The ignorant masses

Perfect analogy of dems at the end of this clip…


No secret to it.

Trump is garbage and his supporters act like garbage. I mean...the latest by no means the only time you guys have done this is when Kristi Noem murders her dog. You could act like a rational human being and be appalled by this barbaric act of violence...but no; you go out of your way to justify murdering a 14 month old dog. Nobody forces you to act like do that on your own.

It's bizarre but it is the truth.
Someone is going to vote. You are political by omission or commission.
None of the above counts. Trust in democracy. To do something or other. While maintaining your right to bitch about whatever that something may be.

Me? When no one seems to be espousing things according to my wishes. Which is most of the time. I'll vote independent / female / POC before lowering myself to Dem / Rep. Write in works.

Voting for President Biden is perfectly logical.

‘Both sides’ are not ‘the same.’

Voting for Trump is ignorant madness; voting for President Biden is not – particularly to keep the likes of Trump out of the WH.

If someone like Haley were the GOP presidential nominee, voting for either Haley or President Biden would be appropriate and warranted – voting for Trump is not.
you just did what he says dipshits like you do....good going fucking hypocrite....

Voting for President Biden is perfectly logical.

‘Both sides’ are not ‘the same.’

Voting for Trump is ignorant madness; voting for President Biden is not – particularly to keep the likes of Trump out of the WH.

If someone like Haley were the GOP presidential nominee, voting for either Haley or President Biden would be appropriate and warranted – voting for Trump is not.

Plenty of Democrats have no idea how they've been manipulated either. Both sides point to the other side and say the other side has been manipulated.

A lot of left wing people will jump on the "Hamas is good" bandwagon, for example. We can see this with the university protests.

I've been on forums like this where the vast majority of people were quite left wing. And it was impossible to have a proper discussion, it was the same insults and bad debate that you often get on here when I talk to right wingers.

Biden isn't particularly a logical choice. For me he's not Trump. That's about it.

I wouldn't trust Biden as far I could throw him.
Nailed it.

I voted for Trump in 2016, and was generally pleased with the job he did. I'll be voting for him again this time around, but ONLY as an Anti-Biden vote - not because I think Trump is going to actually be able to get anything accomplished. The swamp won't work with him, this has been proven already. The forces that want to destroy our system are too strong and too ingrained by now in almost all of our institutions. A Trump vote really isn't going to matter in the long run.

"The swamp"... Trump used the phrase. And then what? Did he do anything to get rid of what he calls "the swamp"? Nope.

He could have called for a change in the electoral system. He didn't. He doesn't know anything. He's probably never heard of Proportional Representation, just like the vast majority of people in the US.

Why? Because nobody told them to be interested in it, so they're not. Because they don't understand things unless people tell them to.

A vote for Trump might destroy the US. A vote not for Trump might also destroy the US, because, quite frankly in the US, the country is pushing towards civil war, and Trump is a dangerous player in this. Not the most dangerous, Trump is a product of the Koch brothers and their attempts at spending billions of dollars to get what they wanted. They have something closer to what they want, a place where the rich can take whatever they want, and control politics, but they can't control the juggernaut of social media and the other people (the Chinese and Russians being two of potentially many) people manipulating the hell out of people.

The forces that want to destroy our system.... the system needs to change, it'll destroy itself because it's not fit for the 21st century, for social media, for foreign interference like nobody's ever seen.

And the system is incapable of even identifying the problems. It doesn't care. It's just loads of people trying to enrich themselves.
Most people who vote are ignorant of politics. They have "opinions" but these "opinions" are usually not from this person's own thought process, but just someone else telling them what to think.

I think there are plenty of examples of this on this board. We'll see as we get closer to the election in November how the two sides will continually manipulate and people will say silly things that make no sense.

But here's an example from the current political climate with the Israel/Palestine issue.

It often amazes me that people support either side, when most have no real reason to do so. The narratives coming out of both Israel and Hamas are strong, sweeping the western world, at the very least. China and Russia seem to just use the issue to provoke the west into having internal conflicts about external matters and it seems to work. Their own people don't seem to give a damn.

This guy, says he won't watch Eurovision, which in itself is trash, but he won't watch it because Israel, being in Asia, is in Europe for most things, like Soccer and for the Eurovision, because too many Muslim countries want to wipe Israel off the map.

The dude says "Lefties are boycotting this weekend’s Eurovision Song Contest, and so am I – though for subtly different reasons. The protesters are turning off because they say it elevates Israel, giving primetime to the “racist” state, even as it commits “genocide” in Gaza. I just think the whole show is pants."

But here's a gay Palestinian talking about Hamas

"'If you are gay, you should be hiding. It’s so hard. I was so scared. Scared from everything you know?'"

It's amazing how ignorant people are. Every day it amazes me. I know it's there, I know it happens. That almost everyone in the US will be voting for either Trump or Biden just goes beyond logic, beyond belief. If aliens landed on our planet and saw this, they'd probably just ask for Earth to be wiped out as being totally unsaveable.
Totally amazing how stupid and naive those on the left are.
Bullshit. Our voting base is filled to the brim with fucking idiots. You know that, but you act like it isnt true?

It certainly doesn't describe the people with whom I associate. The way I see it, one's view of the masses is dependent on either one's belief in the picture the media paints or what they witness for themselves. Personally, I favor the latter.
It certainly doesn't describe the people with whom I associate. The way I see it, one's view of the masses is dependent on either one's belief in the picture the media paints or what they witness for themselves. Personally, I favor the latter.
Me too. Election results. They, by a super majority, are complete and utter dummies.
You're view that if things don't go your way it's because people aren't as wise as you seems rather similar to Trump's "They cheated" cries.
No, its nothing like that. You think smart people would vote for biden or trump? AOC? McConnel? Hank Johnson?
The answer is no. No, they wouldnt.
imo it's pretty safe to believe that anyone who wastes time posing on a message board about politics is not .... stupid. Nor disinterested. And Trump's not the first to go with alternative facts, e.g. W and Iraq.

Voting for President Biden is perfectly logical.

No, it's not, considering he'll likely not serve out a second term at his age and his VP is grossly incompetent.

‘Both sides’ are not ‘the same.’

You're more similar than you are different.

Voting for Trump is ignorant madness

I agree, so it's a good thing we have a third choice in Kennedy.

If someone like Haley were the GOP presidential nominee, voting for either Haley or President Biden would be appropriate and warranted

Cult 45 isn't interested in winning. They have Stockholm Syndrome and serve only at the altar of one man, their Lord and Savior Donald Trump.
Most people who vote are ignorant of politics. They have "opinions" but these "opinions" are usually not from this person's own thought process, but just someone else telling them what to think.

I think there are plenty of examples of this on this board. We'll see as we get closer to the election in November how the two sides will continually manipulate and people will say silly things that make no sense.

But here's an example from the current political climate with the Israel/Palestine issue.

It often amazes me that people support either side, when most have no real reason to do so. The narratives coming out of both Israel and Hamas are strong, sweeping the western world, at the very least. China and Russia seem to just use the issue to provoke the west into having internal conflicts about external matters and it seems to work. Their own people don't seem to give a damn.

This guy, says he won't watch Eurovision, which in itself is trash, but he won't watch it because Israel, being in Asia, is in Europe for most things, like Soccer and for the Eurovision, because too many Muslim countries want to wipe Israel off the map.

The dude says "Lefties are boycotting this weekend’s Eurovision Song Contest, and so am I – though for subtly different reasons. The protesters are turning off because they say it elevates Israel, giving primetime to the “racist” state, even as it commits “genocide” in Gaza. I just think the whole show is pants."

But here's a gay Palestinian talking about Hamas

"'If you are gay, you should be hiding. It’s so hard. I was so scared. Scared from everything you know?'"

It's amazing how ignorant people are. Every day it amazes me. I know it's there, I know it happens. That almost everyone in the US will be voting for either Trump or Biden just goes beyond logic, beyond belief. If aliens landed on our planet and saw this, they'd probably just ask for Earth to be wiped out as being totally unsaveable.
Im not watching Eurovision this time. I did not know there was an organised boycott. I just couldnt face watching it while kids are being murdered.
Its a shame because its one of the few communal events we still have.

But I agree about the level of political debate. It generally boils down to a few buzz words very quixkly. I think that a large part of that is that the media rarely asks the right questions or is well enough briefed to ask the right questions.

Media management also plays a part in this. Soft questions from cheerleaders is not scrutiny. In the last election Johnson dodged the tough questions and hid in a fridge. That isnt good enough.

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