*Trump To Name VP, On July 4th*

Sorry bout that,

1. But a little birdie told me this, and I for one think its, PURE GENIUS.
2. What better day to name the Vice President, than,...drum roll...JULY 4Th 2024.
3. It will be huge, I expect it to be,,......Great!

And Miss Sycophantuality is....


Oh we're so excited

"will it be me?"
The entire thing will be like the end of The Bachlor. Each of the contestants will give a little speech explaining why he should choose them, and then trump will give the winner a rose. Nobody but trump could think that is a good idea.
And then...Right from his WWE days...

He picks Barron!
I can't believe he has Tulsi on his short list really as radically left as she is on some issues. She is for universal government managed healthcare which he isn't. She is for free college at taxpayer expense which he isn't. She has advocated for cashless bail. She was opposed to most of President Trump's foreign policy. She has a F rating by the NRA on her gun control positions, but has supported some 2A provisions. She is far more government control on many social issues than he is.

I don't see him picking Ramaswamy though I think the young fireball will be offered probably a cabinet position. Donalds isn't well enough known yet I don't think. I'm putting my bets either on DeSantis or Scott at this time. Either would be an excellent pick though I really like J.D. Vance too and wouldn't be disappointed if he gets the nod. Trump has been adamant that whoever is his VP will have the ability and know how to step into the presidency immediately should that be necessary.
I thought he already told Rammy that he wouldn't be the VP pick.
I don't know. I don't have a clue who he has in mind honestly. But I do expect him to make a good choice.
I think he will pick either a woman or a black who is tough with the media and can be a Trump clone when he is no longer in office for whatever reason. I watched Elise Stefanik today on a Sunday news show and they tried getting her and she dished it right back at them.
I think he will pick either a woman or a black who is tough with the media and can be a Trump clone when he is no longer in office for whatever reason. I watched Elise Stefanik today on a Sunday news show and they tried getting her and she dished it right back at them.
My gut leans toward Scott, Vance or DeSantis but you could be right. I think he will choose the person he believes is most ready to be President rather than go with a 'show' VP. Not saying Stafanik would be that but she is still very young.
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Sorry bout that,

1. It will be huge.....
2. He will shock the world, who he picks will support him, 100% every day, twice on Sunday.
3. This person will do down fighting for him, right in his corner.

The short list ain't right. Noem's book fiasco took her out of contention. Vivek isn't a Christian. Tulsi is a liberal. Donalds and Scott are black.

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