Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Limbo doesn't solve the dilemma. Eventually God either sends the baby to Hell or Heaven. If even one baby gets sent to Hell then that God is a monster. If they all go to Heaven then infanticide is a moral imperative.
that's some logic ya got there

Limbo doesn't solve the dilemma. Eventually God either sends the baby to Hell or Heaven. If even one baby gets sent to Hell then that God is a monster. If they all go to Heaven then infanticide is a moral imperative.
Children go straight up if they die. Nowhere in the Bible does it describe some "limbo".

Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”​

Psalm 127: 3 Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. (We take that reward, carve it up like a chicken and sell the parts)

Baptism requires giving your life to Jesus. It is a choice the person makes, not the parents, not a church. The requirements for Baptism are laid out in the Bible.

1Peter 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God.

Babies can neither ask God for a clear conscience, repent of their sins, or give their lives to Christ.
you must not go to a protestant church?

A lot of them say it all the time, mostly when they're bashing Catholics or Catholicism, which they do because they don't like competition.
That's a very general statement, and obviously worded to avoid having to be specific. You believe it because you believe it, and it MUST be true.
It doesn't. I have read the Bible. I know it's a shock to hear a Catholic say that, but it's a true story. I've actually read or heard it over and over because the Catholic Church gives us scripture every day, not just on Sunday.

Anyhow, it does not say in the Bible you can't baptize infants and it is inferred that infants were indeed baptized. In Acts, it says "whole households" were baptized. Most households had infants and/or children.

Jesus said to let the children come to Him.


Who the fuck cares? There is no Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man. You idiots cherry what part of the bible you believe anyway.
That is absolutely NOT true. Humans FELL when they disobeyed and they fall every time they do so personally also... so we are a MESS.

Baptism cleanses us of original sin. When a person gets into a car wreck and is seriously injured, has to go to the hospital, etc... it takes a lot to get that person... say, out of a body cast and at least somewhat back to what the person once was, health-wise. It is the same with this original sin that screwed us up... It is worse than people realize... and even after baptism, obviously, we have this bent to sin... All we need to prove that is to look around at all the sin and its horrible consequences, seen all around us
No, it does not clean us from original sin. If we are older than 8 years of age, the age of accountability, when we are baptized it is for the remission of sins only so that we can be prepared for the Kingdom of God in the resurrection. The Bible says nothing about baptism being to clean us of some original sin of Adam. It's a false doctrine the Catholic Church conjured up to torment parents when their young children died prior to baptism.
Acts 2:38, "And Peter said to them, Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." Doesn't say for the sins of Adam, does it? Come on, does it?
Another thing about Baptism, scriptures also teach that salvation comes by way of grace, not by any works or ordinances. So, why repent and be baptized to prepare to receive the Holy Ghost? Because salvation is different than exaltation in the highest kingdom of Heaven, the Celestial Kingdom as stated in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. The other kingdoms or glories of Heaven do not require baptism. Therefore, to get to Heaven, there is no original sin carried over to the Children of Adam. We are not condemned by our forefather ancestors. Little children cannot sin and it is an abomination to the Lord to baptize them. The children won't be condemned but the parents and evil ministers, priests, fathers will be.
Bible says nothing about baptism being to clean us of some original sin of Adam.

shows how much you know about the Bible. In (I believe) the Gospel of John it

talks about the Flood and compares baptism to the cleansing that the Flood accomplished of the entire world. If God can use WATER to cleans the entire world (or maybe you don't believe in a literal Flood but in any case)

If God can use water to cleanse the entire world, he can use water and His Spirit ("Where 2 or more are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them") to cleanse..

He can and does cleanse the stain of original sin from a person in baptism.

even a CHILD
shows how much you know about the Bible. In (I believe) the Gospel of John it

talks about the Flood and compares baptism to the cleansing that the Flood accomplished of the entire world. If God can use WATER to cleans the entire world (or maybe you don't believe in a literal Flood but in any case)

If God can use water to cleanse the entire world, he can use water and His Spirit ("Where 2 or more are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them") to cleanse..

He can and does cleanse the stain of original sin from a person in baptism.

even a CHILD
You conflicted two separate concepts. The purpose of baptism and the original sin of Adam. I agree that the earth itself has been baptized because the earth is a living world with a spirit as well. Eventually, it will be baptized by fire as well. But, what you described with Noah's Flood is the removal of sin that had developed over centuries since Adam. Not because of what Adam did. If this event was to clean the world of the original sin of Adam, then there would be no one left with that original sin. But, there was Noah and his family that was not washed away. So, conflicting the two ideas makes no sense. Now, was Noah and his family baptized too? I think they may have been. And, again, if so, there would be no more the original sin. Again, this doesn't support the original sin today. It's simply false doctrine.
shows how much you know about the Bible. In (I believe) the Gospel of John it

talks about the Flood and compares baptism to the cleansing that the Flood accomplished of the entire world. If God can use WATER to cleans the entire world (or maybe you don't believe in a literal Flood but in any case)

If God can use water to cleanse the entire world, he can use water and His Spirit ("Where 2 or more are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them") to cleanse..

He can and does cleanse the stain of original sin from a person in baptism.

even a CHILD
This verse doesn't appear to exist.
So why is abortion wrong? It cuts off any chance of a person being tortured in Hell for eternity. Same with infanticide.
assuming it is true that children go directly to Heaven. The Catholic Church has always wondered and still has not officially proclaimed definitely--that I know of-- that that is so or not so...

But some people like Irish Ram know more than a 2000+ year old Church that began with Jesus Christ himself....
But some people like Irish Ram know more than a 2000+ year old Church that began with Jesus Christ himself
That's your belief. That doesn't make it true.

Your church is the COUNTERFEIT that rose up alongside the Church of God.

It is YOUR church that persecuted the Church of God for "judaizing on the Sabbath"

Christians must not judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather honouring the Lord's Day; and, if they can, resting then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.

Ancient Epitome of Canon XXIX.

A Christian shall not stop work on the Sabbath, but on the Lord's Day.
That's your belief. That doesn't make it true.

Your church is the COUNTERFEIT that rose up alongside the Church of God.

It is YOUR church that persecuted the Church of God for "judaizing on the Sabbath"
so why do you feel the need to tell me this?

Does telling me this make what you say true?

Why don't you just go your merry way and write off all Catholics and be happy with your own chosen views/opinions on God?
assuming it is true that children go directly to Heaven. The Catholic Church has always wondered and still has not officially proclaimed definitely--that I know of-- that that is so or not so...

But some people like Irish Ram know more than a 2000+ year old Church that began with Jesus Christ himself....
If the RCC was the true Church, then you would know what happens with little children.
Jesus Christ didn’t start the RCC. In fact, no name has ever been recorded to what he called his organization. By the time the RCC was organized, the apostles had been dead for centuries and the great apostasy Paul prophesied was fully going gang busters.
so why do you feel the need to tell me this?

Does telling me this make what you say true?

Why don't you just go your merry way and write off all Catholics and be happy with your own chosen views/opinions on God?
You gave me the opportunity to educate the open minded lurker who isn't bonded to your cult. Thank you for providing that opportunity
I don't write off anyone. The door to repentance is open to all willing to leave Mystery Babylon
so you say I am damned?

wow... you are a wonderful sort.. You say that those who sincerely love Jesus and try to do all he says

are damned

that is sick

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