When This War Is Over - Palestine Will Be Free

Please compare the number of children murdered by Israel since 10/7 and the number Hamas killed on that day?

Now, what does this tell you?
That Hamas made a terrible mistake when they invaded Israel. Had they not waged war, none of their children would have died.
Ah shucks. So then here you are an expert on "the history of the region" who doesnt dare to get into a discussion with me. Good move.
See a pattern YET!
🇻🇳 Vietnam
The US lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to drag the nation into a needless conflict. (1964)
🇰🇼 Kuwait
The US lied about Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators to rally support for a war against Iraq. (1990)
🇷🇸 Serbia
The US lied about Serbian actions in Kosovo to justify NATO bombings and expand Western influence in the Balkans. (1999)
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
The US lied about its reasons for invading, hiding the true objectives related to pipeline politics and opium fields. (2001)
🇮🇶 Iraq
The US lied about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction to justify a war for oil. (2003)
🇱🇾 Libya
The US lied about Gaddafi's threats to civilians to establish control over North African resources. (2011)
🇸🇾 Syria
The US lied about Assad's use of chemical weapons as an excuse to topple a sovereign regime. (2013)
🇺🇦 Ukraine
The US lied about Russian aggression to further NATO's encroachment on Russian borders. (2014)

But this time we should believe the US is telling us the whole truth about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.....
So true.
That Hamas made a terrible mistake when they invaded Israel. Had they not waged war, none of their children would have died.
So true. Ony Hamas & their supporters don't see it as a bad mistake that over 30,000 Palestinians are now dead & a lot more to come. They see it as victory still holding Israeli hostages be they dead or still alive. It's called Palestinian Mentality.
See a pattern YET!
🇻🇳 Vietnam
The US lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to drag the nation into a needless conflict. (1964)
🇰🇼 Kuwait
The US lied about Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators to rally support for a war against Iraq. (1990)
🇷🇸 Serbia
The US lied about Serbian actions in Kosovo to justify NATO bombings and expand Western influence in the Balkans. (1999)
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
The US lied about its reasons for invading, hiding the true objectives related to pipeline politics and opium fields. (2001)
🇮🇶 Iraq
The US lied about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction to justify a war for oil. (2003)
🇱🇾 Libya
The US lied about Gaddafi's threats to civilians to establish control over North African resources. (2011)
🇸🇾 Syria
The US lied about Assad's use of chemical weapons as an excuse to topple a sovereign regime. (2013)
🇺🇦 Ukraine
The US lied about Russian aggression to further NATO's encroachment on Russian borders. (2014)

But this time we should believe the US is telling us the whole truth about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.....
Eh, WTF does all this have to do with your brilliant expertise on the history of the Israeli/Hamas war? Back to the funny farm with you.
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
The US lied about its reasons for invading, hiding the true objectives related to pipeline politics and opium fields. (2001)

influence in the Balkans. (1999)
🇦🇫 Afghanistan
The US lied about its reasons for invading, hiding the true objectives related to pipeline politics and opium fields. (2001)
🇮🇶 Iraq
The US lied about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction to justify a war for oil. (2003)
These sorts of errors happen because of what Readers read. The US did not invade Afghanistan at all. They did pour millions of dollars to the Northern Alliance so they could afford to battle the Taliban. They had spotters on the ground to guide the US warplanes to targets. But it was up to the Alliances of Afghanistan to win the war and they did win.

Iraq had one supporter of the WMD notion and his name is Colin Powell. Powell went to the CIA for 2 weeks investigating what the CIA said. After this where he said there was WMD did General Tommy Franks troops invade Iraq. Franks troops won the war. After he won he retired. When the rebellion among Iraqis took place, it was Iraqi against Iraqi and the US forces goal was to restore peace.

These kind of mistakes happen do to wrong reporting by our media as well as readers not reading correct history of wars.
There isn’t any differences between you and Nazis.
Jews make up 0.2% of all religions, and just like during the rise of Nazism Jews became the main focus of irrational hatred to the point of wanting to murder all Jews.

Nazism is based upon racial supremacy based upon an evolutionary theory, and just like before non white races are considered inferior.

✔️Only the pure.
Nazism taught that only specific people that looked a certain way would be allowed to live, and like before the handicapped and mentally ill are killed through either assisted suicide or abortion.

NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers Party, and like during the rise of Nazism socialism is on the rise today.

✔️State Police
Nazis used their state police (Gestapo) to suppress political dissent, and today we have the FBI and CIA.

✔️State propaganda
Joseph Goebbles controlled the media, universities, film industry, and schools for the Nazis, and today we have the State controlling those same institutions for the same reasons.

The list goes on, these are just some of the parallels.

I oppose all war.

MSNBC was and is cheerleading the genocide in Gaza, just like you. You are different.
There are thousands of ways Biden has shut you down. He never asked you if he is dumb. You are a tiny peg in a super huge wheel and not the grease on the axles. In other words the Feds did not ask any of us to validate the wars.
I don't cheer any human death, be it a baby or an adult nor a person in other countries. I simply vote and know well it means almost nothing at all.
Jews make up 0.2% of all religions, and just like during the rise of Nazism Jews became the main focus of irrational hatred to the point of wanting to murder all Jews.

Nazism is based upon racial supremacy based upon an evolutionary theory, and just like before non white races are considered inferior.

✔️Only the pure.
Nazism taught that only specific people that looked a certain way would be allowed to live, and like before the handicapped and mentally ill are killed through either assisted suicide or abortion.

NAZI stands for National Socialist German Workers Party, and like during the rise of Nazism socialism is on the rise today.

✔️State Police
Nazis used their state police (Gestapo) to suppress political dissent, and today we have the FBI and CIA.

✔️State propaganda
Joseph Goebbles controlled the media, universities, film industry, and schools for the Nazis, and today we have the State controlling those same institutions for the same reasons.

The list goes on, these are just some of the parallels.
Just change Jews to Muslims and you’ve got your ideology pegged.
That's not a bad idea. And stop building new Jewish settlements in that territory. I head that's one of the things that pisses them off the most. Jews say they promise they won't then suddenly one day bulldozers appear and apparently their word means nothing.

Reminds me of our promises to the Indians. We lied.
How very apartheid of you, Adolf.
Dumb. Mass murdering defenseless civilians is a war crime and you support this crime.


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