Zone1 My apologies to BibleHub. The problem was Vatican II, not them...


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I posted some comment here (not sure where, but will look further) about how BibleHub may be trying to pull one over on people because the Douay Rheims version of Scripture at their website did not SEEM to say the same thing as what I found in my own DR Bible. But then I checked on this and discovered that the Catholic missal we use at Holy Mass is where the problem is.. Wow, what a shock... Vatican 2 continues to cause problems in the Christian world, especially the Catholic Church!

As I have said b4, the Catholic missal used at Mass uses a different version of the Bible, NOT the DR version many of us Catholics rely upon (canonized by a saint pope, Pius V).

I am not sure which version of the Bible the novus ordo Church uses but in any case, the passage in question was about how people who do evil inherit a "resurrection of" either "condemnation" (NO version) or "judgment" (DR version)

I don't suppose there's a huge difference, and in any case, it is encouraging that the NO version was not exactly "throwing out Hell" as I have often wondered...
But then I checked on this and discovered that the Catholic missal we use at Holy Mass is where the problem is.. Wow, what a shock... Vatican 2 continues to cause problems in the Christian world, especially the Catholic Church!
Don't go out shopping for problems. Both sides have honourable intentions in a situation in which new beliefs need to be accepted in order to hold it all together.

Of course creation/evolution can't work together, but the church's best minds are working to come up with an interpretation that will pass muster with a majority of what's left of the flock.
Some years ago, this happened

I went to Mass and noticed that In one place in the Catholic missal (Scripture said at Mass) it said that Jesus said There is a kind of demonic activity that only is dealt with (my words) through fasting and prayer. But the missal mentioned only prayer (the Bible mentions both).

So that's why I thought that V2 had thrown out a lot of "difficult things" --

Again, it is good to see that Hell was not totally erased from the Mass Scripture readings
Don't go out shopping for problems. Both sides have honourable intentions in a situation in which new beliefs need to be accepted in order to hold it all together.

Of course creation/evolution can't work together, but the church's best minds are working to come up with an interpretation that will pass muster with a majority of what's left of the flock.
you keep bringing up evolution.

There is no way humans are descended from apes. There is no missing link and never will they find one. That is just logical, common sense.

dogs don't mate with cats

salamanders don't mate with pigs to create... God forbid

But it wouldn't surprise me if corrupt mankind creates these kinds of things in a lab some day
you keep bringing up evolution.

There is no way humans are descended from apes.
Nobody who understands Darwin would claim that humans are descended from apes. Don't get yourself into a debate in which you are ignorant of the basics!
There is no missing link and never will they find one. That is just logical, common sense.
There are dozens of the 'socalled' missing links found that proves evolution. Again, don't get in over your head.
dogs don't mate with cats
That's not getting over your head!
salamanders don't mate with pigs to create... God forbid
YOu're safe with proclaiming that!
But it wouldn't surprise me if corrupt mankind creates these kinds of things in a lab some day
No, not literally. And separating the literal from the supernatural is the issue.
Ask Meriweather and/or Ding if I've got it right so far!
Nobody who understands Darwin would claim that humans are descended from apes. Don't get yourself into a debate in which you are ignorant of the basics!

There are dozens of the 'socalled' missing links found that proves evolution. Again, don't get in over your head.

That's not getting over your head!

YOu're safe with proclaiming that!

No, not literally. And separating the literal from the supernatural is the issue.
Ask Meriweather and/or Ding if I've got it right so far!
The topic bores me, quite frankly. One has to choose his battles
The topic bores me, quite frankly. One has to choose his battles
You thought you could step in over your head and you quickly learned that you shouldn't have.
It can't get any simpler than that.

Hone your skills by reading conversations wiith Meriweather and/or *Ding, then come back.


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