Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

You have to prove your allegations. I don't until you give me something to rebut. Your ad homs are meaningless. Your deranged ranting is meaningless.

Give us examples, Chapter and Verse of the Holy Scripures the prove Jesus is Woke? And if so, is that Good or Bad.

Where does one find Christian Truth? From YOU who propagates the doctrine of men? :dunno:
There is only one place to find the Truth that saves....The Word of God, "Sanctify them in truth............Your Word is Truth." John 17:17-26 You do comprehend what the term SANCTIFY means? No?

FACT: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Thus, you have your flawed circular logic addressed.

I have to prove nothing. YOU ARE LYING if you can't produce the book, chapter and verse to PROVE YOUR POINT.:eusa_boohoo: Woke is not addressed in the Holy Scriptures. If there is nothing in the scriptures, its impossible to address a negative Logical Fallacy. You can't match wits with the Spirit of God who inspired ALL the Holy Bible. (2 Tim. 3:16-17) There is no GOTCHA when you can't prove your own negative. Its amusing :abgg2q.jpg:

You are ignoring the intolerant side of Jesus Christ. He exposed the LIES of the Jewish leaders of His day......and openly confronted their lies. He said, Beware of the lies promoted by the Pharisees and the Sadducees. (Matthew 16:12,16) These supposed religious men also claimed to be WOKE and wired in with a direct line to the God of Creation.....because of their historical lineage. Jesus informed them that lineage or ancestry means nothing. God can make sons of Abraham from stones if He wished (Matthew 3:9).

Then we find the language used by the Christ to be very intolerant of the lies expressed by these LIARS. In (Matthew 23) Jesus openly confronts these men, calling them to their faces "hypocrites", "serpents", "a brood of vipers". How could they not escape the punishment of Hell? Jesus told them they did not know the TRUTH found in the Scriptures warned against using man made traditions to replace the actual content of the Holy Scriptures (Matt. 22:29).

Jesus was anything but "tolerant" and "confronted" those who attempted to use man made tradition to replace the actual content of the scriptures. (Matt. 15:3-9) When it came to confronting LIARS, Jesus never failed to call a lying dog, a lying dog. Just as the scriptures are confronting YOU because WOKE is not a subject presented by the teachings by the Christ.

The God of the Holy Scriptures is LOVE. ( 1 John 4:8,16). He demonstrated His love by allowing His only Begotten Son to die a tragic and horrible death on the cross (John 3:16) in spite of the documented fact that humanity was an enemy of the truth (Romans 5:6-10) because there was no one, not one was worthy of God's salvation (Romans 3:10). This is not tolerance.......its TRUTH from God. You forget the other side of God. "The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a JEALOUS GOD." -- Deut. 4:24

The Holy Scriptures of the O.T. demonstrate that the Law of Moses was temporary and would be replaced by a New Covenant, unlike the Law of Moses (Jer. 31:31-34). Thus, it was necessary for God to sacrifice His only Begotten Son to take upon Himself the "sins of the world" ..........Jesus became sin in our stead (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus confronted Hades, Death and defeated the god of this world SATAN (2 Cor. 4:4) with His blood sacrifice (Matt. 16, The Gates of Hades (the grave) shall not stand against My Church/Kingdom -- Matt. 16:18) Jesus nailed the Old Law and death to His sacrificial cross (Col. 2:14). Jesus destroyed the enmity the wall that separated God and humanity (Eph. 2:14-18)

God wants all men to be saved and would have none lost.........the catch? Man must come to the knowledge of the TRUTH. (1 Tim. 2:3-4). Truth was the reason Jesus was born in this world, its TRUTH that saves not Wokeness.........Jesus declared that only those who HEAR HIS VOICE ARE OF THE TRUTH." -- John 18:37

God offers salvation to all men (Titus 2:11). But sad to declare the majority of all your wokeness will reject the truth from Jesus .........and GOD, who is a jealous God will destroy them (Matt. 10:28, 2 Thess 1:9), ".....they (who rejects the words of Jesus) will suffer the punishment of eternal punishment). Jesus declared that His Words would Judge everyone on judgment day. -- John 12:48

No one is special.........because they are your definition of WOKE. God has no respect of persons (Romans 2:11)......all will be judged with the same measure, or rejected by the same measure (John 12:48)
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I did not make the original claim, the anti-woke crowd did.

Until they give Chapter and Verse in proof, they are opinionating, rather poorly, I might add.
I did not make the original claim, the anti-woke crowd did.

Until they give Chapter and Verse in proof, they are opinionating, rather poorly, I might add. THEY? :abgg2q.jpg:
Of have presented NOTHING in defense of your lies. You are yet to provide God's TRUTH......the Word of God, book, chapter and verse to defend your lies. Why? You cannot. What? To many direct quotes by Book, Chapter and Verse? The book, chapter and verses were provided. LMAO. Slow Horses indeed.

Have you ever......actually attempted to read the Holy Scriptures, or do you always depend upon others to tell you what to believe?
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Of have presented NOTHING in defense of your lies. You are yet to provide God's TRUTH......the Word of God, book, chapter and verse to defend your lies. Why? You cannot. What? To many direct quotes by Book, Chapter and Verse? The book, chapter and verses were provided. LMAO. Slow Horses indeed.

Have you ever......actually attempted to read the Holy Scriptures, or do you always depend upon others to tell you what to believe?
You are not in charge of the rules of discussion. You have said Jesus was not woke than demanded others to rebut it.

Make your claim, make your support of evidence for your claim, then call for rebuttal.

All you have right now is your opinion, just like we all do. It means nothing without evidence.
You are not in charge of the rules of discussion. You have said Jesus was not woke than demanded others to rebut it.

Make your claim, make your support of evidence for your claim, then call for rebuttal.

All you have right now is your opinion, just like we all do. It means nothing without evidence.

:abgg2q.jpg: Typical of an illogical liberal. You declare that others do not have the right to correct or CONTROL your obvious lies......and you do this how? You attempt to control my content. LMAO

The Bible teaches Truth. Some of the Truths found in the Bible? The Bible has much to say about suffering with FOOLS. The fool does not want to learn truth. (Proverbs 1:22), The fool despises being corrected by TRUTH. (Pr. 15:15), The fool goes through life in darkness (Eccl. 2:14). The fool refuses to understand........he/she simply enjoys hearing their own talk. (Pr. 18:2) The fool, once they start communicating demonstrates there IS NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE there, only foolishness, empty words. (Pr. 12:23). The fool mocks sin (Pr.14:9) The fool is convinced that God did not inspire the Holy Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16-17), there is no God to found in the Holy Scriptures (Ps. 53:1-3) The fool refuses to retain the knowledge revealed by God (Rom. 1:20-22)

Of course, the actual content of the Holy Bible means nothing to you, the presentation of book, chapter and verse provides no evidence to those who worship the world and the things in it. Satan is the god of the false doctrine you are promoting ........he is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). The true Christian has been "called out" of the world and transferred into the Kingdom of the Son Christ Jesus, and the world hates the truth of God. (John 15:18-21)

As a Christian I am commanded, when facing obvious lies and untruths that are not found in the Word of God, to REPROVE, REBUKE, AND EXHORT WITH COMPLETE PATIENCE AND TEACHING........." -- 2 Tim. 4:2-5

..........All Charlatans declare that the Holy Scriptures do not provide truth. Why? Because those who are proven wrong by the actual content of the Holy Scriptures are contradicted by the Word of God. The Word of God is LIVING AND ACTIVE, SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD, PIERCING TO THE DIVISION OF SOUL AND OF SPIRIT, OF JOINTS AND MARROW, AND DISCERNING THE THOUGHTS AND AND INTENTIONS OF THE HEART."
:abgg2q.jpg: Typical of an illogical liberal. You declare that others do not have the right to correct or CONTROL your obvious lies......and you do this how? You attempt to control my content. LMAO

The Bible teaches Truth. Some of the Truths found in the Bible? The Bible has much to say about suffering with FOOLS. The fool does not want to learn truth. (Proverbs 1:22), The fool despises being corrected by TRUTH. (Pr. 15:15), The fool goes through life in darkness (Eccl. 2:14). The fool refuses to understand........he/she simply enjoys hearing their own talk. (Pr. 18:2) The fool, once they start communicating demonstrates there IS NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE there, only foolishness, empty words. (Pr. 12:23). The fool mocks sin (Pr.14:9) The fool is convinced that God did not inspire the Holy Scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16-17), there is no God to found in the Holy Scriptures (Ps. 53:1-3) The fool refuses to retain the knowledge revealed by God (Rom. 1:20-22)

Of course, the actual content of the Holy Bible means nothing to you, the presentation of book, chapter and verse provides no evidence to those who worship the world and the things in it. Satan is the god of the false doctrine you are promoting ........he is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4). The true Christian has been "called out" of the world and transferred into the Kingdom of the Son Christ Jesus, and the world hates the truth of God. (John 15:18-21)

As a Christian I am commanded, when facing obvious lies and untruths that are not found in the Word of God, to REPROVE, REBUKE, AND EXHORT WITH COMPLETE PATIENCE AND TEACHING........." -- 2 Tim. 4:2-5

..........All Charlatans declare that the Holy Scriptures do not provide truth. Why? Because those who are proven wrong by the actual content of the Holy Scriptures are contradicted by the Word of God. The Word of God is LIVING AND ACTIVE, SHARPER THAN ANY TWO EDGED SWORD, PIERCING TO THE DIVISION OF SOUL AND OF SPIRIT, OF JOINTS AND MARROW, AND DISCERNING THE THOUGHTS AND AND INTENTIONS OF THE HEART."

I would enjoy someone presenting one verse from the Holy Scriptures where Jesus declared war on anyone....invoked warfare...etc., Hitler declared He was a Christian, just as did the RCC who brought the world such noble quests as the Spanish Inquisitions and the Crusades. There is no Christian Doctrine that exists in the Holy Bible that declares religion should be enforced by threat or war, or sword point. If it exists show us the book, chapter and verse........if not, I suggest you research and engage brain before your mouth passes gas. This "SLOW HORSE" must have been miracled into wokeness.

Yeah.........its not like the native American's engaged in battle to take the land from another TRIBE. All the native American lands were just "miracled" by the Great Spirit. :abgg2q.jpg:
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You cannot make an allegation without evidence and then demand a rebuttal without knowing minds laughing at you.
For you to believe other people would be influenced by people laughing at them can only mean you are influenced by people laughing at you. Truth goes through three stages; first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and finally it is accepted as self evident. So other people laughing at true things is quite common before the truth is accepted as self evident.
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Make your claim, make your support of evidence for your claim
He already did. See?

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after having their own LUSTS (defending, homosexuality, fornication, adultery...etc), shall they heap upon themselves teachers having itching ears; AND THEY SHALL TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FORM THE TRUTH; AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.........." -- 2 Tim. 4:3-4 :deal:
For you to believe other people would be influenced by people laughing at them can only mean you are influenced by people laughing at you. Truth goes through three stages; first it is ridiculed, then it is violently opposed and finally it is accepted as self evident. So other people laughing at true things is quite common before the truth is accepted as self evident.
Your allegations without evidence is laughable.

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