Time Interview With Trump: Chilling

You are wasting your time arguing with anti-abortion zealots

Merely point out that they are doing.

And having the government track pregnancies is like something out of Handmaid’s Tale
There's the whole murder issue.
If you believe abortion is murder, then there is NO WAY you can possibly support ANY conditions on abortion.

Conditions like:

Not Viable fetus
personal choice
The imminent Health of the Mother.

You people that think abortion is MURDER, need to stick to that and support the stance of NO ABORTIONS, no matter what the reason.

Is that your stance? Couchpotato BackAgain Toddsterpatriot

Let's hear your SPIN on...... "I support SOME abortions"
If you believe abortion is murder, then there is NO WAY you can possibly support ANY conditions on abortion.

Conditions like:

Not Viable fetus
personal choice
The imminent Health of the Mother.

You people that think abortion is MURDER, need to stick to that and support the stance of NO ABORTIONS, no matter what the reason.

Is that your stance? Couchpotato BackAgain Toddsterpatriot

Let's hear your SPIN on...... "I support SOME abortions"
I don’t recall claiming that abortion is murder.

Plus, of course, you’re wrong anyway.

Just as there are legal exceptions which authorize the taking of human life, there can also be exceptions when those rules are applied to preborn humans.

Finally, although I do believe that a human zygote or fetus is a preborn human life, and thus I generally oppose abortion on demand, I have very clearly stated here several times that my own position is more nuanced. My views please nobody on this topic:

If a woman is raped or if a younger girl is impregnated or a woman who would have her health or very life jeopardized by a pregnancy (among other examples), I cannot agree with the view that abortions must nevertheless be prohibited.

So, take your childish “lol” crap and stick it up your ass. 👍
I don’t recall claiming that abortion is murder.

Plus, of course, you’re wrong anyway.

Just as there are legal exceptions which authorize the taking of human life, there can also be exceptions when those rules are applied to preborn humans.

Finally, although I do believe that a human zygote or fetus is a preborn human life, and thus I generally oppose abortion on demand, I have very clearly stated here several times that my own position is more nuanced. My views please nobody on this topic:

If a woman is raped or if a younger girl is impregnated or a woman who would have her health or very life jeopardized by a pregnancy (among other examples), I cannot agree with the view that abortions must nevertheless be prohibited.

So, take your childish “lol” crap and stick it up your ass. 👍
Proving again you are not capable of discourse without insults.

Where to start.

Monitoring women’s pregnancies to ensure they don’t get abortion

Deportation of 11 million people complete with “camps”

NG to be used at His discretion

Doing away with pandemic response team (again)

Firing Federal attorneys that refuse to prosecute based on his whims and preferences

And much more

That man can NOT get his hands on the wheel again

Did you wet your Depends?
If you believe abortion is murder, then there is NO WAY you can possibly support ANY conditions on abortion.

Conditions like:

Not Viable fetus
personal choice
The imminent Health of the Mother.

You people that think abortion is MURDER, need to stick to that and support the stance of NO ABORTIONS, no matter what the reason.

Is that your stance? Couchpotato BackAgain Toddsterpatriot

Let's hear your SPIN on...... "I support SOME abortions"

I dont support abortion in any form. All the things you listed are terrible but I fail to see how killing another innocent human makes them better. If someone comes up and punches me in the face can I hit you with a baseball bat?

I'll ask you at what point does the being inside a woman get their rights? When does it become "human" and thus have intrinsic value?
No one is desperate except the right who believe there is an invasion underway. :uhoh3:

You admit that we need the workers. Great.
Why send them away only to need them again over nothing more than the misdemeanor offense of being in this country without proper authorization?
That sounds absolutely ridiculous.
The better, cheaper and more efficient play would be to identify the best candidates and grant them green cards. A guaranteed pathway to citizenship need not be granted immediately but only earned in time.

The left has been pushing this idea for decades. Only to be rejected by the right every time.
We do not need the invaders. There is no work for them to do. The employers hiring these criminals are the criminal cartels.
I dont support abortion in any form. All the things you listed are terrible but I fail to see how killing another innocent human makes them better. If someone comes up and punches me in the face can I hit you with a baseball bat?

I'll ask you at what point does the being inside a woman get their rights? When does it become "human" and thus have intrinsic value?
I've stated my view many times.

You want to hear them again and accept what I have as MY view?
Or do you just want to search?

I support abortion under certain conditions. ^^^^
You just stated you think abortion is MURDER in ALL conditions, did I get that correct?

There's the whole murder issue.

I dont support abortion in any form.
I've stated my view many times.

You want to hear them again and accept what I have as MY view?
Or do you just want to search?
Sure. Copy and paste an old post is fine. Easier for you to find one of your old posts than me I think.
I support abortion under certain conditions. ^^^^
You just stated you think abortion is MURDER in ALL conditions, did I get that correct?
If abortion is killing a human life in one instance it's killing a human life in all instances. I don't see how the pregnant woman having been raped changes that or how killing the human life inside her makes the fact that she was raped any better.

The life of the mother issue is obviously tougher. At that point you are having to choose between one life or another. I dont have GOOD answer for those scenarios I dont know that there is a GOOD answer. That reality is though an exceedingly small percentage of abortions are performed for this reason. Less than 1% I believe (though I could be wrong on that figure). If we can all agree that abortions are wrong and should be banned except for those rare instances we can then have a discussion about that and how we address it.

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