Breaking: Ex-Pfizer VP Addresses UK Parliament, Says COVID Vaxes "Intentionally" "Harming" People


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

In 2022 a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and a former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, said there is an unusual pattern in the data from the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which suggests that the newly appreciated deadliness and harmfulness of the COVID vaccines is intentional.

In astonishing recent developments, Dr. Yeadon shocked the UK parliament by charging in a speech to that body that the vaccines were designed deliberately to “harm people.” The speech was promptly censored from the official record. Another speech in December before the German Parliament, which Dr. Yeadon had been invited to address, was also promptly censored. (FULL TRANSCRIPT OF YEADON UK PARLIAMENT SPEECH)

In the US, non-COVID excess deaths since the 2021 COVID vaccine roll-out are about 904,000. Worlwide since the roll-out they are around 20 million.

The official posture of the FDA is to ignore any science which runs contrary to its claim that the shots are safe, and to continue to push the public into taking them. In September 2022 the FDA refused to release anonymized autopsy reports requested through a Freedom of Information Act request, for any and all autopsies obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr. Mike Yeadon’s Address To UK Parliament 4th December 2023 (view at Rumble) (TRANSCRIPT) (RUMBLE BACK-UP)

Soon afterward, in the UK this month, seven UK Ministers of Parliament have demanded data in an Open Letter to the government for vaccines which “will provide definitive insight as to whether or not the covid vaccines are “safe and effective” or not.”

In May 2023 renown pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt made a presentation at the EU Parliament in which showed autopsy findings which led him to conclude that the COVID vaccines were responsible for much of the large number of deaths now being witnessed which are over and above historically normal levels of deaths, commonly referred to as “excess deaths.” In the US and globally for 2021, 2022, and 2023, the number of all-cause deaths over and above normal levels is about 20%, the vast majority not from COVID.


Also Read: Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID


Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.


Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4. 

Pathologist Dr. Arne Burk
In many countries, uncanny correlations can be seen between rates of vaccination, and rates of excess mortality.

Below: Timeline of excess deaths and COVID vaccination rates in various countries. Source (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER IMAGE)

hardt, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. (view at Rumble) (Presentation slides)
The scientists who pushed Covid were agenda scientists
All the real ones since the bums rush panic are not endorsing the shots
Yep, killer shots.

Effective??? effective at killing and harming

As people dropped dead they would not stop the use of all those vaccines. They did temporarily hault the use of only one covid vaccine for just a few days due to all the blood clots.
That's not true John

That is absolutely true, sparky.

Your way would have led to millions and millions more deaths.

Now that we have 97% vaccinated at least once, have been and survived Covid infection, or exposed without incident, our situation is so much better than the utter terror Trump's mistake would have put us in, particularly if he had been re-elected.

In 2022 a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and a former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, said there is an unusual pattern in the data from the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which suggests that the newly appreciated deadliness and harmfulness of the COVID vaccines is intentional.

In astonishing recent developments, Dr. Yeadon shocked the UK parliament by charging in a speech to that body that the vaccines were designed deliberately to “harm people.” The speech was promptly censored from the official record. Another speech in December before the German Parliament, which Dr. Yeadon had been invited to address, was also promptly censored. (FULL TRANSCRIPT OF YEADON UK PARLIAMENT SPEECH)

In the US, non-COVID excess deaths since the 2021 COVID vaccine roll-out are about 904,000. Worlwide since the roll-out they are around 20 million.

The official posture of the FDA is to ignore any science which runs contrary to its claim that the shots are safe, and to continue to push the public into taking them. In September 2022 the FDA refused to release anonymized autopsy reports requested through a Freedom of Information Act request, for any and all autopsies obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr. Mike Yeadon’s Address To UK Parliament 4th December 2023 (view at Rumble) (TRANSCRIPT) (RUMBLE BACK-UP)

Soon afterward, in the UK this month, seven UK Ministers of Parliament have demanded data in an Open Letter to the government for vaccines which “will provide definitive insight as to whether or not the covid vaccines are “safe and effective” or not.”

In May 2023 renown pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt made a presentation at the EU Parliament in which showed autopsy findings which led him to conclude that the COVID vaccines were responsible for much of the large number of deaths now being witnessed which are over and above historically normal levels of deaths, commonly referred to as “excess deaths.” In the US and globally for 2021, 2022, and 2023, the number of all-cause deaths over and above normal levels is about 20%, the vast majority not from COVID.


Also Read: Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID


Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.


Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4. 

Pathologist Dr. Arne Burk

In many countries, uncanny correlations can be seen between rates of vaccination, and rates of excess mortality.

Below: Timeline of excess deaths and COVID vaccination rates in various countries. Source (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER IMAGE)

hardt, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. (view at Rumble) (Presentation slides)

So what? crazy people say crazy things.
Yep, killer shots.

Effective??? effective at killing and harming

As people dropped dead they would not stop the use of all those vaccines. They did temporarily hault the use of only one covid vaccine for just a few days due to all the blood clots.

Where are deaths from the vaccines? Where are the bodies? I don't know of any who even got SICK from the vaccines much less died.

In the USA, red states with fewer vaccinated patients had double the rate of death than blue states with high vaccination rates.

Continue to believe the lies.

In 2022 a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and a former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, said there is an unusual pattern in the data from the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which suggests that the newly appreciated deadliness and harmfulness of the COVID vaccines is intentional.

In astonishing recent developments, Dr. Yeadon shocked the UK parliament by charging in a speech to that body that the vaccines were designed deliberately to “harm people.” The speech was promptly censored from the official record. Another speech in December before the German Parliament, which Dr. Yeadon had been invited to address, was also promptly censored. (FULL TRANSCRIPT OF YEADON UK PARLIAMENT SPEECH)

In the US, non-COVID excess deaths since the 2021 COVID vaccine roll-out are about 904,000. Worlwide since the roll-out they are around 20 million.

The official posture of the FDA is to ignore any science which runs contrary to its claim that the shots are safe, and to continue to push the public into taking them. In September 2022 the FDA refused to release anonymized autopsy reports requested through a Freedom of Information Act request, for any and all autopsies obtained by the FDA concerning any deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System following COVID-19 vaccination.

Dr. Mike Yeadon’s Address To UK Parliament 4th December 2023 (view at Rumble) (TRANSCRIPT) (RUMBLE BACK-UP)

Soon afterward, in the UK this month, seven UK Ministers of Parliament have demanded data in an Open Letter to the government for vaccines which “will provide definitive insight as to whether or not the covid vaccines are “safe and effective” or not.”

In May 2023 renown pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt made a presentation at the EU Parliament in which showed autopsy findings which led him to conclude that the COVID vaccines were responsible for much of the large number of deaths now being witnessed which are over and above historically normal levels of deaths, commonly referred to as “excess deaths.” In the US and globally for 2021, 2022, and 2023, the number of all-cause deaths over and above normal levels is about 20%, the vast majority not from COVID.


Also Read: Prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Says COVID Vaccines Are 20 Times More Dangerous Than COVID


Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.


Data sources for above charts 1, 2, 3,4. 

Pathologist Dr. Arne Burk

In many countries, uncanny correlations can be seen between rates of vaccination, and rates of excess mortality.

Below: Timeline of excess deaths and COVID vaccination rates in various countries. Source (CLICK ON IMAGE FOR LARGER IMAGE)

hardt, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. (view at Rumble) (Presentation slides)

Everyone attacks the Trump vaccine.

When will Congress hold him accountable?

Also, the graphs are pretty dumb. Most likely the increase in vaccination was during increases in COVID cases which of course would translate into more deaths.

The graphs don't positively establish the correlation as presented in the post.

But other then that your Gish gallop, that would make anyone named Vlad proud, will hopefully light a fire under congress's ass and they can question Trump about his vaccine.
Where are deaths from the vaccines? Where are the bodies? I don't know of any who even got SICK from the vaccines much less died.

In the USA, red states with fewer vaccinated patients had double the rate of death than blue states with high vaccination rates.

Continue to believe the lies.
It's all hot air anyhow.

They won't hold Trump accountable.
That's not true John

He was also 100% Cognitively Rigid throughout the many Ukraine threads where his only contributions were misinformation and Fake News .
There is something seriously ill about someone who will not check back on his sources and has neither the background or knowledge to counter hard evidence .
People like him are very dangerous because unwittingly perhaps they are anti their own species and intellectually criminally negligent .
People like him are very dangerous because unwittingly perhaps they are anti their own species and intellectually criminally negligent .
You're aware big pharma has record suits , both civil & criminal ......

Assuming we were in the board room discussing all the recent findings surfacing , knowing heavy swells are ahead, it's obvious just what avenue the conversation would go...

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