mortal enemy.... the killing will not stop until the Palestinians learn to live and work with Israel... why is that so hard?... its freaking 2024 for cryin out loud...
We are investing billions towards "alternative energy" what ever that is.... and Israel gets attacked because they are surrounded by their mortal enemy.... the killing will not stop until the Palestinians learn to live and work with Israel... why is that so hard?... its freaking 2024 for cryin out loud...

1) We don't spend nearly as much on alternative energy as we do fighting wars in the middle east and propping up the Zionist Entity.
2) The Zionist Entity is under constant attack because it stole the land from the indigenous people.
3) If a bunch of foreigners invaded your state, forced you to live on the crappiest land, and routinely used children for target practice, would you "learn to live and work with them"? Heck, you people freak out when a bunch of Mexicans come here wanting to do menial jobs you don't want to do.

Hamas’ own founding document calls for the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. Their conduct from their very founding verifies that they mean every word.
And yet Bibi empowered Hamas over Fatah at every turn so he wouldn't have to negotiate in good faith on a Palestinian state. He allowed billions in aid to go to Gaza from Qatar because he wanted to undermine the more moderate Abbas.
Just how willing are Democrats to allow a blatant antisemite like Omar to continue spreading her Jew-hate - and to demonize Jews?

In her latest slur against Jews, she refers to Jewish students as being pro-genocide if they support Israel. This talk of “genocide” is a blatant lie being used to ramp up antisemitism even more, and increase the hatred for innocent Jewish students who are already being assaulted, bullied, and blocked from attending class.

Are Democrats, and that includes Biden, so desperate for the antisemitic vote that they allow such a horrific statement to be made - especially a day after Biden says he will not stand for antisemitism?

You can't fight islamo nazism with arguments of logic or decency
You can't fight islamo nazism with arguments of logic or decency
But how does that explain that Jews, who are appalled by Biden’s blatant FU to Israel and refusal to comment on the rampant antisemitism in liberal campuses for 10 days, are still going to vote for him?
But how does that explain that Jews, who are appalled by Biden’s blatant FU to Israel and refusal to comment on the rampant antisemitism in liberal campuses for 10 days, are still going to vote for him?
tradition----jews can't get over the fact that 50 years ago the party of social
conscience and decency was the Democratic party.
tradition----jews can't get over the fact that 50 years ago the party of social
conscience and decency was the Democratic party.
It’s not the same party. Why can’t they see that?

Part of the reason is that they have fallen victim to all the lies about “MAGA people” and refuse to listen to information. I can’t tell you how many times a Jewish Democrat has made an ignorant comment, and when I start to correct them, I get a face palm in my face.
Okay, let's look at that.

Riots in the Streets
Storming the Capitol.

Sounds a lot more fucked up than anything Biden did.
Trump created a virus? did he do HTLV-1 too? Trump created a
recession? The crash of 1929 TOO? Riots in the streets---like the 1960s? Storming the Capital-----oh---that had a HUGE EFFECT on the
your life and the lives of the people on the planet----like the NY Yankee
victory of the WORLD SERIES in 1955----or global warming? or the
migrations of the monarch butterfly?
Trump created a virus? did he do HTLV-1 too? Trump created a
recession? The crash of 1929 TOO? Riots in the streets---like the 1960s? Storming the Capital-----oh---that had a HUGE EFFECT on the
your life and the lives of the people on the planet----like the NY Yankee
victory of the WORLD SERIES in 1955----or global warming? or the
migrations of the monarch butterfly?

If you take the position that everything bad that happens on a president's watch is his fault, then Biden fare far better than Trump.

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