Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

View attachment 863385ding a ling is projecting again.
No. I explained the basis for my belief. Which was an argument in that it provided reasoning and evidence.

I am glad you are using the pyramid I posted, ding a ling. Study it carefully, apply it logically, and people will stop laughing at you.
There you go again demonstrating that it matters to you if people laugh at you. Have some self confidence, would ya? Stop being so insecure.
There you go again demonstrating that it matters to you if people laugh at you. Have some self confidence, would ya? Stop being so insecure.
What matters to me is beyond your ken. I hope you and yours had a good Thanksgiving and a better Christmas.
Fact is….Jesus cared for others.
Especially those who were outcasts in society

The very definition of Woke
No, woke is more about conformity and being PC.

Those that say such things as "All lives Matter" are rounded up and shot.
No, woke is more about conformity and being PC.

Those that say such things as "All lives Matter" are rounded up and shot.
Some individuals simply do not comprehend that they are being used like pawns on a chess board. The supposed progressives of the world have a history of using minorities and other sub-groups of society to cause division and contention. Progressives project division based upon a tribal type of self identification........the evil whites are coming after your progressive government based benefits etc, they are going to take away your votes by asking for ID, etc..............

All sub groups of American society are being used with this progressive cookie cutter battle plan, its no longer politics.....its to the point that our very nation is being threatened to the point of societal chaos and collapse. Example: 2016 - today, the flames of contention have been flamed so much that whole cities have been taken over by criminals calling themselves liberal warriors, while our supposed conservatives invoke vigilantism.

When any group, sub-group of society feels threatened.........the natural and historical thing to do is invoke tribalism, its US vs THEM...whoever US is and whoever THEM are. Even the whites of our society are not immune to such actions. How does anyone think that Trump came into power, He played tribalism, US v THEM. When any group feels threatened they close ranks with the like minded ........they become defensive with a threat to challenge and punish those that threaten them. Its a formula for rebellion not unity.

No group is safe, they are all being pitted against one another, Whites and Blacks, Latinos and Asian, men v women, Christians, Jews, Muslims, straight people, gay people, liberals, conservatives.............all are now feeling they are under attack and threatened with racism, discrimination, jailed unjustly, pay to much taxes, do not pay enough taxes, its any and everything that can be used to invoke division instead of assimilation.

What does all this accomplish.........what is to be gained by playing such a political game? The longer this type of division is projected...........the more power is taken from the people as a whole, assimilated together with one voice and one cause.........and GIVEN, not taken by the career politicians....but given to them as a gift with the promise that, I am from the government and I am here to help you. The more the government HELPS, the more the power of the people is being surrendered.
We are using the Clyde154s secretly as pawns, it is true.
That's are "secretly" using something by, declaring that you are secretly using something. :popcorn: Cat's out of the bag, to use the Clyde 154's of the world you must by proxy use the Word of God by Book, Chapter and Verse. Keep up the good work.......its a start, a beginning to attaining knowledge.

I enjoy this type of Chess, you get both a dinner and a show. Since you have used Clyde must know his race, his politics, his skin color, his heritage by tribe. Logic dictates, if you have not garnered this tibit of information, you are simply phishing.

I suggest you use the information in all the threads that I have started. Come take my King. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Jesus‘ teachings were consideration of others, helping the poor and sick, helping social outcasts like prostitutes and Lepers. Jesus taught that you have an obligation to care for others and not judge them. Was Jesus Woke?

View attachment 818456

Jesus said everything first, before others came and spoke those things let alone live according to them. Jesus is beyond woke. Jesus is the Truth. There was nothing Jesus did or spoke for that is contrary to any mercy or grace. That there is claim that he did was added and foreign to Jesus, who we are dependent on for showing us that while we are in no deserving position for such.
Jesus said everything first, before others came and spoke those things let alone live according to them. Jesus is beyond woke. Jesus is the Truth. There was nothing Jesus did or spoke for that is contrary to any mercy or grace. That there is claim that he did was added and foreign to Jesus, who we are dependent on for showing us that while we are in no deserving position for such.

Jesus was Woke on Steroids

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