Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

How would someone go about booting 20mm people from the US? How do you find and apprehend them?
Require local law enforcement to notify INS/ICE when they come across people they suspect are here illegally. That would largely solve the finding them problem.
Yes, I think his characteristically shallow "dictator for a day" comment was not literal in that moment, and that the Left has overplayed it.

And, of course, that comment has nothing to do with either my post or my opinion, or this thread. To no surprise.

You were trolled, you bleeved it, and now you are back peddling. That is all there is too it.

Mostly b/c you bleev everything in the establishment media w/o question.

You don't question MSM, ever, any more than you question anything coming from the government. You are a sap.

This is why you actually believe every horrid thing "they," tell you about Trump.

It is why most members don't take you seriously.

. . . I'm just the reverse. I'm probably a bit TOO skeptical.

However, in late stage capitalism, where everyone is getting fucked ALL the time by government, corporations, foundations, and every organized interest, and nothing seems to be real anymore with AI and cyber hackers . . . meh, it is probably better to be too paranoid, than be a dupe.
Given that there are nine hours of interview transcripts it’s more likely that you just accepted Trump’s word for it and you don’t have the first clue as to what the interview actually said.
Nope. There is only 83 minutes worth. I read them all last night. The interviewer admitted that he and Trump disagreed with his characterization of them, but Trump thanked him for doing them. Didn't you watch the C-Span interview of him that I posted?

I was at first skeptical they were even real. :lol:

Then I saw the interview, it made me realize, they are genuine, so a read them all.


Here is the link to the link and the interview.

I watched the C-Span interview with Eric Cortellessa last night, and read his interview with Trump, all of them. Did I bother to read his article? Nope, I don't care about his spin or his opinions on the matter, NOT ONE BIT.
Trump tried building concentration camps last time he was in office. Concentration camps are only necessary and in authoritarian dictatorships.
This is complete bullshit and a lie.

Obama had already built those holding facilities.

Damn you are stupid. They went over that in the interview.
That's a fair question. "So no one is apprehended?" I'm not qualified to answer that part of your question. "Just wide open?" This question and the one preceding it are linked. I'll stick to the fundamental issue: If there are immigration laws then it is my opinion they should be observed and obeyed. So, maybe it is better that you give me the answers to your questions. Then we can see if it applies to what I believe or not.
By apprehending them and processing them accordingly, the laws are being upheld. No?

Perhaps you citing examples of laws not being upheld would better clarify your thinking.
It appears they're going to largely ignore this interview (which he has not denied in any way, which is usually his first reaction) just like they're largely ignoring the indictments against him, just like they largely ignore the importance of the Insurrection.

It's their world vs. the rest of the world. This is a cult, and that's how I approach it now.
Yeah, they are going to ignore this interview, and it seems you are going to too.

Trump never built any holding facilities. Even Eric confirmed when Trump said Obama built those, he agreed.

You are as dumb as Dragon Lady.
You are wasting your time arguing with anti-abortion zealots

Merely point out that they are doing.

And having the government track pregnancies is like something out of Handmaid’s Tale
Blessed be the fruit.
You missed the part where he said he was going to use the Comstock Act to stop abortion pills and contraceptives from being distributed by mail. No new legislation needed to screw you over - just use the existing laws.

Or that he won't accept the election results if he loses.
He didn't say either of those things.

Quote them if you think he did. :rolleyes:
It baffles me, as to why Trump would grant an interview with such hostile media . . . truly.

. . . details about the why, how, when reveled in this interview. . .. (I can't find an embedded version, so you will have to go to C-SPAN's site to watch.)

Oh. . . but I DID finally get my answer in that interview. Why did Trump grant TIME MAGAZINE that interview?

Ego, that is all it was.

Since Trump was a young man, he has always loved Time magazine , sort of like McDonald's. To him, it is a status thing, to get one's picture on the cover of Time. Even though he knows it is left wing propaganda. . it's like, he can't help himself.

He LERVES ♥️ himself, getting on the cover of TIME. :auiqs.jpg:

". . Trump has already appeared on Time's cover on numerous occasions this year, including two covers published before the election that featured a cartoon illustration of his melting face titled "Meltdown" and "Total meltdown."

Trump criticized the magazine last year when it picked Merkel, who he called the "person who is ruining Germany."

Trump, who had been a finalist, tweeted the magazine "would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite."

Trump on Wednesday, however, called the magazine "important."

"It means a lot, especially me growing up reading Time magazine, and you know, it's a very important magazine, and I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year," he said on NBC.. . . "

Trump named Time Person of the Year​

December 7, 2016: 9:25 AM ET

Basically, this time, it was a cultural "Quid Pro Quo."
Require local law enforcement to notify INS/ICE when they come across people they suspect are here illegally. That would largely solve the finding them problem.
How would that occur, short of arrest? They do not have PC to just stop people. When someone is arrested, that would potentially trigger review.
You have bolstered the OP

Thank you
Nope. These students can't prevent others from attending classes, nor can they threaten others if they want to do so. If it was the right thing for a different president to federalize the NG at his whim, for justice to protect minorities? Then it would be the right thing for Trump to do it as well.

I haven't bolstered the OP, I have only bolstered American values you commie piece of shit.


"The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door took place at Foster Auditorium at the University of Alabama on June 11, 1963. George Wallace, the Governor of Alabama, in a symbolic attempt to keep his inaugural promise of "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" and stop the desegregation of schools, stood at the door of the auditorium as if to block the entry of two African American students: Vivian Malone and James Hood.[1]

In response, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11111, which federalized the Alabama National Guard, and Guard General Henry V. Graham then commanded Wallace to step aside.[2] Wallace spoke further, but eventually moved, and Malone and Hood completed their registration. The incident brought Wallace into the national spotlight.[3]. . . "

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